[Quick Impressions] Who Just Got The Lumia 950 XL?

Received my 950XL from FedEx 1/19. Unlike some users I really like the lightness of it, and even the polycarbonate cover, but I use my wireless charging almost exclusively. The screen is absolutely gorgeous. I did order two cases to try from Amazon one was recommended by Windows Central in their post, the full TPU one and the other is from Ghostek has an aluminum surround. Now to some issues....
Promptly got a SIM from ATT and booted it up. Did a restore from my 920 when prompted. I have not been paying attention to whether or not I have LTE because I've just been staying connected to WiFi trying to get this thing to update. I have apps from the restore just hanging at the pending screen, I have been trying to poke at them(both from the Store and Start screen) to get them to do something to no avail. And from what I can tell that is holding me up from the phone updating to .29, I can see it listed under the Phone Update menu. The phone is also seriously hot, as I have read other users have had issue with. The phone also feels ancient in how sluggish it is, slower even then my 3.5-4 year old L920, though I'm going to go out on a limb and attribute that to all the hold ups with updates. I don't seem to have any issues with apps that have sort of installed. I say sort of because Facebook for example I am able to use with no discernible limitations but it still shows up under pending updates, as do a few others. Most however when clicked on take me to the store.
I have tried turning the phone off and on again several times. Drained the battery completely and charged to approx 75%. More restarts. And a couple soft resets, nothing seems to be jump starting the apps (or .29 update) to download. I want to avoid a hard reset so maybe I will just give it a day or so, or overnight to process without any usage while on the charger overnight.

I thought by waiting until after the holidays and when the phones became available for sale again that MSFT would have had at least some of these issues worked out. Extremely disappointed.

Update: After soft resetting, going into the app store and pausing all app updates, and plugging phone into a wall charger and leaving it be, .29 update is now at 32% after approx 1 hour.
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... Did a restore from my 920 when prompted. ...

You should have set it up as a new phone. Then download updates and content from backup once all hardware/software updates are done. There's good advice here on the forum about initial set up for the 950'series.
Actually I've read more people state that after booting the first time with the SIM in state they restored from their previous WP backups, than stated they started fresh, that's why I went that route.
But another update to previous post: after being left alone as before plugged into wall, the .29 update is now at 78%, after approx 3 hours.
Update again: So after a couple more shut downs and restarts (not the soft reset) and ensuring each time that my apps updates were in fact all still paused I finally have the .29 update!
It finally feels like an octa-core phone. Its fast, its smooth, transitioning between programs is smooth. Windows Hello has been working flawlessly for me, not issues what so ever, though I have only been using it approx 8 hours. The phone recognizes I have LTE coverage, however running the SpeedTest.net app yields results that are not up to par with what I have seen previously in my area. I'm still making the phone my own, adjusting settings, and backgrounds, lock screen, tiles ect, but so far I am loving this phone, any further sales of it MS needs to send out with the most up to date software.
I have my 950 XL now for a couple of days and there are a few positive and negative things.
My last phone was a 1020 with wp10 on it so i compare all the things with that phone. I love my 1020 and that is wy i compare it with it.
Positive things:
Bigger and great looking screen.
Weight is lower.
Great camera.
Wp10 is positive but not withoud any problems.
The phone stays cooler than the 1020.

The negative things:
Wp10 on my 1020 is more stable and everything i use works on it.
On the 950 xl it has still a lot of bugs.
The bluetooth isn't working that good. I can't connect my treasure tag and the connection with other devices gives also sometimes som problems.
My nokia wierless charging dock works alone as i puth my phone on it's side. As i put it straight it will not charge because the charging part in the phone sits to high.

Missing the camera apps that there were in wp8.1
Here maps and here drive+ are missing. I hope that they will come soon back.

