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All of my co-workers have been shocked that I hadn't bought an air fryer yet. But after a couple of friends showed me what they cook and grill in theirs, I finally pulled the trigger and bought one. This one supposedly does a great job grilling (yes grilling) steaks and chicken, so I'll see how it does tonight! :)

Air fryer.jpg
All of my co-workers have been shocked that I hadn't bought an air fryer yet. But after a couple of friends showed me what they cook and grill in theirs, I finally pulled the trigger and bought one. This one supposedly does a great job grilling (yes grilling) steaks and chicken, so I'll see how it does tonight! :)

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Heard good things about that model. Of course, in Scottsdale the air comes fried much of the year.

I have a regular toaster arriving tomorrow if UPS is reliable. Supposedly, it can make a toasted cheese sandwich vertically, not that I plan to do that. But they are serious. I scoured all the fine print to see if that only applied to use on the International Space Station but found no such restriction.

Curious why you are "regular" frying your Himalayan pink?
I have a regular toaster arriving tomorrow if UPS is reliable.

In typical form for my location (last block on the last street on an overloaded route), the toaster arrived 2 days PLUS another 5 hours late.

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I like that it can heat just one slot since often one of us just has a single piece of toast for breakfast. I like that you can raise the bread while toasting to check progress. Handy when toasting a particular type for the first time or if you forgot the setting. I like that the setting knob is essentially an old school timer that rotates back to zero as it toasts. So, you can tell how soon it will be done AND determine settings for different breads by starting at max the first time, monitoring by raising bread and when right, just subtract the current reading from max for future use. I like the heating elements that should have a thread count rating. Not sure why the electrical cord is the same gauge as my laser printers. NOT a fan that said cord exits the right side of the toaster instead of the back ???

BUT...... I'm not sure I can use it yet since you can see the box is clearly labeled: for Commercial use only and ALSO for Houshold use only. Hopefully, it will be easy to have my kitchen rezoned for commercial/household.

Just noticed label says these cause cancer. But thankfully just in California and I'm in Arizona and nowhere near the California border.
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USB C to ancient Lenovo barrel connector, so I can power my X230T with a 100w USB C brick. Bought after I left my factor charger at my brother-in-law's house recently. I bought two different ones to hedge my bet. Happy to report that both work.

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