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I can't say I wouldn't have pulled the trigger on the Pixel had I known about this. From my viewpoint, the phone is future-proof for the next few years and I'm sure Google will probably push this feature like a tired old mule. Given that, I'd like to think devs will get with the program and start incorporating FaceID, I'm sorry, Face Unlock into the mainstream.
You were right to call it Face ID .

I don't disagree about it being future proof. And for the project solis stuffs, I liked where LG was going more than Google. The problem now is some of the Android OEMs are either copying Apple or Google, and sometimes some of the the SMH features each like to push.

Having said this, I'd certainly swap out one of my LG's for a Pixel 4XL or even the Pixel 4.
Having said this, I'd certainly swap out one of my LG's for a Pixel 4XL or even the Pixel 4.
Well, that's kinda what I did. I was using a V30 for the past couple of weeks. Solid phone with the most beautiful display I can remember but the battery life was pitiful. The sound was wonderful through my Sony Bluetooth headphones but the actual phone itself was meh, minus 1.
I'm calling it a day with the Skagen. Wore it this weekend and damn near threw it into the Sargasso (that's the southern Atlantic basin in the Northern Hemisphere). The lag is too much to deal with sooooo, it's off to the depths of my tech drawer to join a Treo 680, a couple of Pre 2s, an HTC Trophy and a Nokia 6650 Fold. Not one to give up, I'm still giving WearOS a shot. See while I was out and about I had to stop at Target for some kitty litter which is strategically placed next to the electronics area. I spotted a Fossil Sport 43mm on sale (magic word) for a Benjamin. A quick Google check showed it's got the upgraded innards with the SD3100 and a full gig of RAM. What the actual f*** is wrong with me? Long story short, it flies compared to the Skagen out of the box so I'm sure it'll be at least acceptable after a 3 day cooling off period. WearOS is WearOS so any updates will be hardware-related.
I'm calling it a day with the Skagen. Wore it this weekend and damn near threw it into the Sargasso (that's the southern Atlantic basin in the Northern Hemisphere). The lag is too much to deal with sooooo, it's off to the depths of my tech drawer to join a Treo 680, a couple of Pre 2s, an HTC Trophy and a Nokia 6650 Fold. Not one to give up, I'm still giving WearOS a shot. See while I was out and about I had to stop at Target for some kitty litter which is strategically placed next to the electronics area. I spotted a Fossil Sport 43mm on sale (magic word) for a Benjamin. A quick Google check showed it's got the upgraded innards with the SD3100 and a full gig of RAM. What the actual f*** is wrong with me? Long story short, it flies compared to the Skagen out of the box so I'm sure it'll be at least acceptable after a 3 day cooling off period. WearOS is WearOS so any updates will be hardware-related.
I respect your persistence with Android Wear. I'm not buying a new one until Qualcomm puts out a 7nm chip for wearables. The chip in my S3 classic can still roast the chip in your Fossil Watch sport performance wise.
I respect your persistence with Android Wear. I'm not buying a new one until Qualcomm puts out a 7nm chip for wearables. The chip in my S3 classic can still roast the chip in your Fossil Watch sport performance wise.
Fo' shizzle. But I'm not contemplating switching away from the Fitbit for half a nanosecond, I do however have to think about alternatives in the event Google totally f***s up Fitbit. I still have the sour taste in my mouth from what HP did to Palm. BTW, bring the marshmallows and we'll have some Fossil S'Mores.
After two years on the Charge2, the connection issues still persist. Couldnt sync for over a week... then suddenly its right as rain... besides the phone/GPS sync is still KO'ed
After two years on the Charge2, the connection issues still persist. Couldnt sync for over a week... then suddenly its right as rain... besides the phone/GPS sync is still KO'ed
That blows. I thought my Versa 2 was on the fritz until I read Fitbit's servers were down for a day. It was worse in other regions, that may have been what ailed your Charge2.
Breaking these in while doing laundry in the Chinese owned laundromat.

The touch controls and shape are nice (just as discreet as the Sabbats). Very subtle. The lid on the case feels cheap as F. Like the fact that the wing tips don't add much bulk and can be left on the buds while in the case.

They sound louder and cleaner than the Sabbats for sure. Need to find the right mystery accompanying app.

It's a pain in the *** to pair to a new device. I'm concerned about comfort as the Sabbats were both molded style with a good fit to the ear and were lighter than these. No Qi. Passive noise canceling is going to take something to get used to. These are in ear, so I'm never a fan of that.

Overall, for $50, these initially are a home run. I'll still keep my Sabbats as spares and they will get use. Need to fully break them in first. Give me two weeks. 20200224_190605.jpeg20200224_190631.jpeg20200224_190706.jpeg
I like that case.
I always liked this brand. They put that stupid auto focus phrase there, but on every phone I owned they've offered it for, it's a great daily driver. Nice grip, solid looks, not a ton of bulk either.
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I had to buy a trashcan not too long ago and what I learned was a good trashcan costs way more than any trashcan should.
But they last. We got ours about 15 years ago and they were about $70 each. Still going strong and look like new.
I don't doubt it. This was on sale for $50 and I grabbed the last one. Of course I threw a coupon on there and picked it up for $40. She'll probably keep it if I get kicked to the curb, but that's OK...

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