PSA ? Don?t install Windows Phone 8.1 on the Samsung ATIV SE on Verizon

Fellow ativ se owner here. 7-8 lock ups a day. Maddening! No need to pull the battery tho, just hold power and down volume together until you feel it vibrate.Then try to remember to raise volume after it starts back up. Wishing us all a resolution soon.
it's not just the ATIV SE that samsung and verizon seem to have abandoned - the ATIV Odyssey too has not got a firmware update in ages and the odyssey to suffers from a lot of bugs once you get on the 8.1 preview. And as is the case with Samsung/HTC windows phones, no way to go back to stock firmware once you enter the preview. In short: if you are going for a Windows Phone, only buy a Nokia.
Welp, against all better advice, I installed the Preview for Developers option to get 8.1 on my ATIV. Sure enough, all external sound stopped working. Outgoing calls work fine, BT headset works fine. I'm not certain of this yet, but it seems if I miss a call, the screen becomes unresponsive, and after a reset, I'm constantly asked for my PUK. On the verge of a factory reset now.
Welp, against all better advice, I installed the Preview for Developers option to get 8.1 on my ATIV. Sure enough, all external sound stopped working. Outgoing calls work fine, BT headset works fine. I'm not certain of this yet, but it seems if I miss a call, the screen becomes unresponsive, and after a reset, I'm constantly asked for my PUK. On the verge of a factory reset now.

Factory reset should help, but it won't take you back to the stock windows phone 8.0. AFAIK, only Nokia phones can downgrade to an older version of windows phone
Lets not give up on our 8.1 update. Someone has got to know something or someone with inside information. Remember the Version update sheets that always found their way online when Android was going through major updates. maybe the new iPhones will put pressure on Samsung to update the firmware, or is that a Verizon issue also?
I installed the update and it locked up on me within 30 seconds of completing the update.

I have begun to seriously despise this phone. I'm going to just take my loses and go get the HTC One for Windows or an Icon after work today. Last Samsung phone I will ever own.
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Well... Since the issue I had while updating yesterday, the phone has been rock solid. NONE of the annoying issues have shown up. Not a lock up. Not a reboot. The WiFi is connecting consistently when I move from place to place, and it seems like all the input lag on the home screen is gone. It is instantly responsive. The only thing I've noticed is that the battery seems to be draining a bit faster, but not enough that I couldn't live with it if the other issues are truly gone.

I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but maybe that update actually helped. I'll check back in if I have any further problems. (And sorry for my rant yesterday.)
I would love to get an daily update, you might be the first person to successfully update. Do you have Cortona now?
I've been running 8.1 for months, including Cortana. It has just been very unstable.

However, since the update yesterday, it has been awesome. It is showing an uptime of 22 hours without a single lockup, random reboot, or any of the other problems I've had daily for the last several months. I'm thrilled at how well it is running. This is the first time I've made it through an entire day without a problem.

I will keep you updated.
I am up to 1 Day and 14 hours of up-time. No crashes, consistent WiFi connections, no non-responsive touch screen. I'm in awe of how stable the phone is. I'm wondering if they pushed some kind of firmware update along with the 8.1.1 update. Unfortunately I don't know what my previous firmware version was. Right now I'm at 2218.14.03.2 if anyone wants to compare.
I am up to 1 Day and 14 hours of up-time. No crashes, consistent WiFi connections, no non-responsive touch screen. I'm in awe of how stable the phone is. I'm wondering if they pushed some kind of firmware update along with the 8.1.1 update. Unfortunately I don't know what my previous firmware version was. Right now I'm at 2218.14.03.2 if anyone wants to compare.

Same version on 8.0
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Decided to try the update last night on my Samsung ATIV SE and so far everything is working as expected. It took several updates to get to the latest update, I am assuming it was because I was running the standard software. Cortana shows it is the Beta version and still needs some work interacting with my voice and talking to me, but other than that my phone is working fine and I have all the new features WP has to offer. I will keep this post updated and hopefully continue to share my success.

Update #1
24 hours later still working normal. I also decided to do a complete reset of my phone and delete all the data and applications just to see what would happen. Not sure why but Cortana is working much better after the "Clean Install". I figure it works for my PC, why not my phone.

Update #2 Friday 10/3
Had 2 issues one lock up and one random reboot while at a trade show with very bad reception. Both happened while the calendar reminder popped up and I was trying to make a call at the same time. Other than that the phone has been stable and working fine. Cortana is working fine, I used it 30 or 40 times while in Chicago. No issues at all the past 2 days. Also to clear the lockup I pressed the volume down and the power on button at the same time, 20 seconds later I was up and running.
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After a couple of days of unusual stability after the last preview update, my phone has gone back to the random reboots and lockups again. *sigh*
After two days of stability I catch lockup and reboot, and this happen when I listen music via bluetooth in my car (twice). My old Ativ S has same problem with bluetooth on 8.0 and 8.1! Samsung suck! sorry for my english.
After two days of stability I catch lockup and reboot, and this happen when I listen music via bluetooth in my car (twice). My old Ativ S has same problem with bluetooth on 8.0 and 8.1! Samsung suck! sorry for my english.

That's why I don't buy anything else than a Lumia.
Battery definitely drains fast, I don't know why. Over all the phone is MUCH more stable.

I'm not using the phone with Verizon. For the most part everything works as it should on T-Mobile but I for MMS messages I can send them but not receive them. A message just pops up that says "OPPS! the message your trying to download has been deleted from the server"

And internet sharing. There is an app called Tether-X that's a work around but it's still really annoying. Wish SamSung would hurry up and release their WP8.1 already.

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