Pictures / Video taken with your 1020

I think I saw someone post a lighter pic like this in this thread and thought "I wanna try that!" :)

4 sec exposure...

got my tripod and here small video of my lumia 1020 tripod can be mounted with any smartphone

I'm back with a couple of shots taken with my yellow monster :>
Here are some from my short mountain trip:
And now a shot that i'm really proud of... Bear in mind that it was just after the sunset, so there wasn't so much light available. Yet 1020 was able to froze my friend just in place, even his wheels (and he was going quite fast to get some air). One of my best shots with 1020.

I can't show You all of my photos as some are eddited and exceed the forum limit. Hope You enjoy them :)
I'm back with a couple of shots taken with my yellow monster :>
Here are some from my short mountain trip:
View attachment 47606
View attachment 47607
And now a shot that i'm really proud of... Bear in mind that it was just after the sunset, so there wasn't so much light available. Yet 1020 was able to froze my friend just in place, even his wheels (and he was going quite fast to get some air). One of my best shots with 1020.
View attachment 47608

I can't show You all of my photos as some are eddited and exceed the forum limit. Hope You enjoy them :)

Superb! Thanks for sharing.
The second one ! The shutter was open for a second or two ( can't remember from memory ) and the lightening was quite frequent

Someone on another forum I visit was saying that the lightning in Hampshire last night was multi-coloured. Don't suppose you saw anything like that?
Since the dawn of time, man has looked up at wonder at the round mass that sits above our earth. Scientists have often debated how the moon came into existence with the accepted theory being that the formation of earth's satellite was the result of huge impact on earth billions of years ago. It is however, a little known fact that the moon was invented on April 1st 1976 by Apple Inc. It was designed as a marketing tool for the company and was seen as the most ingenious and ambitious piece of advertising ever attempted. It all went well until the Apple geniuses realised they put the Apple logo on the wrong side of the moon so it would never be seen by it's intending audience. Some people have theorized that this is the reason why mankind has not come into contact with other intelligent lifeforms from elsewhere in the universe. They take one look at the Apple logo on the moon and conclude that we're beyond help.

True April fools' story.

As some of you may know I have tried to capture some decent shots of the moon with my 1020 but have failed miserably.

However, after much research into how to improve my results, I came across one of the most freak occurrences known in nature.

Ladies and gentleman, I give you......


Not just any moon I might add. This was a daytime moon. I mean, how rare is that?!? I was always led to believe that the sun owns the sky during the day and the moon ruled the night sky :wink:

Don't thank me, thank Apple :orly:
How did you manage to capture the lightning? Was it by luck or did you stand there taking loads of shots?

I wouldn't say multi coloured but it was certainly a lovely purple/indigo colour. Was one of the nicest nights I have ever seen. Still, not windy or cold. Was great

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