Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

@rhapdog: Some of the pictures you have taken are so wallpaper worthy (to me, I am impressed if a picture looks like it can be a wallpaper that you download)! Wow.
I recently got an LG G3 to play around with Android and It cracks me up how the Camera on my 640 takes much better pictures. A Budget phone vs a former flagship. Just shows you how good Microsoft is with cameras and why I stick with the platform.
@rhapdog: Some of the pictures you have taken are so wallpaper worthy (to me, I am impressed if a picture looks like it can be a wallpaper that you download)! Wow.

Thanks. That's what I was aiming for. You have my permission (as does anyone else) to use these for wallpaper/lockscreen purposes. Just don't post them somewhere else and claim them as your own, and don't sell them.

Here are a few more that I took later in the morning.
WP_20160412_18_59_26_Rich (3).jpg
Yeah, especially if you've ever stepped on one. Ouch. The entire thing is only about an inch across, but step on it, and it's a bugger to get out of a bare foot.
I've got a Sweet Gum in my back yard.. Beautiful tree, but I HATE those stupid gumballs!! There more of a slipping hazard than a puncture hazard.. But only because I know better than to go back there in bare feet. :D
Thanks :) I have a problem with taking macro shots of plants. It's about all I do these days, haha.
I know the feeling. My wife has a rose bush that she never gets a chance to look at due to working longer hours lately. I take pictures with my 640 and send them to her while she's at work. I also like to take other macro shots that I feel would be a good "texture" for a lock screen.

Just for informational purposes, this is running the latest Redstone 14332 build of Windows 10 Mobile. I know some people were complaining about W10M degrading camera performance on several models, so compare these from a lowly 640 and judge for yourself if it is still the case.

Here's some recent ones from this morning. No editing. No adjusting. No cropping on these. Just a straight shot after an early morning rain.
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Camera360 Sight. There was a pretty big blemish on the hood, I opened it in Paint, used the color picker and airbrushed it out.


Camera, forced HDR.

Why thank you :) Very nice to hear. I apologize for how few I post, but the fact of the matter is if I'm going out to take pictures I use my Fuji. However, every so often I get struck by wanting to take a shot while I'm out and about without my Fuji, and the Lumia 640 does not disappoint.
I'm floored by what it can give me, especially coming from my other phones (Lumia 635 & Lumia 520). My Mozilla Flame was actually very capable similar to the Lumia 640, but its imaging software was just a pale shadow of what can be done with Microsoft Camera in Win10 and the various other Microsoft Camera lenses/apps.
I attended a very fancy wedding in Laguna Beach over the weekend. I took my "real" camera with me, but didn't bother using it.

A few of my favorite scenes from the day.

So the tiniest earth mover equipment I have ever seen was parked in my neighborhood. Straight up Camera App, auto everything...

Just used one of those at my house. Was fun until the one track stopped working in forward. Made getting up a hill interesting...
Red Bug
Wild Daisy
No idea what these are
No idea what these are, either

As always, Lumia 640 W10M, light post-processing in Serif PhotoPlus X8.

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