ProShot camera app.

Just wanted to let you know that this is happening on my Lumia 822 as well (saving photos to SD), but wanted to let you know that this behavior seemed to have started 1 or 2 updates ago. It wasn't doing this before then. I find it is hit or miss when pulling it up as a lens from the main camera app. Maybe this can help you find the bug.
Hello RiseUp. I am also experiencing this on a Lumia 822 saving to SD card. I've also run into one other persistent bug that apparently hasn't affected anyone else and I thought I'd mention that as well. Sometimes if I've opened and used ProShot my phones screen won't come back on. I can see the buttons light up but the screen stays dark. I have to do a reset (volume down, power button) to get the phone back. This only happens if I've used ProShot and only sometimes. If ProShot is installed, but not opened, it doesn't happen. And if ProShot is uninstalled it doesn't happen. The phone is on Verizon and is up to date. I'd be happy to provide you with any other info you might need. Thanks for being here and supporting ProShot.
Any Lumia 928 users that are using this app?

I have been pretty satisfied with the low light pictures using the default camera app on my 928, but daytime pictures leave a lot to be desired.
Any Lumia 928 users that are using this app? I have been pretty satisfied with the low light pictures using the default camera app on my 928, but daytime pictures leave a lot to be desired.

Are you shooting in automatic mode? if not, what setting? Can you post some shots?
Can you adjust aperture with this app?

The camera hardware on all WP devices have fixed-aperture lenses, so it is not possible to adjust the aperture.

Hello RiseUp. I am also experiencing this on a Lumia 822 saving to SD card. I've also run into one other persistent bug that apparently hasn't affected anyone else and I thought I'd mention that as well. Sometimes if I've opened and used ProShot my phones screen won't come back on. I can see the buttons light up but the screen stays dark. I have to do a reset (volume down, power button) to get the phone back. This only happens if I've used ProShot and only sometimes. If ProShot is installed, but not opened, it doesn't happen. And if ProShot is uninstalled it doesn't happen. The phone is on Verizon and is up to date. I'd be happy to provide you with any other info you might need. Thanks for being here and supporting ProShot.

I am also experiencing this issue on my Lumia 520, but I am certain it has nothing to do with ProShot. Sometimes the screen just won't turn back on and I will have to do a soft reset. I think it is a hardware defect.
Any Lumia 928 users that are using this app?

I have been pretty satisfied with the low light pictures using the default camera app on my 928, but daytime pictures leave a lot to be desired.

Try changing the White Balance settings to Daylight. I find I get better results when I use that setting on my Lumia 822 in most enviroments.
The camera hardware on all WP devices have fixed-aperture lenses, so it is not possible to adjust the aperture.

I am also experiencing this issue on my Lumia 520, but I am certain it has nothing to do with ProShot. Sometimes the screen just won't turn back on and I will have to do a soft reset. I think it is a hardware defect.
I don't know about that. In my case it seems directly related to using ProShot. I've only experienced it after I've used ProShot. It never happens to me otherwise. If I either don't use ProShot or uninstall it, the problem never occurs. Although it doesn't happen every time, maybe 50% of the time.
I don't know about that. In my case it seems directly related to using ProShot. I've only experienced it after I've used ProShot. It never happens to me otherwise. If I either don't use ProShot or uninstall it, the problem never occurs. Although it doesn't happen every time, maybe 50% of the time.

When you say the screen won't turn back on, is ProShot the app running in the foreground? (meaning, it's running directly underneath the lockscreen and not in the backstack).
When you say the screen won't turn back on, is ProShot the app running in the foreground? (meaning, it's running directly underneath the lockscreen and not in the backstack).

I've notice that it happens to me as well on my Lumia920 sometimes. I've read somewhere in here that when taking pictures with the exposure and ISO to high to have as much light into the camera it does that problem. One way to not have that problem is to as soon as you did take the pic, put your hand in front of the lens to hide the light and it works.

I hope that I've explain it ok.
Yes if you take a long exposure shot in a well lit environment , Proshot will crash along with the camera until you restart your phone.
I also explained in a previous post that you should indeed put your hands on the sensor and block the light completely to avoid having to restart, (and you should wait until the screen flashes and the live view goes back to normal

@riseupgames you should put this tip whenever people choose 4 / 2 secs exposure (to cover the lens after taking the photo I mean.)
When you say the screen won't turn back on, is ProShot the app running in the foreground? (meaning, it's running directly underneath the lockscreen and not in the backstack).
What happens is that I open ProShot, take a picture or two, then close the app. I may or may not view the picture with the native picture viewer. Then what happens next is the next time I pick up the phone either the screen comes back on or it does not. Roughly 50% of the time the screen stays dark. If its going to fail, it fails the very next time I go to use the phone (after using ProShot). If the phone comes back on, it won't fail after that provided I don't use ProShot again. I totally agree that is is strange. It started after I installed it and goes away completely if I either stop using ProShot or uninstall it. Let me just say that I love the app and appreciate you taking the time to help users out here in this forum.
Good news everyone!

I've FINALLY fixed the SD card bug. And as a bonus, I've also managed to speed up app loading time by almost 1 second! :D
Also coming in the next update, date/time info in the camera roll (see pic below) and a bunch of other random bug fixes.

(Btw, this was taken witih ProShot on a Lumia 920 :)

Should be done with this update by today or tomorrow. I'm so glad the drama is over, now I can get back to the fun stuff: adding more features!

