[Quick Impressions] Who Has Gotten The Lumia 950?

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Hell-o everyone and thank you for your impressions.
If possible could we please stay on topic here?
Thank you all!
For the happy people which have the lumia 950, can you please post here some experiences from the call quality of the phone ?
There is also a topic with people having echo problems with incoming calls but i'm wondering if there are also people out there which have good experiences with the call quality ;)
For the happy people which have the lumia 950, can you please post here some experiences from the call quality of the phone ?
There is also a topic with people having echo problems with incoming calls but i'm wondering if there are also people out there which have good experiences with the call quality ;)
Call quality has been great, both sending and receiving. I've also noticed calls often begin dialing instantly, something that didn't happen on my L920.
Call quality has been great, both sending and receiving. I've also noticed calls often begin dialing instantly, something that didn't happen on my L920.
Nice to hear the L950 is also able to make descent phone calls ;)
Was a bit worried this was one of the problems of this phone ...
Hey ho!

Could someone please confirm - is the Glance screen "Peek" option still available on 950? I am so used to simply taking the phone out of the pocket and seeing the Glance screen info. Somewhere it was written that there is no "Peek" option anymore.

Thanks =)
Yes. The glance options are a little different but basically its always 'peek' you just choose the interval that is stays on afterward (one being always on). I always thought the options for glance before were a little confused...this is much more focused and useful.
Quick word about build quality and comparison to 640:
First my device history (for credibility): Focus, 920, 830, 640, 950
While I agree somewhat with many others who are disappointed with the overall aesthetic (920 sets a high bar in my book) - I think its important to qualify the comparison to the 640. I happen to have them both sitting side by side right now - and while they have a very similar aesthetic, the build quality on the 950 is night and day. The 950 has a much more premium hand feel - feels denser, more substantial even though the weights are very similar. The 640 was a very capable 'gap device' for me (after my 830 took a swim) and very underrated for the price - but it definitely looks and feels like a cheap device. The 950 looks similar from a distance, but in the hand its everything the 640 isn't.
Yes - confirmed. Glance options are a little different now - basically its always 'peek' you just choose the interval that it stays on afterward. I thought the glance options before were a little complicated and confused - this is much more streamlined and useful.
Yes. The glance options are a little different but basically its always 'peek' you just choose the interval that is stays on afterward (one being always on). I always thought the options for glance before were a little confused...this is much more focused and useful.

I see now. Thanks a lot!
First impressions of the white LUMIA 950:
1. It feels cheap, just like the 635 and 640. Does NOT feel solid and sturdy like the 920 and 1020 both do.
2. The white is easily marred, so if keeping a good finish is important to you, get a case.
4. Wireless charging is hit-or-miss. You have to position it just right on the pad. Never had this problem with the 920 or 1020.
5. The camera simply doesn't compare to my 1020, PARTICULARLY in low-light conditions. Images are washed out and the contrast is stark compared to the 1020 (I'm talking about images taken without making adjustments ahead of time). I'll be sticking to my 1020 for pictures, period.
6. The autofocus doesn't work very well at all on the 950, and I find I resort to manual focus 60% of the time. It tested this on my wife's identical 950 to see if I just got a bad unit, but the problem was consistent. Autofocus on the 1020 is precise every time.
7. Almost all performance is jerky. Scrolling, switching screens, selecting from drop-lists, doesn't matter. Given this is supposedly better specs than my 1020 I should see almost universal smoothness. Of course, this is W10, so I'm not at all surprised.
8. Increasing text sizes does NOTHING to fix how absolutely, stupidly TINY fonts are on the tiles. Having the TINY numbers for outstanding notifications on tiles is an idiotic choice compared to how large and bold they are on WP8.1. Major fail.
9. Icons on many third party app tiles are VERY TINY as well, creating a horrible look on the Start Screen.
10. Hello is virtually useless. Even after MULTIPLE attempts to "Improve Recognition", the stupid thing half the time says, "Couldn't detect your eyes". Several times it has come up with an error saying "Hello has been blocked due to too many failed attempts" forcing me to use the PIN. I'm turning of this ridiculous feature.
11. Motion data doesn't work correctly, rarely picking up that I have accumulated steps--even thought I've made all the motion settings are on.
12. When trying to configure individual app sounds it locks up and crashes within a few seconds of trying out different sounds. It took an hour of this just to configure custom sounds for a handful of apps. Ridiculous.
13. Battery life is "meh". I can get as much battery time out of my 1020 that's over two years old and had thousands of charges. I should get significantly better battery from a new device.
14. I see the "dots" in random cases when trying to start an app or switch screens. I'm assuming this is merely the replacement for "loading" or "resuming" used in most situations.
15. I also see the circular arrows come up randomly, also something I'm betting is analogous to "resuming".
16. Often huge delays in Cortana responding. Or you'll hear the "bleep" indicating that Cortana is listening BEFORE you get the notifications (e.g., you hear "bleep".... long pause...." You have a text from <insert name>".
17. I've decided that 5.2 inches is just too big of a device to be comfortable to use, a problem that is made worse when you put a case on it (which you absolutely will need to do because this thing feels and is built like a cheap toy).
18. All of the rest my limitless complaints about how bad Windows 10 is still apply.

