post your desktop computer wallpaper


My Windows 8 Desktop, I like mine rather tidy as well. Also a fan of Firefly.
I don't know. If it's Photoshopped, they did a good job. :)

Agreed. The lighting towards the right side and in the buildings make me think Photoshop, but that main building looks untouched. I wonder then if it is still based of a real city though. If so, I'd like to visit it :wink: haha

Oh btw, how is your experiment with rainmeter going?
looks great. I also like cityscapes. I don't know if my eyes are deceiving me, but is that a real city? And if so, what city is it?

This is from a game " Mirror's Edge " . And so is my profile picture. The fictional city in that game looks phenomenal. Its has great wallpapers too.
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This is from a game " Mirror's Edge " . And so is my profile picture. The fictional city in that game looks phenomenal. Its has great wallpapers too.
Sent from my SGH-i677 using Board Express

Thanks, it had me wondering for quite a while. It's a shame I won't get a chance to visit it then :grin:
Thanks Lak611 as always, I can usually venture a guess at those taskbar icons but that one had me stumped :eck:

Kebero, that dark theme looks great (black is my fav color). Makes me want a Windows 8 device badly now.
Thanks Lak611 as always, I can usually venture a guess at those taskbar icons but that one had me stumped :eck:

Kebero, that dark theme looks great (black is my fav color). Makes me want a Windows 8 device badly now.
You're welcome. I even have a Windows Phone app called Ablaze for Campfire chat.

WASP Inc is this gaming community I've been a part of for a long time and actually that wallpaper project was spearheaded by me as well (along with a whole lot of other things lol).

The story behind that is that the wallpaper is made by the ex-artist for the game All Points Bulletin, which is the game our community mainly played at the time. The game allows for deep character customization, so those characters are drawed using our actual in-game uniforms. What makes it special is that we managed to commission the recently resigned artist of the game to draw this to us with the "original APB artwork style". She had sworn to never do the APB artwork style anymore, but since she liked us, she made one more exception for us. We managed to commission this for fairly cheap seeing that she is a professional, but it was still a three figure number that our community managed to gather up in less than 24 hours through member donations for this project.

I'm really "proud" of the outcome, it's pretty much my wallpaper/lock screen everywhere, sometimes I even put it as lock screen on demo unit WPs in stores lol.

WASP Inc is this gaming community I've been a part of for a long time and actually that wallpaper project was spearheaded by me as well (along with a whole lot of other things lol).

The story behind that is that the wallpaper is made by the ex-artist for the game All Points Bulletin, which is the game our community mainly played at the time. The game allows for deep character customization, so those characters are drawed using our actual in-game uniforms. What makes it special is that we managed to commission the recently resigned artist of the game to draw this to us with the "original APB artwork style". She had sworn to never do the APB artwork style anymore, but since she liked us, she made one more exception for us. We managed to commission this for fairly cheap seeing that she is a professional, but it was still a three figure number that our community managed to gather up in less than 24 hours through member donations for this project.

I'm really "proud" of the outcome, it's pretty much my wallpaper/lock screen everywhere, sometimes I even put it as lock screen on demo unit WPs in stores lol.
Wow! That's really cool you were able to get an artist to custom design a wallpaper for your group. :cool:

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