Push notifications not working!!!

SO, what is the conclusion??
Is there any estimates from MS on when this will be fixed?
My experience is as follows. Skype: everything works. Viber, Facebook, Voxer - nothing works, I keep missing calls and messages, which renders these apps effectively useless.
SO, what is the conclusion??
Is there any estimates from MS on when this will be fixed?
My experience is as follows. Skype: everything works. Viber, Facebook, Voxer - nothing works, I keep missing calls and messages, which renders these apps effectively useless.
Viber and Voxer are 3rd-party apps, not something created or developed by Microsoft. It isn't Microsoft's fault if those apps do not work.
Viber and Voxer are 3rd-party apps, not something created or developed by Microsoft. It isn't Microsoft's fault if those apps do not work.
Did you even bother to read this topic before answering?

This is my conversation with Microsoft.

You: Since some time I don't get my push notifications properly (Whatsapp, Viber). Many people are complaining about this. What is being done about it?
Derek B.: Yes, currently there is a known issue with the notifications with WhatsApp. Currently or Engineer team is working with the developers to resolve the issue, but I have not been informed of a timeline for the resolution of this issue.
Derek B.: I would expect it to be sooner then later with the growing concern.
You: It's not only on Whatsapp, also Viber.
You: Do you know about that too?
Derek B.: Yes, this issue is currently known with Viber as well.
Did you even bother to read this topic before answering?
Yes, I read it. It still does not imply it's Microsoft's fault.

I do not use Viber or Voxer, but I've used WhatsApp for over a year and never had any of the problems that people mention.
Microsoft only helped Whatsapp INC to fix their bugs and bad codes.
Do you have a reliable source from MS or Whatsapp dev that told you so? or just speculating? Why doesn't Google nor Apple need to help 3rd party dev with their OS'es, and these apps still work? Is WP so much harder to master for developers then other phone operating systems?

sorry, but I just dont understand how these blend together:
I've used WhatsApp for over a year and never had any of the problems that people mention.
Derek B.: Yes, currently there is a known issue with the notifications with WhatsApp. Currently or Engineer team is working with the developers to resolve the issue.
Do you have a reliable source from MS or Whatsapp dev that told you so? or just speculating? Why doesn't Google nor Apple need to help 3rd party dev with their OS'es, and these apps still work? Is WP so much harder to master for developers then other phone operating systems?

sorry, but I just dont understand how these blend together:

WP is different, not harder. And new too.

Sneak Peek: WhatsApp for Windows Phone getting new background agent, more in upcoming release | Windows Phone Central
WP is different, not harder. And new too.
New, yeah.
It's almost a year in production. And will be discontinued next year ) and then what? we will face a brand new and different system, where nothing can be done without direct MS intervention?
(not complaining, just tired to see all that apologetical stuff about how "everything works for me" and "MS is not guilty, that's all stupid 3rdpaties/users/bad hardware pieces" b-sht)
I agree that if that's the 1GB requirement problem then it's 3rd party's fault. But this's Notification issue which's rely on OS's main feature, and I think this's OS issue.

And not just 3rd party apps (Viber or Whatsapp...) But Microsoft's Facebook as well! I don't know why but current month, the FB notifications that's sent to my phone's delay by 4-5 notifications (instead of giving me latest one, it gave me the last 3rd-4th notification)
Supporting an OS doesn't mean supporting it blindly, we all are using WP devices because we love something or the other about the OS but there are too many things that require attention from MS but the fanboys start bashing valid points by saying that not MS problem, MS has not given a written assurance that this will work, fanboys might even say, MS didnt promise you that notifications will work so its your fault that you are ranting.
there are many known issue and worst part is MS chooses to keep silent because that works for them, just like they kept silent on the issue of WP7.5 being updated to WP8 and one fine day they announce its death, when will MS anounce what features it intends to bring as part of GDR2/3 Blue etc,
Hi everyone, I read most of the posts here I think and it seems like the issue is solved for almost all of you...?

Well, I just bought my Lumia 920 few days ago, last week installed FB, WhatsUp and lots of other stuff - but the push notifications seem not to work for WhatsUp and FB!! I need to open WhatsUp every few minutes to see if messages arrived - and then they are loaded all. When I close WhatsUp I get error: Push notifications are not working, restart your phone (something similar to this). So I turn the phone off and on again but this does not solve the problem and next time I again don't get notifications, same story repeats.
Note: I have no outlook.com nor do I plan to create one.
I set all my email updates ''as it arrives''.

How can I solve it and can I solve it myself?
Many thanks for any help,
Aneta, sorry it is still not fixed IMO.
I ended up uninstalling Viber and Voxer applications today because there was not improvement in months.
As for Whatsapp, I'm not using it. But the latest update just removes ugly hack which they employed for app to stay in the background - playing fake empty song in mediaplayer. I think this fix has nothing to do with push notifications.
count me one, no push notification for apps update since 2weeks ago , notification delay in whatsapp. Wechat also gave an totally mess update recently. Everything in WP8 is FXXK up recently, What's wrong? it 's not the first time these issues happened, absolutely disappointed!
i have a nl920 and everything works perfectly, whatsapp, voxer... facebook is the only that occurs delays.

count me one, no push notification for apps update since 2weeks ago , notification delay in whatsapp. Wechat also gave an totally mess update recently. Everything in WP8 is FXXK up recently, What's wrong? it 's not the first time these issues happened, absolutely disappointed!
I also have issues with notifications for whatsapp. Just sent a test message to another WP7 and the message has still not been delivered as they have not received any notifications. This is very disappointing. Rebooted the phone 3 times and no change. Sad for days!! :angry:
i have a nl920 and everything works perfectly, whatsapp, voxer... facebook is the only that occurs delays.

I am using NL920 too and pre-GDR2 version. Since the day here map/transit had been reported error for downloading in store, my ml920 no longer received apps update notification.

Whatsapp team has unleashed a string of update recently. The 1st release was good, worked fine until I updated to latest one which I so much regret now. Notifcations are hours late

Wechat, I cannot receive message notification unless I open the app.
I also have issues with notifications for whatsapp. Just sent a test message to another WP7 and the message has still not been delivered as they have not received any notifications. This is very disappointing. Rebooted the phone 3 times and no change. Sad for days!! :angry:

Some crowd reported it was whatsapp problem, some reported it was microsoft, so who should be accountable? Whatsapp released a string of updates, but the late notification problem is still not fixed. Very disappointed.
Some crowd reported it was whatsapp problem, some reported it was microsoft, so who should be accountable? Whatsapp released a string of updates, but the late notification problem is still not fixed. Very disappointed.
WhatsApp works fine on iOS, Android, and the newly announced about-to-die BB10. If WhatsApp can work fine on a ghosttown of an OS like BB10, then rest assured that Windows Phone is the problem here, not WhatsApp. Ever noticed how not a single social app works properly like Kik, Facebook Messenger, Skype, etc.?

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