Pocket File Manager. The only real manager with full access to photos, video and SD Card! + 6 Clouds

What are you trying to say? That I am liar about the decision that Microsoft removed background audioplayer from Silverlight 8.1 applications?
What the hell did I make "Folder Play" for? Why should I remove something very useful from Pocket File Manager?
What are you trying to say? That I am liar about the decision that Microsoft removed background audioplayer from Silverlight 8.1 applications?
What the hell did I make "Folder Play" for? Why should I remove something very useful from Pocket File Manager?

I didn't mean that! Sorry if I made you sad! I was trying to say that maybe there is another way to bring such a useful tool back.

I'm wasn't saying that you're liar! Just tried to help.

I'm really really sorry for that!
What are you trying to say? That I am liar about the decision that Microsoft removed background audioplayer from Silverlight 8.1 applications?
What the hell did I make "Folder Play" for? Why should I remove something very useful from Pocket File Manager?
As a dev,I think you shouldn't have that kinda attitude towards your customers, you know...You have to have lots of patience..... Even if the opposing party is wrong... Just saying. I have seen much worse responses as compared to the polite response given by the guy who posted above me.
As a dev,I think you shouldn't have that kinda attitude towards your customers, you know...You have to have lots of patience..... Even if the opposing party is wrong... Just saying. I have seen much worse responses as compared to the polite response given by the guy who posted above me.

I was surprised as well :-/
Sorry if I was sounded angry. I did not mean to offense anyone. But I am really tired to give same answer hundred of times. Do you know how many emails I am receiving per day? Sometimes it is very hard burden. And again, I apologize that I was too harsh in my answer.

Microsoft made a hell of a job to make developers live to be very hard. Windows 8.1 now has TWO ecosystem in one bottle. Silverlight (from wp7 and 8.0) and new one, RunTime. And because MS trying to force people to use RunTime they just doing same things over and over by just removing support from tech they do not like anymore.

I really want to talk with the men behind all those idiotic restrictions implemented in Windows Phone. I just want to ask them, do you guys have Windows Phone? Do you really use it?
Sorry if I was sounded angry. I did not mean to offense anyone. But I am really tired to give same answer hundred of times. Do you know how many emails I am receiving per day? Sometimes it is very hard burden. And again, I apologize that I was too harsh in my answer.

Microsoft made a hell of a job to make developers live to be very hard. Windows 8.1 now has TWO ecosystem in one bottle. Silverlight (from wp7 and 8.0) and new one, RunTime. And because MS trying to force people to use RunTime they just doing same things over and over by just removing support from tech they do not like anymore.

I really want to talk with the men behind all those idiotic restrictions implemented in Windows Phone. I just want to ask them, do you guys have Windows Phone? Do you really use it?

Windows Phone is a very young OS. And it tries to compete with iOS and android with at least 7 years of experience.

Microsoft spent many years to create the great and powerful .Net platform from older technologies to COM and finally .Net

So it's predictable that WP can't be great in two years.
This is for RunTime environment. Which is used in "Folder play". Unfortunately old apps are using Silverlight runtime and cannot be upgraded to RunTime wp8.1. You need to rewrite all codes from scratch.

As about young OS :) Who cares that it is young when you can see, touch and use other OSes? Do you expect that new vehicle company will produce cars like in 1930 year just because they are young? :)
There is no excuses for MS to be the last in line. They already spent 4 years, not two

Do not get me wrong, I am MS man :) I like it, but if I wont see bad side of WP, I will be not better than iSheepers or Bugfans, who see nothing bad in their OSes :)
BackgroundMediaPlayer class (Windows)
This is link to class used to play audio in background. Rad at the bottom. Runatime only. No silverlight.
The strange thing is applications compiled for wp8.0, but running in wp8.1 CAN use this class! That means this is artificial restriction, not hardware or software.
Sorry if I was sounded angry. I did not mean to offense anyone. But I am really tired to give same answer hundred of times. Do you know how many emails I am receiving per day? Sometimes it is very hard burden. And again, I apologize that I was too harsh in my answer.

