I currently using the Lumia 1520 and here two things I wanna ask you Ryan .
1st : About A8 , the la Ferrari update package is very good . You guys have brought a lot of thing like new maps , cars , new effect etc but why you guys cannot bring the whole graphic package like android or iOS devices , I believe that I have the most powerful device not only WP but also android world right ? but I can't see flare , I can't see blur when I'm in high speed or using nitro . Why ? Because the OS itself or something else that hold those things back ? And the performance of this update is not good sometime is extremely laggy and i have to restart my phone to sovle that "bug" . The reinstall is useless . Hope for next update will make this game's performance and graphic better cuz I payed before it F2P
2nd : It is extremely ridiculous thing . The new racing game you guys have brought : GT Racing 2 is laggy on my phone (car is disappeared , sky sometime disappeared , laggy at menu and in race , sound problem like static noises , no headlight effect when race at night , the reflection of the road is crappy not like android or. IOS version ) but it run smoothly on my brother's 920 with beautiful effects and i saw a video on YouTube they run the game perfect with 925 too @@ don't know why .
And be advised: My phone is running 8.1 preview