ProShot camera app.

I guess shortly I can test the new features for myself, but what is HDR lite? I have been using HDR Camera App for those high backlit situations etc, which is a "true" HDR feature taking 3 pictures and combining the, but would love to have the control ProShot plus a true HDR function.

I am always amazed at how fast you knock out these fabulous features.
+1 HDR feature. On the other hand thanks for wonderful app as it is.
Now if Pro Shot had a voice\sound activated shutter that would be a feature I'd use a lot.

It's on the to-do list :)

I guess shortly I can test the new features for myself, but what is HDR lite? I have been using HDR Camera App for those high backlit situations etc, which is a "true" HDR feature taking 3 pictures and combining the, but would love to have the control ProShot plus a true HDR function.

I am always amazed at how fast you knock out these fabulous features.

Glad you asked! HDR Lite is a filter-based HDR solution. It utilizes the shadow recovery feature and a few other tricks to create an image that looks similar to a lightly processed HDR image. It raises the shadows without blowing out the highlights as much as one would if they simply raised the exposure.

I still plan on bringing full HDR to ProShot. It's very high on the priority list. We'll see how things go after v2.9 :)
Hello @RiseUpGames. I have been watching this thread for a long time, as ProShot is an impressive application that anyone involved in mobile photography should consider. Now I ordered my Lumia 1020 and I will have it next week, so it's time to ask: When do you plan to support the native resolution of the 1020, together with the reframing feature (and even the RAW support that comes with the newer version of Nokia Camera)? Your app is still very impressive and useful, but to appeal to the 1020 users you need to support the unique features of the phone (the same applies to 1520 and any future phone with the same functionality).
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First, I'd like to say that the new "filter" thingy looks really nice and well implemented. Personally, I'm more excited about the quick option change GUI dynamic. It's really cool!

Secondly, I'd like to agree with C_emman. Particularly, whether this app will support dng or not will be a deal breaker for me come the black update.

Thirdly, I'd like to thank you for the awesomeness that is ProShot! I believe the best camera is the one you have with you, and your app coupled with the Nokia Lumia 1020's camera raises the bar on what that actually means, IMHO. However, I think there may still be alot of untapped potential here and on that note I have a few questions for you:

  1. The ET. Can it go beyond 4 secs? It just doesn't cut it at night. 30 sec would be ideal. Have you investigated the possibility of a workaround? *
  2. Is it possible to implement a continous shoot-option? **
  3. Is it possible to disable the screen preview during timelapses? It could potentially save alot of battery for longer shots.
  4. Do you accept donations? Your app is ridicolously awesome and I want to pay more for it. ***

* Bulb mode, while nice, is not really a dealbraker, but could be cool for those startrail shots. A manually entered number would be more useful, and wouldn't cause any unwanted shake while pushing a button or the screen to close the shutter. Coupled with the self timer I then wouldn't have to touch it at all. By the way, I asked Juha Alakarhu about the ET via twitter. He wouldn't say wether it was an API or hardware "issue" though, just that Nokia Camera is staying at 4 secs. Sadface.

** I sometimes do timelapses to simulate long exposure shots. It's particularly useful in high lighting conditions as it, with a little photoshop magic, creates almost the same effect without blowing out or having to use an ND filter. I do find the frequency settings a little limited in your app, though. The 1020's processing is notoriously slow and I find it sometimes skips a frame on the 3 second setting, which would suck if you were doing startrails.

*** I think the price is set right in the app store as it invites people to try it out for a cheap sum. I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel that they got away with stealing after using it for a few weeks, though. Also, I realize that while my focus on timelapse and long ET photos isn't exactly unique, it is probably not a priority for you as a developer, trying to make a living. I am, however, not above bribery.


