Great shots all. Saving my pennies to trade in my 521 on a 1020. Keep em coming.
Luckily for you, AT&T recently made it 10,000 pennies cheaper. Almost wish I had waited a month, lol.
Hey there you lucky 1020 owners, I have a request.
Could someone be nice enough to make some comparisons pics from both the procam and the smart cam app? Ideally, same subject, same conditions, one picture with procam on auto mode, then the same through smartcam.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks very much, fellow Nokian: greatly apreciated.Just now at my desk at work.
LUMIA 1020 PRO CAM by amanda_moore, on Flickr
LUMIA 1020 SMART CAM by amanda_moore, on Flickr
will do more during/after lunch