Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

View from my workplace...
Settings (using Lumia Camera 4): ISO 100 Exposure time: 1/6s BW Auto E/V 0


Another, using Lumia Camera 5, all settings in Auto, Rich capture ON:

re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Saw this little fella while waiting for my daughter to arrive on the school bus.

The people I was waiting with had iPhones and they were absolutely amazed at how well the picture turned out. Especially since I had to get the phone REALLY close without it jumping on me.

If anyone wants to know what kind of spider it is, it is a Squash Spider. I call it that because moments after I took the picture, I took a very large rock, put it on top of the spider, and began stomping it.

Seriously, though, if anyone knows what kind of spider it is, I'd love to identify it.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

No editing and this was with stock settings. I will have to check out the link that OP posted.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

New rose blooming early this morning. Got a shot of it with my 640 while the dew was still wet on the rose. The detail in the moisture is pretty amazing to me for an 8MP phone camera. Best viewed full size.

Also, on the way home this evening, just had to pull over for a moment for this quick shot of a sunset.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Some bed and breakfast decor! Quack quack. I think the first two were just taken with automatic settings. I used manual focus for the last one.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Seen Trump last night and happened to snap a pic with my 640. Not award winning photography but I'd say he camera works pretty well.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

I can't believe we still have roses blooming so late in the year

I snapped this one in a light drizzle rain, being careful to keep the phone dry. Made the shot one-handed, made difficult by the absence of a camera button. It's hard to tap the screen and not drop a 640 in the rain, but I needed the other hand to hold the rose steady in the whipping wind. It wouldn't stay still long enough to get a focus on it. ;)
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

I was inspired by seeing the macro picture of the water droplets on a leaf taken with a 950XL (see article here) and decided to give something similar a try with the Lumia 640.

Now, there is NO way that it can be matched, because, let's face it, the 640 is a much inferior camera to the 950XL, not to mention as far as macro shots go, you just can't get as close with the 640.

However, We've had some rain, and I took a few pics with my 640 outside in the drizzle again, trying to capture as best I could a shot that would show a leaf and water droplets, and some decent detail. It took me 4 tries to get the proper shot, because every time I was ready to take a shot, a gust of wind would come along and blow the leaf out of the viewing area. Grr. Patience is key in getting a good shot, as always.

The first one I'm posting is the "crop."

The second is the original image. The only editing done was on the crop to crop the size.

You can see from the original image that you just can't get as close to the leaf with a 640 as you can with a 950XL. Still, not a bad bit of detail that shows what a 640 can actually do.

For a phone that I bought for $80 new without a contract, I am quite impressed with how well they turned out.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

One more from earlier in the day before it started getting dark. You've got to zoom in 100% on the pic to see the veins in the leaf, but the detail is pretty decent for 8MP.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Cool.. I did some similar "water droplets on leaves" pics a while back when I had my 1020. I'll have to see if I can find them and compare them to the new 950 macro sample...
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Manual focus; everything else on auto.

re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Oh, it was very much alive and crawling around! I believe it's a type of stink bug.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

I've been having issues with Yellow Jacket wasps lately, and I finally found an ally in my battle.

Used Rich capture, all other settings on Auto. No after editing at all.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

This guy came barging in my front door this morning. I didn't let him live. He came in uninvited, so I killed him right away. Remember that if you ever think you're going to barge in when I open the front door and not be invited.

Can anyone positively identify this pest? It's not a Yellow Jacket, as I've already killed quite a few of those, and it's got a different body shape and different markings.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

More pics hoping someone can help to identify.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Well, some of the best shots from the Lumia so far, had good impressions of the photos from the past few weeks.




Third photo is sideways... don't know how to fix that...
These photos were not edited by any software or apps, these were taken fresh from the camera.

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