Overal i love this phone but it is not ready for people that never had a wp before and never used wp10 on there wp before.
It is still way to unstable and the bkuetooth problems are still to big.
I hope that they will solve these problems and that the HERE apps will return soon.
Upgraded from Lumia 640XL. Same cheap feels. Have always used low end craptacular phones. This is best phone I've ever had in all respects. Missing "double-tap to wake".
Got the 950 XL yesterday, and main thing I am struck by - is how much I like the design! Over here in the UK, finding a demo 950XL to handle in any store is impossible, I found one store that had a 950, so that was all I had to go by. Have read all the reviews slating it for cheap and uninspiring design, so really didnt know what to expect... but I actually love it, and dont think it feels or looks cheap at all, but quite the opposite! I came from a Note 3, and turned my nose up at other brands with their fragile glass design. I have handled some of the phones with a metal design that almost feels like plastic. Maybe it's just me but it totally feels like a premium phone to me. Loving how thin it is too!
The 950XL just arrived in Thailand and I managed to get one yesterday in black..

The phone feels lighter than my 640XL. It reminds me, in terms of design, of a Nexus phone, especially when I hold it. It is nice to also have a dedicated camera button again which was lacking on the 640XL.

After updating Windows 10 Mobile through the Insider program and restoring from my backup I have to say that I am, overall, impressed with it. I did have some initial issues after restoring my backup, such as LINE needing to be uninstall and reinstalled, and Windows Hello does not always recognise me when I wear my glasses but I can definitely see this phone has potential.

Windows 10 Mobile is faster than on my 640XL, especially when downloading applications and applying updates, as well as when composing large SMS or Facebook messages which would slow down my 640XL. The camera, although I only took one picture as a test, was, even to my untrained eye, far better than the same picture that was taken on an iPhone 6 Plus I had access to.

So, overall, I have no doubts over my purchase at all. I just wish Microsoft had released it in Thailand sooner and I now have to wait for a case to arrive as there are none here right now.
After a long wait i finally got my 950xl. My first impressions are. Waiting for a year and half to get another flagship phone this is the best you can come up with? Really? They had a year and a half to think what to put out to the public next. Unbelievable. Everything else i love. At least for me they`ve alway`s had a butter smooth Os. Camera is awesome. Apps are behind as expected. Overall i`m really enjoying this phone.
Got mine in December.
I started with "WMP" (HTC,...) - later I changed to iPhone and finally back to Microsoft with Nokia....
My last devices have been - 8xx, 900, 920, 1020, 930...
Further I onw a Galaxy S4 (to drive my Smartwatch).

So how about the 950XL?
Compared with the other "Lumias" it feels a bit "cheap".
This is the price for the changeable battery - but it could have been done better.

PRO: big, clear, great colors
CON: no "high sensitive mode" (use with gloves), no "double tap to wake up" (I miss this)

Compared to the others it's close to my 930 (950 is better - faster focus was my first "Wooowww").
But it can't beat the 1020 especially when it comes to stabilization and resolution.

PRO: ???
CON: order (power between volume buttons - crazy), they feel cheap

PRO: almost like on the desktop, fast,...
CON: somethings don't work always, sometimes hangs on built-in apps (never had this before), some thing "forced" (I don't like skpye in my SMSs)...
Last not least the biggest CON - in WP7 we had "unified messaging", Messenger, Facebook Chat, SMS all in one app...
But this is gone with WP8.

General PRO:
Accumulator for much more than one day (although I have WiFi, BT, and other things always running) - the best compared to the others. And it is extreme fast loading.
Continuum is also a nice thing.
Windows 10 Mobile is great (although some things need to be fixed).

General CON:
Buttons, missing settings, missing "double tap to wake", "cheap" case (cover)

Problems so far:
I only had a problem getting the firmware update - this was an issue with insider (which I couldn't leave).

