I must be blind, or ignorant, or both. I look at these pictures and then some of the 950xl pictures posted, and for the most part, they look about the same. Not trying to start a war, but it seems just about anything takes pretty good pictures these days if the photographer is worth a dang.
Well... People are "putting their best foot forward" when they post pics here.
Certain situations will leave this camera behind the curve. I get more "throwaways" on 640 than 1520.
Come on, RumoredNow, you call that Rich Capture?Rich Capture time.
Can the 640 do better than this, or am I going to have to go with something else for my daily usage?
I love Irfanview!This is the original straight from the phone:
View attachment 123014
After cropping and applying a bit of gamma correction in irfanview to make it 'pop' a bit more
View attachment 123015