yes it does, I picked the 0exp ones and fiddled with them, but generally the idea was to lower saturation and exposure a tad and a little sharpness. E.g. the pink/violet really went through the roof with the rich mode - doesn't work so well on water droplets..I don't have Rich Capture on my 830 yet... (ATT RM-983)
But on my 1520 if you use 5MP.jpg + 16MP.dng along with Rich Capture and no flash (for HDR) it leaves 3 .dng files and you van then pick your EV to open in Rawer... 830 should do the same, yes?
If you (and other guys here) develop 830's dng with lightroom the attached my own settings&presets could come in handy
Was driving from Kota Kinabalu, saw this poor caged fella hanging about in roadside coffee shop. The L830 managed to capture the color of dark brown fur and black silvery leather wings
lovely fella, half mouse, half dog and the other half dragon :3