ProShot camera app.

It looks like ProShot's image was shot at ISO 800, while the Nokia Camera image was taken at ISO 100. You may have accidentally had ISO 800 selected? Unlike Nokia Camera, ProShot saves your settings (for each mode, Auto, P, M, etc) like a normal camera, so if you were shooting at ISO 800 in P mode the night before, it will still be ISO 800 when you return to it the next day.
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I'm not sure if I've posted these already, but I had some fun playing with shutter speed and a custom green filter. Straight from ProShot, shutter speed was 1/2s:


Took this of my roommate's dog using manual focus. Added tilt-shift effect in Creative Studio. Colors came from a combo of ProShot effects and adjustments in Creative Studio:

I'm not sure if I've posted these already, but I had some fun playing with shutter speed and a custom green filter. Straight from ProShot, shutter speed was 1/2s:

View attachment 59932

Took this of my roommate's dog using manual focus. Added tilt-shift effect in Creative Studio. Colors came from a combo of ProShot effects and adjustments in Creative Studio:

View attachment 59933

Where is that combo color effect in proshot?
Where is that combo color effect in proshot?

Sorry I don't quite remember. I end up making random filters, shooting with them for a day or two, then moving on to a new one, heh (side note: I'm expanding on the overlay option in the next version of ProShot which should allow for a lot more useful filter combinations).

What I do remember from that pic is how the shot was taken: using MF + assist to focus on the eye, and tapping away at the screen until the dog managed to stay still enough to come out mostly blur-free (1/4s shutter speed indoors + hyper Boston terrier = almost impossible haha)
Please have separate focus and shoot on screen
suggestion as an option in configuration. Single or double tap. Tap once focus tap twice focus and take picture for dbl tap
Hi everybody.
now its actually possible for me to do a macroshot, wich i found impossible before.
for the price im happy with any improvement it can bring to the platform, i really hope that nokia takes notice on this app,
And give the small developers more room to manouvre and credit for their work.
My camera of choice until i got the 1020 was anything Canon and pocket, The possibility to change the firmware via CHDK
makes any 40$ pocket cam into a universal photo gadget.
I hope for that to happen with these nokia super pocket cam phones eventually.
Maybe when the next gen gigapix shooters gets released.:smile:
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i purchased the app for my 1020, i also have some hdr apps etc installed later, last week pro shot froze for the irst time and after that its just capable to take one or two pictures before the screen gets green (stays that way for other camera apps) and i have to reboot the phone, i was never able to use hdr function, timelapse fuction with 5min intervalls iso 100, fixed wb, auto shutter etc produces the same green screen, but saves it on the camera roll. i bought this phone in germany so i dont know if thats maybe an issue with software etc. after all this frustration i deinstalled the app, reinstalled it-purchased it for the second time! -because this timlapse function where i can deffine everthing in manual its the vital piece of my project, but it didnt you have any suggestions and is it possible-when i reset my phone completly- to install the pro app without purchasing it for a third time?

best regard


i purchased the app for my 1020, i also have some hdr apps etc installed later, last week pro shot froze for the irst time and after that its just capable to take one or two pictures before the screen gets green (stays that way for other camera apps) and i have to reboot the phone, i was never able to use hdr function, timelapse fuction with 5min intervalls iso 100, fixed wb, auto shutter etc produces the same green screen, but saves it on the camera roll. i bought this phone in germany so i dont know if thats maybe an issue with software etc. after all this frustration i deinstalled the app, reinstalled it-purchased it for the second time! -because this timlapse function where i can deffine everthing in manual its the vital piece of my project, but it didnt you have any suggestions and is it possible-when i reset my phone completly- to install the pro app without purchasing it for a third time?

best regard


I am really sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble, I am not sure what the problem could be. I thoroughly tested the timelapse feature on my Lumia 1020 before publishing the current version to the store. If you're shooting at 5min intervals there really shouldn't be a problem, you have your screen set to automatically lock after a certain amount of time? Once the screen is under lock, the camera hardware automatically turns off. If ProShot then tries to take a photo while the camera hardware is off, it will crash the camera, causing the green screen issue you see. Yo ucan only fix this with a reboot. Currently there is no way to consistently shoot a picture while the screen is locked.

As far as HDR working, I am not sure what the issue could be, as it, too, has been thoroughly tested on a Lumia 520, 920, 1020, and HTC 8X before the update was submitted to the store. Is anyone else experiencing any issues?

Finally, you shouldn't have to re-purchase apps once you've already paid for them. The current system for re-installing apps is totally confusing -- you have to hit the "buy" button before the Store shows an "install" button. You don't actually purchase the app again, you just have to hit the "buy" button first. Hopefully Microsoft fixes this awkward user-experience.

