Pocket File Manager. The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card! + 6 Clouds

Bad news about Background music player for WP8.1. It seems that in new WP Microsoft screwed a lot of things At this point of time we cannot make audio player to play file by file because background player HAS NO ACCESS to files
Bravo Microsoft!!!

We will try to get permission (if any available) to play files directly as "Folder Play" is intended to play files in folder, not songs in MediaLibrary.
MS Store has serious problem with update installation.

Sent from Lumia 625 using Tapatalk.
What problem exactly? If PFM cannot be updated I suggest you to uninstall old one and install updated version.

I really think that MIcrosoft should not release WP8.1 preview as it looks more like pre-Alpha version, not production one
Hey ray I figured out what was going wrong with pocket file manager! It seems that the app cannot handle large names. I had a lot of files with a outrageous name(downloaded wallpapers) and after renaming to a simple name everything went okay! I don't know if it's worth an app update or an clarification on the app listing. Greetings and keep the good work up.
Don't know why, but PFM won't display a file I have stored on my Google Drive. It's a 6+ GB .7z file, if it matters. Rest of the files in the folder show up, including a .exe with the same exact name as the .7z file, so I know it isn't a filename issue. Any ideas why this is happening?
Hey ray I figured out what was going wrong with pocket file manager! It seems that the app cannot handle large names. I had a lot of files with a outrageous name(downloaded wallpapers) and after renaming to a simple name everything went okay! I don't know if it's worth an app update or an clarification on the app listing. Greetings and keep the good work up.

What exactly is a problem with long names? I have test folder on my phone with 1500 images , some of them have very long name. No problems.
Don't know why, but PFM won't display a file I have stored on my Google Drive. It's a 6+ GB .7z file, if it matters. Rest of the files in the folder show up, including a .exe with the same exact name as the .7z file, so I know it isn't a filename issue. Any ideas why this is happening?

It hard to catch such kind of behavior, but I will try to check it
What exactly is a problem with long names? I have test folder on my phone with 1500 images , some of them have very long name. No problems.
Well it was crashing when on grid view. The name did it because I only left two photos in a folder and I was crashing :/ but after changing the names everything went normal 😁
I have these three files on a single new folder and crashes, the file names are:
1.- C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_Samsung-Galaxy-S5-Wallpapers_15.jpg
2.- C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_Sandy_20beach_2009_20Samsung_20Galaxy_20S5_20Wallpaper.jpg
3.- C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_Shining_20together_202_20Galaxy_20S5_20Wallpapers.jpg

*All of these were downloaded using internet explorer.
Tested. Crashes when files in phone memory, but works when on SD card.

This is because of PFM cache mechanism.

"The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters."

Such long file name with addition of path to it gives this error. Will fix it anyway :)
Don't know why, but PFM won't display a file I have stored on my Google Drive. It's a 6+ GB .7z file, if it matters. Rest of the files in the folder show up, including a .exe with the same exact name as the .7z file, so I know it isn't a filename issue. Any ideas why this is happening?

I seems that I found the bug. Will fix it
I'm using PFM v5.0.5 and whenever I use FTP server I always get 0byte for all of my file
It show 0byte but doesn't do any harm to any of my files ... I still can transfer files without any problem
I know. This is because I turned of reading of file size, what improved reading speed up to 10x times. I will try to enable it for ftp only mode
The last version has bug when uploading files to cloud services. Updated version is posted for certification
@Ray Adams, Thanks for the quick update. Large file that wasn't showing before, now shows. Great work.
Hi Ray, the PFM is not showing the ringtones,videos and documents folder present in my phone memory,i am using Lumia 525
What version? If for WP8.0 you cannot see those folders. Only in wp8.1 and PFM version 5.x can show

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