Post your Home Screen and Color Theme

Good Morning.
I forgot to mention a new tool I found that makes it easier to stich your multiple screenshots together into a single jpg for posting here.

Microsoft Research - Image Composite Editor

I used it to create my most recent screenshot in seconds. Bulk drag and drop all individual screenshots into the main screen and Voila! Instant single jpg to post and share.

NO MORE MS PAINT!!! lol...

So lets see more screenshots of your homescreens!!!!
i'm sure this has been answered frequently, but what app are people using to make a big picture into multiple different tiles
Here's mine. Short, sweet, to the point. I don't like cluttering up my start screen with a lot of live tiles. Just the essentials. And I love the steel accent color. It goes nicely with the aluminum body of my L925!ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375238191.009725.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1375238232.016521.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1375238273.316100.jpg

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