Loving the pics. So much better than the 520 and 635s that I upgraded to a 640 from. Seeing everyone else post theirs, I decided to take a few pics this evening and share.
A random leaf on a vine. Background is supposed to be blurry.
That's right! It's the one... the only... Tigger!
Can you guess this one?
Yeah, well, this is my 2 year old girl trying to look at my camera lens through an empty paper towel cardboard tube. The flash went off when I took the picture. Funny. I think I'll keep it.
After the sun went down. It's already dark outside, and I couldn't see to get it in focus, but must have done okay. Not too bad. 4 second exposure, holding my breath and holding the phone in my hand. I must say I'm impressed. The street light down the street made an interesting reflection off the hood of the car. Not exactly a great framed picture here, just experimenting with exposure time. No filters, no special settings, just a manual 4 second shutter speed. Looks like a daylight shot, but it's a night shot. Believe me, I couldn't even see the red car, and this 640 even picked up the color. I braced my hand against a post to steady it.