Auto option almost gives the same yellowish tint like in Nokia camera output in indoor shots ,before the update it was not..
Updated to versi?n 3.0 and I bought filters, many thanks for you work.... one question... what's shadow recovery?
And a request... Although I understand quite well the english language, I would like have it in spanish language.
I have proshot on my lumia 720 and the app is showing options for selecting only upto 6.1 MP even though the phone sports a 6.7 MP camera. Is it intentional?
Just got the update. Its pretty cool.
Some things to note:
The app kept saying that some error occurred when I tried to open it the first time. You have added a small tutorial kinda video when you open it for the first time. It got stuck when I tried to play around with the ISO choosing UI in the tutorial video. After that when I went to the app, it kept complaining that some error had occurred. But I restarted the app and it worked fine.
Shutter speed for M mode is not getting saved. Everytime I open the app, it goes back to Auto. I think it used to remember it before. Also if I switch between modes, M to P to M, shutter speed is getting reset.
On my 920, it defaulted to 8 MP when I opened my app after the update. Looks like the 8MP version is in 4:3. There was no indication of it in the IMG>Size screen. Also, it always shows 16:9 but I think the 8MP version is actually 4:3. The 16:9, 4:3 options are not choosable, are they ?
Other than these minor quirks, awesome update!
You should update the screenshots on WPStore![]()
Fantastic job you are doing ! Just purchased filters, not that I need them at the moment, but more to support your work. (Needed to restart ProShot to activate filter editor). Keep up the good work!!!
BTW, since you are the master of the code, is it impossible to make video editor? Microsoft do not allow access to video files or what ?
Could you add more white balances? for example fluorescent would have 3 more color options, some are daylight white, white, warm white ect. cloudy and shaded ect.
thanks for the great camera app!
7MP is the largest 16:9 option on the Lumia 920. It's all a bit confusing since it's a multi-aspect ratio sensor, but 3552*2000 = 7.1MP
Oh and, that 16:9 / 4:3 legend at the top-right of the IMG->size screen is a bit confusing. I totally forgot to clear that up. Will do so for the next update.
I get it now. The 16:9 and 4:3 are color coded and the color matches the pic size. In my setup, both the colors were almost the same and I couldnt make out the difference. I changed my proShot color and now am able to see the difference
Just updated on my 521 and bought the filter pack to try and compensate you in a small way for all your hard work. Like others, I had to restart the phone to get rid of the error message after installing. After that, no problems. I can't say I will use all the color filters much, since I tend to do post processing on my computer, but I am looking forward to testing out the HDR Lite some more. Its going to take some time to explore the new features
The SinCity filter doesn't seem to work on my 521. I can see the picture just fine before I take it, but it only saves a blank grey screen.
I took a few pictures with it this morning, and am trying to figure out the real difference in results between HDR Lite and Shadow Recovery and the plain old exposure bump on the bottom of the screen. Is there any way to see what filters are used with the embedded EXIF information ?
Keep up the great work.
RiseUpGames, I just have to say AWESOME update. Thank you! Don't really use filters but bought your filter pak to thank you and support your efforts.
Question/Bug: You added EXIF to the camera roll in 2.7. This is the metadata? How do I get to it? And will it display the metadata of images shot in Auto mode? Also in camera roll, when I tap "captured by ProShot" or use the "...\open in ProShot", I get error message, "Original image not found". Looks like this error only occurs for images shot before the update. I'm using 920.
Thanks again!
RiseUpGames, thanks. From your description, I thought that meant I could see EXIF from within ProShot. Now that I know, no problem to view with file manager in my laptop. Although, now that I think about this, if I could see it in ProShot, I could use it as a starting point to set up my manual setttings (since you haven't been able to implement a light meter function ;-) ).
Anyway, here's a recent shot with ProShot before the 3.0 update. This is shot in auto mode without any post-processing other than to crop due to out-of-level horizon.
View attachment 50306
You can view the EXIF in ProShot.