CONCLUSION: I'm really happy with the device - except some minor "missing things"
This quickie review is based on the white international single sim version.
I'll leave the unboxing details to others but I did like that it came in a Surface like box (flatter and more square) made of sturdier material than the usual brick style android box. First impression on removing from plastic: light, almost as big as my Motorola Nexus 6. I quickly inserted the nano sim from the Nexus into the 950xl, addthe 128gb micro sd, snapped the back on. Turned it on and wow...the screen was gorgeous. TMobile showed as the carrier, I checked for Visual Voice Mail and it was there (WFI calling, sadly, no). Tried some text messaging and calls successfully. I then immediately download the Lumia Offers app and both the Office and Dock were available. I ordered both from the MS Store using the supplied activations codes. I then manually started downloading my apps. Some of my 8.1 apps are not available for 10 yet. After that, I tried out Continuum using MS Wireless Display. I Bluetooth attached the new MS folding keyboard and Wedge Mouse and fired up continuum. It actually worked pretty well. Again not all Win 10 Apps work on Continuum, yet. But I was impressed seeing it all working on my 60 inch big screen. I started with the Nokia 521 in Nov 2013 and moved up to the Nokia 925 a few months later (I've also been using the Nexus 5/6 in the same time space)...I prefer the Win 8/10 platform.The main apps I use are there on both, but the Windows platform is much more fun to use, in my opinion. This purchase is more expensive than any of the phones I've bought before, but the fun factor, speed, continuum make it worth it to me.
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Have had the Lumia 950 XL for a few days.
First impressions: It's impressive.
No slow downs with camera, emails or messaging [Once I got APN setup + updates]
Still kicking the tires more or less.
Think I will keep this puppy.
For the price guess that's a ringing endorsement.
I cannot choose between 950 and 950 XL, so today I went to one store with phones that has 950 and 950 XL demo units (turned off, just to look at). I was shocked by the XL. I thought it would be better for me but no. I find that 950 is better built. 950 XL has sharp edges around the screen and also sharp edges around the sides of back cover, on the other hand 950 has these a little bit rounded and smooth. Do all 950s XL have this sharp back or it was just the demo unit?
I don't find any edges to be sharp on my 950XL. Still feels cheap out of the box but the clear Orzly case I got for it sturdies it up a bit.
I don't find any edges to be sharp on my 950XL. Still feels cheap out of the box but the clear Orzly case I got for it sturdies it up a bit.
I take it back. I went to the O2 Store today and tried again 950 XL and everything was fine about it, no sharp edges. Maybe they had some bad demo unit in the store I was yesterday. :D
After almost a month of 950XL, here's my experience so far:
-Thin, light and pretty comfortable to hold
-Amazing screen with good colors and awesome resolution but...
-Best camera on smartphone, or at least amongst the best ones
-Windows Hello is a good new way to unlock the phone, and it works great
-Windows 10 latest preview is not completed yet but it runs pretty smoothly, i like it better than any other mobile OS, i'm really confident for the final release
-Glance screen, i know it's almost a given thing on Lumia, but i didn't have it on my previous 730 and 930 so it's a new thing for me and i love it.
-Speakers get pretty loud though...
-Speakers quality is not so good, they sound a bit "metallic" and definitely lack on bass
-Design is fine, but from a over 600$ flagship you would expect a more "premium" approach with at least an aluminium frame or even better the Surface magnesium, and i shouldn't have to put some sticky posts on the back cover to fix the creaky corners...yes, at least it worked.
-Screen, unfortunately the whites turns into yellow if you watch the screen from the sides, that's not a deal breaker but it does get annoying, especially when, for example, you're surfing on Microsoft Edge, where the pages are often white, so keeping your phone on the table looking at it from a different angle, you do notice the white turning yellow... and that's not good at all
-Store is getting better and there are more apps than before, i also personally think that there are almost all the ones i really need, though is clear that the difference between it and IOS/Android stores is still huge, lot of important apps and games are still missing on WM10 and a few apps are not as up to date and polished as the IOS/Android ones...
To wrap this up i'd say that so far i'm overall satisfied by the phone, i'm definitely enjoy it as my main phone, but i really look forward for this Surface Phone to show up, cause if it is real and if they do it right i'm in on upgrading to that this fall, i'm a huge fan of Surface division, and i love my Pro 4.
After almost a month of 950XL, here's my experience so far:
-Speakers quality is not so good, they sound a bit "metallic" and definitely lack on bass

You can get that a bit better with sound equalizer settings.

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