ProShot camera app.

how do you use the hrd portrait? nothing happens to mine. the green dot in the middle just blinks
i'm using a L920
Anyone having trouble with the filters? I used the filter editor to create my own filters, but they don't save at all. Say I name it "filter", it is gone after exiting the app and then launching again. Creating a new filter with that name will display a prompt that a filter has been saved with that name. Typing in the name of the filter and hitting enter doesn't bring up the filter for me as well. Help?

That was my mistake! It's fixed with today's update, 3.5.2 :)

how do you use the hrd portrait? nothing happens to mine. the green dot in the middle just blinks
i'm using a L920

It should work like normal HDR, except it will take one exposure without flash, and then one with flash. Are you saying that when you press the camera button, the green dot just blinks and nothing else happens? I'll investigate asap.
@riseup HDR portrait doesn't work the green light just keep on blinking after the shot and nothing happens..l920 user
@riseup HDR portrait doesn't work the green light just keep on blinking after the shot and nothing happens..l920 user

Hmm. No matter what I do it works just fine on my 920. Is your battery low (below 20%)? HDR Portrait uses the flash, and I know that flash doesn't work when the battery is low. Does re-installing ProShot fix the issue?
Htc 8x (GDR3) and Lumia 925 (Black): Battery more than 70%. Picture size down to 5mb. Green dot. On the 620 (GDR3) is all works fine.
Very strange! I can't reproduce the error on my 8X nor my 920, but I can on my 1020. It's bedtime right now (3am), but I'll investigate it first thing in the morning. Thank you for the tips!
*slaps forehead* found and fixed the HDR Portrait issue, it'll be out with the next release (which I hope to finish...tomorrow?). Currently working on making the focus slider easier to access when holding the phone verticallly, as well as a few other things.

v3.6 submitted for approval! Should be available within the next 24-48h :smile:


+ Added edit mode to add or remove filters after image capture (filters can now be applied to any photo as well)
+ Added random filter to edit mode
+ Improved focus dial when in portrait mode
+ HDR now more memory efficient
+ Disabled HDR Portrait feature on Lumia 520 because there is no flash
+ Fixed HDR Portrait issue on other devices
+ Samsung bug fixes
+ General improvements

The new edit mode is a simple way to quickly add and remove filters from your photos (or pretty much any photo on your phone). It renders the filters very quickly, making it easy to just slide the slider and cycle through your list. The random filter shuffle button is also fun to play with! With trillions of possible combinations you may never see the same filter twice.


If the filter is possible to recreate using the filter editor, the code for it will appear just above the slider. In the next update I will include an option to save that generated filter :)
Is it possible to touch the screen to focus at that location or an alternate touch for brightness / aperture before taking the picture.
Currently I still have not found away to touch the screen without taking the picture N920.
How do you enter edit mode to apply filters?

Agree with @goixiz that touching the viewfinder to focus is a very nice feature in Nokia Camera.
Is it possible to touch the screen to focus at that location or an alternate touch for brightness / aperture before taking the picture.
Currently I still have not found away to touch the screen without taking the picture N920.

That feature is not there yet, but I've got it on my to-do list. I'll see if I can put it in with the next update.

How do you enter edit mode to apply filters?

Agree with @goixiz that touching the viewfinder to focus is a very nice feature in Nokia Camera.

The update hasn't been certified yet. It should go live tomorrow or the day after! :)
"That feature is not there yet, but I've got it on my to-do list. I'll see if I can put it in with the next update."

Which feature are you describing that will be available on next or future update
A. Touch brightness set
B. Touch location focus
C. NOT using the touch screen to take the picture
Woohoo! ProShot v3.6 now live!

"That feature is not there yet, but I've got it on my to-do list. I'll see if I can put it in with the next update."

Which feature are you describing that will be available on next or future update
A. Touch brightness set
B. Touch location focus
C. NOT using the touch screen to take the picture

Touch location focus. Currently, tapping on the viewfinder will focus on that location and set the exposure, but it will also take a picture. It is not possible to have separate exposure and focus points on Windows Phone, the API does not allow for it. But I will add a toggle for "tap to focus / tap to take picture"!
Awesome. The new editing mode is fun.

I co-own a bakery/cafe and try to post a photo or two daily on twitter. I'm not a photographer, but I also don't want my photos to look like total amateur hour or crappy camera phone with Instagram uglifying filter applied. I'm thrilled that the Lumia 1020 has me taking better photos than my old point-and-shoot, and it inspires me to want to learn a lot more about taking better photos. Now I have a decent camera with me 100% of the time instead of 1%. It is an awesome new way of seeing the world to always be asking myself if there is a photography opportunity here right now waiting to be had. The other day I was delivering pastries at 5:00 AM and had to get out and take some shots of the moon, with the camera balanced on the side mirror and 4-sec shutter.

Can you recommend any good filter settings for food photography? I kind of like the macro/saturated look of Hipstamatic oggl pro with the loftus lens and DC film.

Also, I'm sure you've heard this a gazillion times but if Microsoft ever opens the door to having the shutter button unlock and open your app in auto mode, that would be so sweet. Half the shots I take, I don't have much, if any time to set up the shot. I want to use whatever gets me from phone-in-my-pocket to ready-to-shoot app most quickly, so for now that is Nokia Camera app.
Awesome. The new editing mode is fun.

I co-own a bakery/cafe and try to post a photo or two daily on twitter. I'm not a photographer, but I also don't want my photos to look like total amateur hour or crappy camera phone with Instagram uglifying filter applied. I'm thrilled that the Lumia 1020 has me taking better photos than my old point-and-shoot, and it inspires me to want to learn a lot more about taking better photos. Now I have a decent camera with me 100% of the time instead of 1%. It is an awesome new way of seeing the world to always be asking myself if there is a photography opportunity here right now waiting to be had. The other day I was delivering pastries at 5:00 AM and had to get out and take some shots of the moon, with the camera balanced on the side mirror and 4-sec shutter.

Can you recommend any good filter settings for food photography? I kind of like the macro/saturated look of Hipstamatic oggl pro with the loftus lens and DC film.

Also, I'm sure you've heard this a gazillion times but if Microsoft ever opens the door to having the shutter button unlock and open your app in auto mode, that would be so sweet. Half the shots I take, I don't have much, if any time to set up the shot. I want to use whatever gets me from phone-in-my-pocket to ready-to-shoot app most quickly, so for now that is Nokia Camera app.

I'm not sure which filter settings to recommend, but you could experiment and create different filters for different types of food. For example, you can create a filter called "greens" and adjust the sliders to best show off the rich green colors found in salads. Another filter could be for sweets with a boost in saturation to bring out those colors. Just a few thoughts!

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