Post your Home Screen and Color Theme

Wow! That's interesting, tho I think it could be even better with a different accent color.
hi, whats the icon below your store icon? :)

I change my Screen daily.

Today I downloaded Instagram, played around with it and then saw: no double wide tile. Deleted immediately because 6tag is just more pretty.

Here's my pics, use subreddit wplockscreens for my screen:

Edit: Forgot my new Case:
Me and my lady on top, People in the middle, text, and email and my calendar all at a glance (I love using Simple Calendar for the lockscreen too with as many back to back appointments as I have. THIS is why love WP :)

Here is my lumia 820

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I've been using the 'dark' theme for over three years... thought I'd switch it up. I've gone for utter simplicity.

Note: the writing under the icons are the Greek words for 'unconditional love' 'sin' and 'death' (Jesus' death). I'm trying to find out a strong Greek translation for the word 'decision' but I'm not having much luck at the moment.

What im working with right now. Nothing really unique about it or special compared to some of the Skinnery work ive done in the past. Went back to more simple is more better. I like the new Nokia Music but they are crazy if they think im putting hot pink on my homescreen. And since Tmo is not getting a 1520 variant, im chillin with the gray/blue/green 925 for a while.

theChive Charities logo is my glance background
Came up with this on my 1520 after looking at some pics in this thread and another in the 1520 forum - I'm a bit overwhelmed because part of me wants to look at all of them but this thread is 72 pages long and I need sleep! Originally it was almost all small squares so I got Wiz Tiles and used the dark group theme. I also got Skinery but haven't played around with it. I like this, but any thoughts and recommendations are VERY appreciated.

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