We had been thinking about adding another wall of cabinets in the garage. We have a wall of MDF cabinets kits I assembled and installed 15 or more years ago. No plans for when, but was ordering a garage door opener on Home Depot.com and saw some Husky 72"x36"x18" metal cabinets. Made a mental note I was sure to forget to consider these when the time came.
Two days later, I got a spam email from CapitalOne saying I could get a CapitalOne credit of 15% for ordering them.. Was annoyed that CapitalOne was suddenly doing more than adding a link on every Amazon page to "better" deals. But I clicked the link to find HomeDepot was having a 12 hour sale on the red versions. Between that, the 15% CapitalOne credit, and my HD veteran discount, they were half price. So, I ordered 4 of them. I even got HD to credit me back the freight shipping because one of my screen shots thru the purchase process apparently in error mentioned free shipping in small print.
Freight companies make cable repairmen seem punctual. I got a 12 hour delivery window with a promised 30 minute phone heads up. Fortunately had no need to leave the house for the day. No phone call but truck shows up. Typically freight deliveries are 1" inside the property line, but I sweet talked the driver into leaving them on the pallet jack until inside the garage at the other end of the driveway. Good thing because I don't have a pallet jack.

The cabinets are heavy but they are customer assembled and no one piece is unmanageable. Just assemble on the ground and tip them upright.
Rather than hope the legs have enough adjustment to avoid stair-stepping the cabinets as the floor slopes down for drainage, I didn't install the legs but am having someone build a level platform 12' by 18" for them to sit on. Also means no dirt accumulation under or dropped sockets trying to gain their freedom by rolling under.
As delivered. Based on the arrows, my garage was apparently built on its side.
First one assembled face down:
A pleasant surprise is that every panel has some plastic shrink wrap over the powder-coating. So, far I have not figured out how to start peeling any off except where there are gaps around raised places such as the locks. Most pieces have no such protrusions.
All four sitting in front of the wall they will adorn, waiting for their platform to be built and to be bolted together and anchored to the wall.
And stay tuned for my garage door opener post. Apparently, my printer purchase was not a once in a lifetime fluke.
Yes, I have multiple Chamberlain B6713Ts on order, including 3 (so far) from Amazon, who is repeating my printer experience by continuing to offer progressively earlier delivery on later orders. First was for April 16th, next was April 10th, latest is April 4th. SMH