ProShot camera app.

heard that the ability to assign a lens to the camera button is coming in the next GDR2 update next month. can't wait to have ProShot in default start :D
Whoa that was fast! 36 hours after submitting the update, ProShot v2.7.3 is now available for download. Fix those SD card woes! :p

I purchased your app and I really love it.
May I make a little suggestion? I would like the app to incorporate a better HD visor like HD Photo viewer. I think HD photo viewer is sharper and you can do a bigger zoom into the pics. I love the integrated viewer in proshot has an exif viewer, but I miss a better zoom.

Thank you very much for your app, really I love it and it the first app I pay for in a loooong time.

Will do! (was planning on doing this anyways since the 1020 will take such hi-res images).
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I've updated... two questions:

- Where are iso/apperture settings?
- How can i disable touch screen to take pictures, just with button

I've updated... two questions:

- Where are iso/apperture settings?
- How can i disable touch screen to take pictures, just with button


Aperture cannot be adjusted on these phones since they have fixed-aperture lenses. ISO settings are only available in P, M, C1, and C2 modes like traditional DSLR cameras.

At this point there are no settings for touch screen behavior
I would also like enabling "touch to focus" feature. I mean, touch at the screen the zone I want to focus (and the camera focuses in there at the moment) , and after that a shooter on screen button to shoot. I don't like using the physical camera button because of avoiding image trepidation.

Is it possible? I do that way in my xperia z and I think the shooter experience is better. For example, if I touch the screen to focus and I consider it's not well focused, I can try again before taking a picture. It's annoying to get a lot of out of focus pictures because of when you touch the screen, the camera focuses and shot automatically.

My English is so bad, I hope you to understand me :$

Enviado desde mi C6603 usando Tapatalk 4 Beta
I would also like enabling "touch to focus" feature. I mean, touch at the screen the zone I want to focus (and the camera focuses in there at the moment) , and after that a shooter on screen button to shoot. I don't like using the physical camera button because of avoiding image trepidation.

Is it possible? I do that way in my xperia z and I think the shooter experience is better. For example, if I touch the screen to focus and I consider it's not well focused, I can try again before taking a picture. It's annoying to get a lot of out of focus pictures because of when you touch the screen, the camera focuses and shot automatically.

My English is so bad, I hope you to understand me :$

Enviado desde mi C6603 usando Tapatalk 4 Beta

I've added this to my to-do list. Can't say when it will be available, but it's now on there :)

And your English is great!
Is there any plan to make ProShot work on the ATIV S? Is it something technical on the Samsung end that doesn't make it easy to do?

ProShot was the first app that I purchased upon settling for an ATIV S (since I can't get a Lumia 9xx on Bell in Canada). I did not notice the disclaimer. I actually managed to take my first 2 ATIV photos with ProShot until I switched to manual mode, and then the non-stop error messages began.

Even though I can't use it on the ATIV S, I do not regret purchasing the app, as I've followed all of wpcentral's coverage of ProShot, and am more than happy to support such a brilliant app for the WP8 community.
Is there any plan to make ProShot work on the ATIV S? Is it something technical on the Samsung end that doesn't make it easy to do?

ProShot was the first app that I purchased upon settling for an ATIV S (since I can't get a Lumia 9xx on Bell in Canada). I did not notice the disclaimer. I actually managed to take my first 2 ATIV photos with ProShot until I switched to manual mode, and then the non-stop error messages began.

Even though I can't use it on the ATIV S, I do not regret purchasing the app, as I've followed all of wpcentral's coverage of ProShot, and am more than happy to support such a brilliant app for the WP8 community.

ProShot's compatibility with Samsung hardware rests on Samsung's shoulders. They shipped a phone that isn't compliant with Microsoft's Camera APIs, don't support manual focus, white balance and exposure options are buggy, etc. They can most likely fix this through a firmware update, but it is only they who can improve the situation. I'm sorry :(

But thank you for your support :)
Quick question, what do you think about this UI color change? I am planning on changing the menu to black, and only using color for certain accents (color is customizable, defaults to phone's accent color)

Yay or nay? Thank you for your feedback!

Quick question, what do you think about this UI color change? I am planning on changing the menu to black, and only using color for certain accents (color is customizable, defaults to phone's accent color)

Yay or nay? Thank you for your feedback!

yes, I like that
I also like that look. By "only using color for certain accents (color is customizable, defaults to phone's accent color)", do you mean the colour of the highlight text in the menu like in that picture?
Cool, thank you everyone. Looks like this is the direction I will head in, then.

I also like that look. By "only using color for certain accents (color is customizable, defaults to phone's accent color)", do you mean the colour of the highlight text in the menu like in that picture?

Reading all this compliments about the app and its dev, i really wanted to purchase this app, but my visa debit card shows error over international purchase.. Is there any other way i can purchase?
Hey Eddie, Spanish Language:

Image - Imagen
Adjust image settings - Ajustar opciones de imagen
Color - Color
Black & White - Blanco y Negro
ratio - escala
Focus - Enfoque
Adjust focus properties - Ajustar propiedades de enfoque
Auto- Auto
Manual - Manual
MF Assist - Asistente MF
Focus Override - Modificar enfoque
AF Assist Lamp - L?mpara de ayuda AF
On - On
Off - Off
Adjust light sensitivity - Ajustar sensibilidad de luz
Adjust color cast - Ajustar color dominante
Cloudy - Nublado
Daylight - Luz de d?a
Flash - Flash
Fluorescent - Fluorescente
Tungsten - Tungsteno
Candlelight - Luz de vela
Flash - Flash
Adjust flash properties - Ajustar propiedades de flash
Settings - Opciones
menu - menu
menu opacity - opacidad menu
default color - color por defecto
display - visualizaci?n
Grid Lines - Ret?cula - Cuadr?cula
Level - Nivel
Histogram - Histograma
Vibrate - Vibrar
Prompt On Exit - Preguntar al salir
About - Acerca de
Show us your best pics! - Mu?stranos tus mejores fotos!
Programmed by Eddie Kezeli - Programado por Eddie Kezeli
Localization - Localizaci?n
News - Noticas
Manual - Manual
Auto - Auto
White balance, shutter speed and ISO are automatically chosen - El balance de blancos, la velocidad de obturaci?n y la ISO se seleccionan autom?ticamente
Program - Programa
Adjust exposure, ISO, white balance and flash - Ajustar la exposici?n, ISO, balance de blancos y el flash
Manual - Manual
Adjust shutter exposure, ISO, white balance, and flash - Ajuste la exposici?n de obturaci?n, ISO, balance de blancos y el flash
C1 - P1
Custom1 - Personalizado1
Same with C2
Your custom settings. Any changes you make will automatically be saved. - Sus ajustes personalizados. Los cambios que realice se guardar?n autom?ticamente.
Current mode - Modo actual
Burst - R?faga
Self-Timer - Temporizador
Self-Timer Delay - Demora del temporizador
Multi-Shot - Multi-Shot
Timelapse - Lapso de tiempo
Interval - Intervalo
Duration - Duraci?n
no limit - sin l?mite


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