1. Feels pretty good to me, it has a nice feel IMHO.
2. Should have gone black.
3. Fixed yesterday.
4. I haven't had a problem with my DT-900, it works very well 4 hours for full charge.
5. Haven't tried low-light but it takes excellent photos, sharp, colorful, and clear
6. I was taking macro pics with AF on and it did perform decent, MF is the best way to go, obviously especially for macro
7. Herky here and there not even close to the way your making it seem.
8. Glasses may be needed? Or a stronger prescription?
9. My Icons all fit nicely and look great, not sure of the issue.
10. Aside from being slow Hello works amazing. I haven't had an issue, with glasses, dark, light, sunlight, cloudy....works very well.
11. Still beta?
12. If it took a hour to configure sounds...you're very patient.
13. Battery life is laughable, I will agree.
14. Not sure what that means.
15. Never seen that.
16. Cortana is still being worked on...it isn't perfect.
17. Bigger hands?
18. Goto another OS? Android? iOS?

I am quite happy, it isn't perfect but the phone is great.
DUDE, where is the call and sms filter or block and filter option in the Lumia 950?? I cant find them??

bring up call history, tap the 3 dots at the bottom right, select blocked calls, then the hamburger on the top left. you can see your blocked calls, messages and block list. if you choose settings, you can block calls with no caller id and shut off notifications

Ok, but what about regular calls without HD ?
should sound the same as all cellular calls since the dawn of cellular :)
Ok, but what about regular calls without HD ?

I have not had any issues at all with calling. People may disagree on it's premium look, once you put a case on it or a new back cover it will be hidden anyway, (I have an Amzer Puddin case and it actually looks great on the phone). Do not be fooled by the insides though.

This is a great phone. I thought I liked my 1520, I am so happy to be off the size of the 1520, I will never do another phablet.
I don't understand what all the negativity is about on these forums. I switched from an iPhone 6 and I love my black 950. The battery life is meh but that's the only issue. The os is definitely finished, as I've had no issues with it. Phone runs a little warm but that's not really an issue.

I guess haters are gonna hate. Even my roommates (all iPhone users) think it looks awesome. Chill out.
I don't understand what all the negativity is about on these forums. I switched from an iPhone 6 and I love my black 950. The battery life is meh but that's the only issue. The os is definitely finished, as I've had no issues with it. Phone runs a little warm but that's not really an issue.

I guess haters are gonna hate. Even my roommates (all iPhone users) think it looks awesome. Chill out.

Your post sums up the state of this community. It is becoming so crowded with people who like to complain just like whining kids. Even iPhone users are liking the phone. It is not perfect, what is?
About battery life, I do not know how long you've been using it, on my w10m installation (lumia 930) after the first two days I had a great increment in battery life, it is related to background first-time configurations, downloads and maybe exaggerate usage (it is new so you use it more).

My 950 is coming in a few days *_*
Re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Review

Okay, My 920 is having trouble charging from a USB cable, so I broke down (begged the Mrs.) and ordered an AT&T 950 white through Amazon. $3.99 for next day shipping? Okay. (It's Friday now, so I'll get it Monday.) I also ordered a case, sd chip, OTG adapter, and extra USB c cable... and guess what, they should be here Monday too!

I should have ordered it Wednesday.
I'm still holding on the purchase, but most likely will within the next week unless something bad surfaces.

Battery usage and heat issues are my only concerns, as there are negative reports on both. Specs look good enough for me for a flagship (reason why i didn't buy the L830) , and Windows 10 mobile can only get better from here. I hope the big banks release UWA apps for Win10, but other than that I'm not concern about the app gap as much.

Hope that people who have owned it since launch day could chime in with a follow up re: improving battery life/heat. Still rocking my L920 for 3 years now. Having Glance off is not an option for me. Except for the fact that the bezel of the L950 is bigger than the 920 (footprint wise), this one seems like the real true successor.
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