Pictures / Video taken with your 1020

why my at&t l.umia 1020 can not play hd video online
sory we can not play this file on yur phone
window cyan 8.1 on running my lumia 1020
pls any body help me
The Nokia 808 PureView Vs the Nokia Lumia 1020:
Two photos from roughly the same location. I didn't have the 808 photo to hand when I took the 1020 photo so I had to do it from memory and luck probably played a huge part too. Anyway, not a bad effort if I do say so myself!!

Granted it's not an entirely fair test. The photos were taken just over 2 years apart on the different devices. Thankfully, the conditions were fairly similar.

So, which do you think is the best photo?
They don't have the same Focus, so it's hard to compare. I like the first Photo (form the 808?) more.

Well done, the first one is indeed the 808. The saturation levels on the 1020 are a bit of a give away.

I like both photos are the naturalness of the 808 edges it for me too.
Just 2 from today :)


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