protests in fortaleza, brazil =), went there to support population, totally pacific and beatiful protest to see, rich and poor people all together, just a beatiful thing to see =)
I was VERY surprised with low light shots, these photos were taken almost full dark (8pm) and it came incredibly ''light and clear'', my friends with their phones (s4 and iphone 5) were not close to get the 920's photos, lumia wins, again.
Obs: My lumia 920 screen is flickering and ''sparkling'' sometimes, it just stops sometime, I searched and I realized many people have this same problem, guess is software related, with 1308 I did not suffered with this, no problem at all, just going to wait for future updates and hope it fix this problem =)
Obs?: I realized that 920 struggles when it comes to focus on movement, without flash, but when you hold still the photo goes out incredibly good, hope nokia made a improvement on photos without flash with the amber update
Obs?: Recorded videos were awsome, nice sound recording, no disturbing sounds. Great surprise again =)
Obs: Photos are way more sharper in the cellphone, sent the photos from the phone to skydrive and noticed a considerable worsening on the photo's quality (related to skydrive, not camera phone)