Pocket File Manager. The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card! + 6 Clouds

Would you please add the app to URL share list and download the shared URL?
And since we have unstable internet connection would you please add auto retry option for downloads? (automatic retry n times and get n from the user will be great!)
Thank you so much :)
As a matter of fact, we do have full access to SD card on wp8.1 , but this access works very bad if compare it with wp8.0. You cannot launch files from SD card, but you do have full access to hidden files. We turned off this access as it works bad. Although I am thinking about some kind of hidden mechanism to turn it on, but I am afraid that a lot of people just wont be able to understand that this access not fully working :)

You can add "use old API" option in advanced options and warm users that using this option is in their own risk (to scare them and make them read your explanation about running hidden files) and when you want to call system for a file use the WP8.1 API.
Earlier it was easy to copy files from phone to OneDrive.. Never needed to upload.. But ask for download the file if we try to open it from OneDrive..
I have tried the Microsoft File Manager "FILES" that was released yesterday.
Allow me the following comparison:

PFM has the advantage that it integrates OneDrive
FILES has the advantage that it allows to create a new folder in the root.

And guess what, I'd love to have both advantages :-))
Even with files app from ms PFM still far more superior ... I'm glad I bought your app
please continue to develop PFM and if possible add more feature like FTP client

one question Ray .... is it possible on WP especially on PFM to view LAN shared folder or file?
LAN is not supported by windows phone and required development from zero. Cannot say when we will be able to implement it. FTP client also in development , but right now we have a few problems whoch must be fixed before we will release client.
Pocket File Manager version 5.1.0 (Windows Phone 8.1 version only) is coming!

+ 20x times faster folder reading speed for SD Card and Phone's Pictures folder! No other browsers can read entire folder at this speed! :)
+ SD Card and Pictures folder now show file size again without compromising speed!
And a little bug fixes.
no, you could not. Cloud storages support only upload, not paste. And what the difference for you how it is called? Paste, upload? If it puts your files to the cloud?
One month before I downloaded a 25 Mb Enrique song from YouTube..as my phone memory was low I moved the song from phone to OneDrive by pfm in seconds.. I'm using a 240 kbps 2g connection.. But when I try to open the file within OneDrive it asked me to download..
PFM is not sync app, but file manager. It does not keep links between local files and files in clouds. Thats why it will download file before opening from cloud. There is no other way to do it
Pocket File Manager version 5.1.0 just passed certification and will be available to download within one hour.

And to remember you that with this release PFM now can show large folder without any delays! Even with file sizes! But this is only for SD Card and Phone's Pictures folder. As we only have direct access to those parts of phone.
Thank you very much:)
Would you please add search to the app and integrate it with Cortana (if it's possible with current API)
And play bring the old music player back?

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