Pic related, I shot it with your app and my 1020. Iso 100, ET 1/250, f/2.2, 59 shots at 10 sec interval stacked median in PS.
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Hey everyone! I decided at the last minute to push the release date of ProShot back by a few days in order to add more features, and bring it to v3.0! From a features perspective 2.9 was already pretty much what I had planned for 3.0 minus the UI overhaul, but since the UI works pretty well as-is, that change is no longer high on my priorities list. From the suggestions I've gotten, it seems like people want more features, so that is what I will deliver. If all goes well, the new release date will be around Wednesday.

Awesome! Even though it's just a 0.0.5 advancement in version number, but 2.9 update looks like a huge step forward, congrats!

3 quick questions tho :angel: :

1. Will the proshot 2.9 support rich media format, which allows us to go back to the photos and change/apply different FX and filter?
2. How's 2.9's battery consumption compares to 2.8.5?
3. Will there be a sharpen filter in this update somewhere? ;)

Can't wait for this update!

Oops, sorry I miss these questions!

1) Yes, rich media extension will be supported! But for now, it only allows exporting of the original, unprocessed image. This means that you can shoot with whichever filter you want, and ProShot will keep a copy of the original image. This feature can be turned off from the settings panel, and the original image can either be exported from ProShot's camera roll, or from the rich media link that's in the system's camera roll.

For Lumia 1020 users, if you select the 8MP or higher option, it will keep the 41MP image. Currently, the 5MP and lower options will only store the lower-res images (which are sampled from the original 41MP image). There wasn't enough time during development to integrate some better menu options for this for Lumia 1020 users, but it's something I will look into for a coming update.

Now that the rich media access is there, you can expect to see me do more with it in the future :)

2) I haven't done any battery tests to compare, but I'd say they should be similar. I'm using the GPU to power the filters, in the same way I was using the GPU to power the on-screen contrast / saturation adjustments in previous versions of ProShot. If you were hoping for an improvement in power consumption, unfortunately that's just not possible with all of the things that are going on (camera hardware on, OIS, viewfinder running at 30FPS, real-time filters, etc). It's going to be the same power consumption as Nokia's Pro Cam.

3) Haha, sorry, no sharpen just yet. Convolution filters (blur, sharpen, edge-detect) are very computationally expensive for real-time applications and a lot more complex to implement than per-pixel operations such as contrast / saturation. It is definitely something I want to add, I just need to do some more research.

Hello @RiseUpGames. I have been watching this thread for a long time, as ProShot is an impressive application that anyone involved in mobile photography should consider. Now I ordered my Lumia 1020 and I will have it next week, so it's time to ask: When do you plan to support the native resolution of the 1020, together with the reframing feature (and even the RAW support that comes with the newer version of Nokia Camera)? Your app is still very impressive and useful, but to appeal to the 1020 users you need to support the unique features of the phone (the same applies to 1520 and any future phone with the same functionality).

RAW is a painful subject for me. I've been knocking on Microsoft's door since December 2012 trying to get RAW. They technically have had this option (in some distant form) in their API since the release of WP8, but they've blocked developers from being able to use it (because it was slightly broken, I heard). There is no public API for RAW at the moment, so I can't comment on when or if it will come to ProShot. Rest assured, this is something I feel very strongly about, and want to have it in my app.

ProShot v3.0 will support high res photo capture with the Lumia 1020. If one selects the 8MP option or higher, ProShot will automatically save the 41MP image to local storage, where users can then easily export that image whenever they want.

First, I'd like to say that the new "filter" thingy looks really nice and well implemented. Personally, I'm more excited about the quick option change GUI dynamic. It's really cool!

Secondly, I'd like to agree with C_emman. Particularly, whether this app will support dng or not will be a deal breaker for me come the black update.

