When contacting Randy. He replied in a timing manner. I know it took a little time at times to discuss and make a smooth payment. Though the most best positive part I can put is thank you for being Patient with me. I know it might of appeared rocky if I was going to pay in a timing manner though it was my first time ever buying from anyone here I know it took paypal a few days to send my money to my paypal no thanks for 3 days business days though with weekend on top didn't help it. I know I messed up a little on how to pay. Though surely will do right next time. He went through with shipping me the Microsoft Display dock with a few cords along with it a wireless charging pad for the phone which I find awesome. The display dock is awesome thank you for selling it to me so I can use it on my Lumia 950. I surely will use it when im out and about at family visits when im stuck with them for days lol. What am I kidding im going to use it when im bored of using my pc I would surely do business with Randy again if he were ever selling something I want that I can afford. Thanks Randy!