Microsoft made a hell of a job to make developers live to be very hard. Windows 8.1 now has TWO ecosystem in one bottle. Silverlight (from wp7 and 8.0) and new one, RunTime. And because MS trying to force people to use RunTime they just doing same things over and over by just removing support from tech they do not like anymore.

I really want to talk with the men behind all those idiotic restrictions implemented in Windows Phone. I just want to ask them, do you guys have Windows Phone? Do you really use it?

I know how you feel about given the same question every time. I seen your post about music player on page 24 just one page behind this page

What is it so hard to understand....
Good or bad ms has made their decision and dev have to choose ... either to keep PFM as 8.0 app with music player or make PFM as 8.1 app with access to internal folder. because PFM is a file manager app the logical choice is obvious

If anyone want to play music in specific folder you can just make a playlist with ms music app. If you don't like music app you can use mixradio to play your playlist. Ray even spend his time to make Folder Play for those who don't like music and mixradio app

There are plenty of ways to play your music but there is no file manager unlike PFM
Thanks for support. I indeed made Folder Play for all who missing this feature in PFM as it is more easy to make player, than rewriting 2 years old project like PFM to new RunTime platform
Isn't it possible to connect folder play and PFM?

I mean if user has installed folder play play music with the app instead of os default player?

Or add option to popup menu or add "play music with folder play" option to settings?

About the young OS: From user point of view it's a great car with same efficiently as Android and iOS. (after WP8.1) it's still not perfect OS but it's the cost of doing a seven years job in two years.

From developer point of view there is many good points and bad points. From my point of view MS is the most developer friendly company with the best developing tools (I haven't tried xcode but in compare with Android its tools are much better than Andriods) and I like it that it listens to developers.
But it's true that it has many bad points. The fact that it starts everything from beginning (Like Xbox Music app for WP8.1 or Windows Phone itself: WP8's core is same as Windows although WP7.5 hadn't NT core and that's why I'm saying it's two years old OS) and RunTime technology is same. I don't know how to make my developers (if I had a technology) to migrate from an old technology to newer one. But I think they hadn't any better idea.

PFM suggestions: (they came up to my mind whenever I use PFM)

1. When I press + button and then I press back it should (I think it's better to) close the popup menu instead of going to parent folder.

2. Move "new folder" button to + menu.

3. (design suggestion) For popup menu (the one that opens when you tap and hold on file/folder):

Keep basic tools on menu and move utilities to an advanced menu.

My suggestions:

Files: Copy/Cut/Delete/Rename/Information
And since the app is opening every file in phone, "in phone" option is useless (unless there is something that I missed)

Folders: Copy/Cut/Delete/Rename/Information

4. Copy to/Move to tool. In desktop it is possible to open two or more windows and for copy paste we easily switch between windows (one window for source and one for target) but here we can't do that and it gets important when you want to organize and categorize files of a folder.

5. Add "by http" to folders. It's useful when we want to move files between folders. Something like http access to phone and SD. (if there isn't idiotic restrictions)

6. (I don't know if this is already possible) When I enable by http let me do something else inside the app.

Since I don't know any place for "Folder Play" I write my suggestions here:

1. When I select "Music" folder (after tapping on "add" in app bar) I prefer to see the childs of the folder in the page. Not the folder itself (or something like this:
--Hans Zimmer
--Howard Shore
I mean show the childs under the parent folder's name in the main page)

2. When I play a folder it's good to play it's subfolders too.

3. Shuffle option: Since Xbox Music can't shuffle an artist, it will be useful option.
Will think about. As about connection between two apps. User must add folders in PFM and in Folde play to be able to play any file. This is simehting that not all users could understand and it will be very hard to explain it everytime some would ask why it doesnt play :)

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