Thirdly, I'd like to thank you for the awesomeness that is ProShot! I believe the best camera is the one you have with you, and your app coupled with the Nokia Lumia 1020's camera raises the bar on what that actually means, IMHO. However, I think there may still be alot of untapped potential here and on that note I have a few questions for you:

  1. The ET. Can it go beyond 4 secs? It just doesn't cut it at night. 30 sec would be ideal. Have you investigated the possibility of a workaround? *
  2. Is it possible to implement a continous shoot-option? **
  3. Is it possible to disable the screen preview during timelapses? It could potentially save alot of battery for longer shots.
  4. Do you accept donations? Your app is ridicolously awesome and I want to pay more for it. ***

* Bulb mode, while nice, is not really a dealbraker, but could be cool for those startrail shots. A manually entered number would be more useful, and wouldn't cause any unwanted shake while pushing a button or the screen to close the shutter. Coupled with the self timer I then wouldn't have to touch it at all. By the way, I asked Juha Alakarhu about the ET via twitter. He wouldn't say wether it was an API or hardware "issue" though, just that Nokia Camera is staying at 4 secs. Sadface.

** I sometimes do timelapses to simulate long exposure shots. It's particularly useful in high lighting conditions as it, with a little photoshop magic, creates almost the same effect without blowing out or having to use an ND filter. I do find the frequency settings a little limited in your app, though. The 1020's processing is notoriously slow and I find it sometimes skips a frame on the 3 second setting, which would suck if you were doing startrails.

*** I think the price is set right in the app store as it invites people to try it out for a cheap sum. I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel that they got away with stealing after using it for a few weeks, though. Also, I realize that while my focus on timelapse and long ET photos isn't exactly unique, it is probably not a priority for you as a developer, trying to make a living. I am, however, not above bribery.

View attachment 49781

Pic related, I shot it with your app and my 1020. Iso 100, ET 1/250, f/2.2, 59 shots at 10 sec interval stacked median in PS.

1) I'm sorry to say, WP hardware is limited to 4sec exposures. I have some code that asks the hardware if longer speeds are possible, so if they were, they'd be available to access. I've tried forcing longer shutter speeds before, but the hardware rejects it :/

2) What do you mean by continuous shoot? Keep taking pictures as long as the camera button is being held?

3) Definitely. I will see about adding this option to the next update. (Note: I can't allow for taking timelapse while the screen is off / under lock. After a few seconds the camera hardware automatically shuts down.)

4) Haha. Thank you so much. Maybe I'll add a donation link somewhere in the app :smile: Definitely glad to hear that people are enjoying the hard work!

It's really unfortunate that the 1020 is so slow shot-to-shot. Currently there's no way that I can speed it up anymore than what you will see in v3.0.

filter editor.jpg

I am extremely excited for this update, and to see what kinds of filters you all come up with! I had a great moment during development when I saw a random pic online and wondered if I could use ProShot to re-create that filter. Turns out I could :)

Just so it's not a shock, the filter editor will be a one-time purchase of $0.99. It comes with 6 filters, and the ability to make 1.6 quadrillion more. It was quite a challenge to build an image processing engine that could do it, and fast, on all hardware. I hope this feature does well! I have a solid framework set up, and would love to make it even bigger and better :)

See you all in a few days!
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This all sound so great! It's just so annoying that it is still not possible to make ProShot the default camera app :( I've been looking into it as well, and I cannot find a way. I'm wondering if they hard coded the selector to only look for specific apps and link to them. In which case, they would need to recode quite a bit more to get it capable of accepting a 3rd party hook, but it really wouldn't be that bad. To be honest, I'd be fully willing to pay a lot more for this app if it could be my default camera app. But since that is not possible, I have a hard time investing in it. I'm glad to see that you have continued to invest your time in this program though, and I really hope it gets the attention of Microsoft / Nokia to get working on supporting your efforts.

EDIT: I want to make clear that I'm not trying to make a case against the additional 0.99 for the filter pack. I will probably buy it, and I think it is certainly a fair price based on what he's shown us. I just wanted to reiterate how the one heavily requested feature that Microsoft / Nokia have locked out is still not available.
RAW is a painful subject for me. I've been knocking on Microsoft's door since December 2012 trying to get RAW. They technically have had this option (in some distant form) in their API since the release of WP8, but they've blocked developers from being able to use it (because it was slightly broken, I heard). There is no public API for RAW at the moment, so I can't comment on when or if it will come to ProShot. Rest assured, this is something I feel very strongly about, and want to have it in my app.

