Problem downloading &battery


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May 29, 2013
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I reset my htc 8x to factory setting last night but I made a backup setting before the process. Before the reset, my battery discharge speed was between 1.68-2.50% per hour and the battery last for 1-2 days with heavy use (twabbit+metrotube+whatsapp with some other social apps) on wifi only. After the reset, I restored my backup but about 12 apps without any name on them failed to download. Later I knew 3 of them (stop music/oggle pro/instaweatherpro) the paid versions I downloaded them when they were free for a limited time. Now, I have to pay to get them again. Is it normal?

Also, the battery discharge speed now not less than 6.42% per hour!!. I did all the battery tips again as before the reset, even more!! I have an unlocked phone without any plan and I have the latest update which end with 77.

I used to recharge my battery using usb through a desktop pc and a third branded charger from griffin.

Griffin charger:

Model: PB-BLK-2
Input: 100-240V~50-60Hz 0.2A
Output: 5.2V == 500mA

But after the reset I charged my phone through socket using this one for 4 times now:

Toshiba (for my tablet at300se)

Model: PA3996D-1AC3
Input: 100~240V ~ 0.4A 50/60Hz
Output: 5V==2A. LPS

I used Toshiba charger because it's twice as fast the supplied charger which I lost and also faster than Griffin.

Any advice to give me about the charger/battery drain?

Also what should I do to get again Oggl & Instaweatherpro without paying since I got them when they were free?

Last thing, is there any list of all downloaded apps to my phone? Wether I have or deleted.

Thank you


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Dec 23, 2012
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Well, if you charge something faster than the stock charger can handle, chances are that the phone really isn't built to handle such charging speeds. I recommend cycling your battery, and using it for a while to try to solve the problem. If it doesn't go away after a few days, hard reset once more or have it replaced.

Also, for the apps that you got for free, try contacting Microsoft. I've never had problems with reinstalling apps that I got for free, but became paid later on. By the way, MetroTube has an unlimited free trial, so you don't need to pay for it.


New member
May 29, 2013
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I did a reset again but this time without restore. I downloaded everything manually. And now I use a charger similar to the HTC charger in voltage.

Battery is good again.

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