What exactly do you want? Can you please be more specific when asking for something?
Thank you for answering fast!
About Downloader:
1. Scheduler shouldn't disable downloader out of scheduled download time (I want to download huge files in unlimited times but I want to download a small file in limited time)
2. Automatically add http to the URLs that doesn't have that (instead of invalid URL error)
3. (if possible!) let me change the URL and continue downloading from new URL.
4. Add the app to system URL share. I mean when I share the URL from IE I will be able to share URL with PFM and add it to download queue.
5. Automatic retry. I have unstable internet (government internet policy to prevent good guys become bad guys by visiting bad sites and closing active connection to prevent vpn and proxy applications :| ) and I have to tap retry many times. But in unlimited time I'm asleep and I can't tap retry
6. Let me choose default download folder (or at least change it to system's Download folder in SD or local storage (for non SD phones))
7. Let me download more than one file in scheduler mode (ask the user the count of downloads in one time)
It would be great if you add option to download tap and get the number of retries from user or set it to 10 times.
(sorry for saying but most of those are all I asked before! I just put them in one place)
About the app (suggestions and bugs)
1. Search option would be great.
2. Remember the place on page. I mean when I'm in music folder with 89 subfolders and I go to "Hans Zimmer" folder, it's nice to see "Hans Zimmer" folder when I come back to the music folder instead of "A. R. Rahman" folder. (it's useful when you go to wrong folder in long list)
3. PDF viewer doesn't work. It only says that there is no reason to receive my own file.
4. It would be nice to see the content of archive files when I open them. Especially for zip. Since system default zip viewer isn't able to view huge zip file.
5. It's a pro request (not everyone wants that! And I know it's being rude) but viewing the content of a file will be great. I mean a tool to simply show content of files.
6. Redesign the context menu. It takes time to see information of file or at least reduce the hold time to showing up the menu.
7. Progress bar: The upper progress bar has a bag. When you copy one file it should show 0/1 (since it suppose to show percentage of completed action) but it shows 1/1
8. Sometimes the single file progress bar doesn't work. In last version it didn't work when you copy files from SD to app's local storage.
9. ID3 tag editor: I explained it before. For example try to edit this file with PFM :
http://1drv.ms/1mNvYcf and try to edit it with "Tag Editor" app.
10. When you receive file from OS, let me choose where to save it. (and it would be great to add the file to upload queue instead of upload instantly if user selected a cloud storage.)
11. Let me zip a file (add option to context menu)
12. Default name for new folders.
13. Don't add name of provider to it's folder. Wen I name the folder "OneDrive" I want it to be "OneDrive" not "OneDrive (OneDrive)"
14. Preselect default name when you are adding a new provider and new folder (if you add default name to it)
15. (design suggestion) Replace the loading icon in the folder view page with that one in folder information page.
Thank you so much for reading this and excuse me for being such a rude person!