ProShot v3.0 will support high res photo capture with the Lumia 1020. If one selects the 8MP option or higher, ProShot will automatically save the 41MP image to local storage, where users can then easily export that image whenever they want.

RAW is not a big deal for me, but I would definitely consider as necessary the support for the full resolution of the 1020. So v3.0 is the release to wait for. ;) At a later stage you could also add reframing through your app.

Very good news to support 8MP pictures for the 1020, in addition to 5MP ones. So, do you use your own supersampling algorithms?
This all sound so great! It's just so annoying that it is still not possible to make ProShot the default camera app :( I've been looking into it as well, and I cannot find a way. I'm wondering if they hard coded the selector to only look for specific apps and link to them. In which case, they would need to recode quite a bit more to get it capable of accepting a 3rd party hook, but it really wouldn't be that bad. To be honest, I'd be fully willing to pay a lot more for this app if it could be my default camera app. But since that is not possible, I have a hard time investing in it. I'm glad to see that you have continued to invest your time in this program though, and I really hope it gets the attention of Microsoft / Nokia to get working on supporting your efforts.

EDIT: I want to make clear that I'm not trying to make a case against the additional 0.99 for the filter pack. I will probably buy it, and I think it is certainly a fair price based on what he's shown us. I just wanted to reiterate how the one heavily requested feature that Microsoft / Nokia have locked out is still not available.

It really is too bad. I've been asking for it since January: Allow camera button to launch a Lens app – Feature Suggestions for Windows Phone

I bet there is a public hook into it, one just needs to find the right code (Microsoft uses long codes in their WMAppManifest files to determine the capabilities of the app). I tried poking around, but no success yet.

In the meantime, I just have to make ProShot better and better. Sounds like fun :)
RAW is not a big deal for me, but I would definitely consider as necessary the support for the full resolution of the 1020. So v3.0 is the release to wait for. ;) At a later stage you could also add reframing through your app.

Very good news to support 8MP pictures for the 1020, in addition to 5MP ones. So, do you use your own supersampling algorithms?

I use Nokia's :)
Unfortunately it's not that quick. It takes ~1 sec to scale from 41MP to 8MP (which is actually insanely fast given what's going on, but it does slow down the shot-to-shot time), and then an additional 2-3sec to run a filter on that image.

The good news is, you can keep shooting even while the filter is being processed. Check this vid for how quickly you can keep shooting pics with ProShot (plus filters!) on a Lumia 920:

ProShot v3.0 Fast Filter Processing - YouTube

On the 1020 though, there's just some hardware bottlenecks that can't be overcome. It really needed the Snapdragon 800.
Making PS the default cam would be awesome I agree.
Not a huge issue for me right now since it shows up in the default lens\app menu under the regular camera (L521).
Just a tap from the cam screen and I'm there so in a slightly roundabout way it is possible to get there from the lock screen.

@ RiseUpGames as always TY for the hard word and great app support.
RAW is not a big deal for me, but I would definitely consider as necessary the support for the full resolution of the 1020. So v3.0 is the release to wait for. ;) At a later stage you could also add reframing through your app.

I think a lot of other people would love the RAW support. :)
My new Lumia 925 has a defective earpiece, I can't hear anything while calling someone.... I think this will be my last Nokia...

On this photo the Lumia refused to focus right, so manual focus did it right. The iPhone 5 had no difficulties to focus.
Awesome, fantabulous and groovy!!!

Pro Shot updated :)

Just a note:
I had to soft reset because PS 3.0 was stalling and locking a bit.
Believe it was my phone...the app is working well now.
Great new features!
Well I'm off to shoot a few hundred pics...
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Auto option almost gives the same yellowish tint like in Nokia camera output in indoor shots ,before the update it was not..

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