What happens is that I open ProShot, take a picture or two, then close the app. I may or may not view the picture with the native picture viewer. Then what happens next is the next time I pick up the phone either the screen comes back on or it does not. Roughly 50% of the time the screen stays dark. If its going to fail, it fails the very next time I go to use the phone (after using ProShot). If the phone comes back on, it won't fail after that provided I don't use ProShot again. I totally agree that is is strange. It started after I installed it and goes away completely if I either stop using ProShot or uninstall it. Let me just say that I love the app and appreciate you taking the time to help users out here in this forum.

Let me know if the next update (v2.7.3) addresses this. Since the error doesn't happen while ProShot is running, I can't say I'm entirely convinced it's ProShot's fault. Once the app is closed, it's up to the hardware and OS to take care of the rest (also, this never happens on my Lumia 920 nor HTC 8X).

Edit: It's done! ProShot v2.7.3 has now been submitted to the marketplace for certification. Should be available for download by Monday (ish)
Last edited:

Let me know if the next update (v2.7.3) addresses this. Since the error doesn't happen while ProShot is running, I can't say I'm entirely convinced it's ProShot's fault. Once the app is closed, it's up to the hardware and OS to take care of the rest (also, this never happens on my Lumia 920 nor HTC 8X).
Me either but I also am having trouble ascribing it to something else seeing as it disappears completely if I stop using ProShot. I'll reinstall it after the update hits the store and let you know what happens. Thanks.
Hey RiseUpGames, I just finished reading all about the new Lumia 1020 and the Nokia Pro Camera app that comes with it as well as the new Nokia Imaging Developer SDK and wondered what, if anything this will change about ProShot. I love the new UI on Nokia's app and I'm interested how or if this would give you any ideas for further development on ProShot itself. Also, how the SDK will help you to develop and refine new and existing features on the app?
Hi RiseUpGames,

I just watched the official announcement of Nokia Lumia 1020, along with Nokia Pro Camera app. I sincerely hope that this newly-launched app will not hurt your income too badly. I want to say once again that I am really thankful for the awesome ProShot along with your untiring support and dedication. Because of ProShot, I hardly ever launch the stock camera app in my Nokia Lumia 920 anymore :smile:. I truly wish you good and continuous success in your future programming career.

-A truly satisfied ProShot user-
Hey RiseUpGames, I just finished reading all about the new Lumia 1020 and the Nokia Pro Camera app that comes with it as well as the new Nokia Imaging Developer SDK and wondered what, if anything this will change about ProShot. I love the new UI on Nokia's app and I'm interested how or if this would give you any ideas for further development on ProShot itself. Also, how the SDK will help you to develop and refine new and existing features on the app?

As far as the general UI is concerned, there is a very purposeful reason for the way it is structured, and that reason will become clear in v3.0. I have something really special lined up :)

As far as what else is coming, v2.8 will see improvements to the manual focus slider. It will work similar to how it is done in Nokia's Pro Camera app. I've had this working for a while, just been too busy with bug fixes to perfect the controls and art assets to ship it. Mine will also have its own innovations.

Beyond that I can't say too much more, I've got to keep what I'm working on close to my chest. The announcement, however, may affect the order in which I code and release features.

I attended a meeting regarding Nokia's Imaging SDK. I've yet to look into the whole thing in detail, but currently, it breaks down into two parts:

1) Image editing

Because of the widespread availability of many good (and free) photo editing apps, it never really made sense for me to spend the development resources to incorporate a rich photo editing suite into ProShot. That's not to say it won't happen. If users want it, I'll find a way to do it. This SDK may make things a little bit easier, but first and foremost, I want to perfect the image capturing experience. And that's what will be the focus of the next few updates.

2) Filters

Nokia has added a ton of real-time filters into this SDK. Only thing is, these real-time filters aren't running on the GPU, and the current hardware simply can't support real-time filters at HD resolutions at a smooth 30FPS.

Fortunately, I already run ProShot's video stream through the GPU, meaning I can make really awesome real-time filters with no drop in performance. The Contrast / Saturation and Black and White settings utilize this already. Look for this to get expanded upon in a future release.

And now I think I've said too much!

Hi RiseUpGames,

I just watched the official announcement of Nokia Lumia 1020, along with Nokia Pro Camera app. I sincerely hope that this newly-launched app will not hurt your income too badly. I want to say once again that I am really thankful for the awesome ProShot along with your untiring support and dedication. Because of ProShot, I hardly ever launch the stock camera app in my Nokia Lumia 920 anymore :smile:. I truly wish you good and continuous success in your future programming career.

-A truly satisfied ProShot user-

Thank you very much for your kind words! Even with what was announced today, ProShot is still the most feature-rich photography app out there. Full manual controls, pinnable camera modes, and an EXIF viewer built into the camera roll are just the beginning of the innovations that I have planned. There's no way of knowing how the sales will pan out, but ProShot is currently the best photography app on Windows Phone, and I aim to keep it that way.

With that being said, I can't wait to get my hands on a Lumia 1020.
I purchased your app and I really love it.
May I make a little suggestion? I would like the app to incorporate a better HD visor like HD Photo viewer. I think HD photo viewer is sharper and you can do a bigger zoom into the pics. I love the integrated viewer in proshot has an exif viewer, but I miss a better zoom.

Thank you very much for your app, really I love it and it the first app I pay for in a loooong time.
I just want to post to say this app is really awesome, the customisation options really useful, things I would use often when taking a picture. Thank you very much.
(Although performance after some tinkering is not as good, is it probably because I have a mid-range spec device?)

also gotta thank Nokia, dipping my toes into WP8 with a mid-range Lumia 620, and finding that the camera have so many advanced customisation available to be used by ProShot, now I'm prepared to get a high-end Lumia when they release the next version of WP.

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