ProShot: NEXT
It's coming along well! I'm focusing on making the UI more playful and easier to use, as well as optimizing performance for all devices, and adding a lot of new features. There's only one thing holding back this update -- something I can't talk about yet. All I can say is, *fingers crossed*
By the way, I can confirm that the new 8.1 Store finally addresses the buy / install issue. Whew!

thanks for this great user support, the timelapse worked, i didnt shut off the preview screen, then it was no problem, is there a site where all this infos are available, i dont want to waste your time while u could develop more great stuff, instead of replying :) ...anyway, when using the burst mode it looks like the app defines the megapixel readout by itself? as well as there is no proper automatic mode because the pics from burst lack, clarity, colour focus, so i recon i would be better of adjusting everthing manual? whats your opinion? and another thing i encountered was, that pics in 16:9 (12mp;10mp,8mp, 5mp) look 'warped' when the camera is held horizontal (landscape) , in portrait(cell upright) theres no such issue

ProShot: NEXT
It's coming along well! I'm focusing on making the UI more playful and easier to use, as well as optimizing performance for all devices, and adding a lot of new features. There's only one thing holding back this update -- something I can't talk about yet. All I can say is, *fingers crossed*

This sounds great! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the new APIs from Nokia and the new 8.1 features! :)

Although, my fingers are still crossed for camera button support ;)

Also, it would be nice to have even rudimentary video support if it does become possible to make it the default camera app because quick access to the video recorder will be important, else it would be lost by setting ProShot as default. Though I guess this can wait until that happens anyway :(

The preview image seen right when the photo is taken is a thumbnail produced by the camera hardware, totally separate data from the full-res photo that ends up getting saved. You can say this preview image is a raw buffer snapshot, untouched by any post-processing. In the background, the full-res photo then gets run through Nokia's algorithms on its way to your camera roll, and unfortunately the result can sometimes be quite a bit off from what you originally saw in the preview shot.

And while I'm here, I just wanna say I'm working on the next update, v4.0. No ETA yet, but soonish. Should be good ;)

So the Nokia Algorithm is the real culprit! Any way on how ProShot can bypass the Post Processing/Algorithm?
thanks for this great user support, the timelapse worked, i didnt shut off the preview screen, then it was no problem, is there a site where all this infos are available, i dont want to waste your time while u could develop more great stuff, instead of replying :) ...anyway, when using the burst mode it looks like the app defines the megapixel readout by itself? as well as there is no proper automatic mode because the pics from burst lack, clarity, colour focus, so i recon i would be better of adjusting everthing manual? whats your opinion? and another thing i encountered was, that pics in 16:9 (12mp;10mp,8mp, 5mp) look 'warped' when the camera is held horizontal (landscape) , in portrait(cell upright) theres no such issue


Some links to ProShot's website are found in the About panel, which contain some information about the app, but I will admit it's still lacking a lot of stuff. I will be making my company's website soon, and that will be a part of the additions.

You are correct, burst mode is currently low-res, it's the only way to get a high frame rate from the image sensor. With Windows Phone 8.1 I believe higher resolutions are possible, I haven't investigated it fully yet though.

There is a bug with ProShot and rotation lock that causes the issue you mentioned. It's actually a bug in Microsoft's OS, and I've been waiting for the better part of two months to hear back from Microsoft on a fix :/ I think I'm going to have to find my own solution -- it's not going to be pretty (code-wise) based on the way I currently handle orientations (which is already convoluted based on other OS bugs), but I guess at this point I'm not going to get an answer so I have to press on.

This sounds great! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the new APIs from Nokia and the new 8.1 features! :)

Although, my fingers are still crossed for camera button support ;)

Also, it would be nice to have even rudimentary video support if it does become possible to make it the default camera app because quick access to the video recorder will be important, else it would be lost by setting ProShot as default. Though I guess this can wait until that happens anyway :(

If I can get ProShot to launch from the camera button, I will add video support :p (it's actually finally possible thanks to WP 8.1 API)

So the Nokia Algorithm is the real culprit! Any way on how ProShot can bypass the Post Processing/Algorithm?

Unfortunately, not. Not without RAW access, which is something I've been petitioning Microsoft since December 2012.
I think launching ProShot from the cam button is starting to be imperative for me.
If I end up actually getting my dream device the 1020 I would really like to see this.
I think launching ProShot from the cam button is starting to be imperative for me.
If I end up actually getting my dream device the 1020 I would really like to see this.

I'm fighting tooth and nail to get this.

Honestly, the *reason* I bought my first Windows Phone, an LG Optimus 7, was because of the camera button launch feature. Without that, I would have never gone Windows Phone, and without Windows Phone I would have never made ProShot.

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