Pictures / Video taken with your 925

lce123, what program did you use to edit the video, and what compression format did you use? Was the video shot in 1080p? Just wondering because the difference between your video and Prodigy's are striking.

Mine was a little rushed
I shot it in 1080p and used Sony Vegas Pro 11 to edit it, however I believe when I rendered it I might have had interlace on

Why you says his come out better?
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Well got the Nokia lumia 925. Love it over my 800. However not sure on camera yes it takes good pics if everyone is still or if light level is ok. Flash lights up the target but you don't see background and little bit of movement blurs pics when trying to take pic of my son. I'll post pics later off my photo bucket account.

Any tips or hints greatly appreciated..


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

Edited with photos. Pics are all on auto apart from one.

First my son playing with fathers day

I would recommend using smart cam app that comes with the phone when shooting babies and kids. They move to much and the action shot mode will work perfect for you. It will take multiple shots and allow to pick the one without any or less blur while still grabbing that great pic in movement. Let me know if that helps.
Going to the Royal International Air Show in swindon tomorrow so will get some cool 925 snaps of decent planes x
Wow, very nice photos! Absolutely love that first one. The sharpness, colors, composition, everything is just perfect. Did you use the native camera app for that one? And did you post-process it at all?
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot !
I might disappoint you but all the shots I posted here were in Auto mode in the native camera app, without any post-processing whatsoever.

I guess the conditions were ideal and that the 925's camera is really good. =)
Took these this morning just to test the camera out. I know nothing about photography, so its literally the default camera settings and camera app. Being able to see water droplets on a leaf was pretty cool though.

Here's one I took using an app called ProShot. Not sure why, but its not the full file size I expected. I need to explore the app a bit more (might be because I zoomed in, actually.)

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