Pictures / Video taken with your 925

Here's one of the first pics I was able to take with my 925. It was night and raining, so I tried getting a couple pics because here in AZ rain is a treat. I was playing with the settings and I think this is night portrait mode. I'm don't take very many, or very good pics,but for only having the phone a couple hours, this wasn't bad. I'm still learning the settings, but I was amazed that it caught the rain splashing on the pavement and some good detail in the tree.



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I am still not satisfied with the results the 925 is showing. We still see that ugly **** in the corners (have no idea what to call it) and the colours look really blend.
OK guys,

So I said I would upload some snaps of the Royal International Air Show I went to the day before yesterday. Left the old dslr at home and took just the 925.

Here are the results, just some VERY casual shooting. I haven't touched/edited the photos in any way - not even cropping.

Just thought might be useful for anyone who doesn't have a 925 yet so you can see what kind of raw results you can expect from basic day to day shots (i.e. no snazzy sunset macros or arty pics).

The weather was very odd that day - one moment downcast the next very sunny hence the differences (it wasn't my dodgy exposure skills) :). All in all I found the 925 shots to be a little soft, but certainly not bad.

Just like the 920, the 925 is amazing in low light (none of those here unfortunately), and I would say 'good to very good' in daylight captures like these ones:

Flickr: paddylaz's Photostream
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Here are some photos i have taken. I am learning to get the best photos and these are just some night shots and day shots.

Lumia 925 - a set on Flickr

If you want best quality out of night shots, use ISO 400@ max. ISO 200 should give best results. Of course those doesn't come up so bright but IQ is much better. If there is moving objects and you don't want them to appear blurry you shold use !SO 800 or higher.
I took this photo tonight on my 925 from the footpath leading along the motorway near where I live.

Lumia 925_20130725_010.jpg
Here a few of mine. You guys can checkout my Photostream on Flickr for more. Flickr: emanon2121's Photostream





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Here is some of the footage I got from the Sound Island festival

Recorded on my Nokia Lumia 925 in 1080p

Watch in HD :)
Thanks Ricbon :-)
Actually in the narrow street shot you can see it's a phone because of the more limited dynamic range. But a whole lot better than, say iPhone 5. Especially since you can adjust EV+- to compensate.
Could someone please give some info on shutter speeds? What does it actually do and when is it best to change it? Thanks
Alvis, not sure what it is that you are looking for exactly. If you just google "shutter speeds" there are masses of good tutorials on the net (?)

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