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A new hoodie
After almost a year of looking at this on and off, I have caved (and it's on sale for a nice price). I'll use it for phone calls mainly.

Edit: I don't know why it's sideways. I didn't take it that way.
While it ain't my cup of tea, I'll give credit where credit is due: the in hand feel is not bad at all. A nice upgrade for the gf indeed. 20200103_191424.jpeg20200103_191516.jpeg
Unihertz Titan.

I forgot I backed it on Kickstarter until it arrived in the mail yesterday. :grin:

I haven't set it up but I did play test the keyboard and it does feel good to use. Not as good as my Blackberry Passport, though. This won't be my main phone, obviously, but I'll play around with it for a bit.

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That looks interesting. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it once you've set it up and played with it a bit.
Some quick impressions:

-2 day battery life

-N/A on bluetooth headphones. I have not paired mine.

-Hitting shift causes the next two letters to capitalize unless I briefly pause before hitting the second letter

-Hitting alt affects the next two keys, again I have to pause before hitting the next key

-No way to tell if caps lock is on

-Wifi/LTE seems fine in speed tests

-Screen sensitivity seems fine though I did have to turn off scroll assistant as I *think* it's interfering

-red button (shortcut key) is sensitive but it's about the same as the power button

-I haven't even tested the sound yet, oops

-Vibration is nonexistent

-Drops my Fitbit Versa 2 every chance it gets, which leads me to believe that it drops bluetooth every chance it gets
Edit: Found an option under a setting called DuraSpeed that should allow Fitbit to keep running in the background.

-Cameras, nothing wrong per say but oh boy...

That said, not only is the device better than I expected, the keyboard is pretty darn good for a first attempt.

However, I do wish I could swap the alt and shift functions. Having alt right above the number pad makes it virtually unusable.

I also wish I could use some standard keyboard shortcuts like ctrl+A or ctrl+C/V. Unless there's already a way to do that and I just don't know how.

And I can't use the Microsoft Launcher! :crying:

It forgets my wallpaper settings and the UI is cramped. The default launcher gets the job done, I guess.
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Nothing like Mahjong during the festive season

I'm a total novice at this... gonna get schooled by my 92 year old father in-law, most definitely!!
Stepping out of my comfort zone a little. The price was just too good to pass up. I seriously doubt this will supplant my Fitbit Ionic but I will give it an honest tryout. 20200131_173455.jpeg20200131_173946.jpeg

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