Hello Windows Central community
Since I'm not so active on here anymore but I still love to shoot pictures with my Lumia 830, I'm sharing my freshly made instagram profile: nadesnembregumure
which means: On the right bank of the Mura (a name of a river in our country). It is defined that on the right side of this river live Prleki (people) in Prlekija (name of the area in which they are living) and are speaking Prlescina (a slovenian dialect). I am one of these people, hence that choice for the profile name.
All of you are welcome to come by and check it out

The pictures are only nature/landscape oriented and are taken in the northeast of Slovenia, the place where I come from. The purpose of my profile is to bring this part of Slovenia closer to the world, so the people can learn that it exists, explore its beauties and maybe get the idea to come visit us sometimes.
It can also happen that I will post a picture from some other place in Slovenia if I will be travelling (in that case the picture will have the right description as always), but, as I said, the main idea is to present my native region.
All the pictures are my work, some of them are in automode, some are edited. The camera used is my phone, Nokia Lumia 830 as I stated before, hence why I am posting in this thread. I don't think that I can call myself a photographer as I don't have the equipment or the knowledge, all I know is, that I love taking simple photos.
I hope that some of you will drop by and at least give me a chance to present my home to you. If you do get to this point, I have already succeded. Thank you.