[Real Users] My Lumia 1520 Review

Re: Nokia 1520 my first impressions

Thank you for your thoughts. I have been pining after the 1520 but I was worried about the size being an issue over the long term. I hope you enjoy your upgrade to windows 8. If you don't like the 1520 its going to be very hard going back to the 900.
Re: Nokia 1520 my first impressions

I'd probably go with the 1020.

There really seems to be a line w/people on this phone; some will never get over the size, and some will feel like every other phone is super tiny and can't go back. Clearly, neither is wrong, but I'm happy I'm in the later group, because I like having all the power that goes with the bigger phone :).
Re: Nokia 1520 my first impressions

There really seems to be a line w/people on this phone; some will never get over the size, and some will feel like every other phone is super tiny and can't go back. Clearly, neither is wrong, but I'm happy I'm in the later group, because I like having all the power that goes with the bigger phone :).

I've only gotten my 1520 two days ago, but I can absolutely tell you that the battery life on this device is, without a shadow of a doubt, ridonkulous. I'm currently sitting at an estimated 4 days, 4 hours and I've only been off the charger for about eight hours.
Re: Nokia 1520 my first impressions

I've only gotten my 1520 two days ago, but I can absolutely tell you that the battery life on this device is, without a shadow of a doubt, ridonkulous. I'm currently sitting at an estimated 4 days, 4 hours and I've only been off the charger for about eight hours.

One would hope with a 3500mAh battery.

@Phrozty I hear you but I went from a iPhone 3G to a HTC EVO4G and I thought then that the 4.3in screen was too large. I have 29 days to test it out and if I dont get used to by then, it'll be going back. Definitely the hardware is a vast improvement in the WP lineup.
Re: Nokia 1520 my first impressions

One would hope with a 3500mAh battery.

@Phrozty I hear you but I went from a iPhone 3G to a HTC EVO4G and I thought then that the 4.3in screen was too large. I have 29 days to test it out and if I dont get used to by then, it'll be going back. Definitely the hardware is a vast improvement in the WP lineup.

I had the same reaction...it is huge. I walk five miles a day in my development/neighborhood....and I'm not sure if it'll be comfortable in my hand or pocket to listen to music with. I live in FLA, so I wear running shorts and a tank...so for the past month or so (since I started walking five miles) I've had the iPhone 5 as my phone and walking MP3 player. I always held it in my hand, not too big, not too small. I have yet to go for this walk (talking a small break, or rather until I get my case/bumper)...but I think I need to soon to figure out if the 1520 is going to be too cumbersome, or be just fine.

I have gotten fairly used to the size at home, and going to the store and whatnot. I've had the 1520 and WP8 for 8 days and I am blown away at the OS and hardware. The screen is stupid-epic in its size and clarity/color. I surf the net on it more than I do on my laptop...and the YouTube vids, and side loaded movies are beyond brilliant on this screen. The body/feel of this phone is simply wonderful as well. It's uni-body is super sleek.....the buttons are flush so it's not easy to accidentally push a button in your pocket or purse...yet not difficult to find them, and give them the proper push (you'll master this as time goes on). The battery is the best I've ever seen on any phone I've owned since my Hero, EVO, iPhone 4S, Galaxy Nexus, and my iPhone 5.

Sure it may not have all the best apps first, albeit we do have exclusive apps ourselves. However, we currently possess all of the TOP Major apps out there. If there is a new major top app out, one that we don't have...like say, Fitbit (I have the Fitbit "Flex").....you can be sure it's in the news somewhere, or that it'll be coming out very soon. There are only TWO apps that WP doesn't have and I'm kinda "jealous" over. Those two are "BBM" and "Navy Federal Credit Union". BBM I can TOTOALLY live without, and NFCU I can use their website just fine.

Double Tap is just lovely...lol. It's a nice feature that makes the phone feel ever MORE top of the line than it already is. 20 Megapixel "PureView" camera with Image Stabilization, and Pro Camera controls!!!?? YES PLEASE! The photos are ridiculously beautiful. I am a photographer and I use Photoshop CS6 Extended...and with this camera, lens, and flash....I can do, and have done some serious work. There isn't one thing I don't like about this phone. Are there things that could make it better, like a notification center, and a better personal assistant? ...yes, of course. However, this phone is perfect as is...and this phone will get better than it is now...with each update.

I've read somewhere that Phablets are going to outsell Tablets in 2014....we shall see. Big is definitely growing in demand...and one day here shortly, I see myself not even conceiving of going backwards in size, lol.

Well anyways...that was my first impression of my Lumia 1520 (White), and WP8. Now I can't even fathom of going back to iOS....and Android, I'll never use again (way too unsecure). WP8 is just perfect. The smooth-as-hell animations, the speediness, xbox music, full office, live tiles, and so much more. Plus...WP8.1 is going to rock even harder...lol, and that's a few months away.

The one final hurdle is....I just have to get used to is the size while I am out walking. At some point soon, I have to take my five mile walk and see if it's manageable or unmanageable to walk with in my hand.
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Re: Nokia 1520 my first impressions

The 1520 does not have a xenon flash, just to clarify it's dual LED.
Re: Nokia 1520 my first impressions

I was surprised at how significant the camera bump is and with my desired setup (Skinomi full body skin) I would have to place the phone face down to protect the camera.
Fortunately, that's not the case! Because of the camera bulge, the phone has a slight upward tilt when placed back-down on a hard surface like a table. Further, the glass protecting the camera is very slight recessed within the camera bulge. This means that the glass is not in contact with the table.

Of course, things would be different if the phone were placed down on a carpet or other soft surface (your pocket, maybe?). I don't know the extent to which one of the hard cases would help you there.
Re: Nokia 1520 my first impressions

Fortunately, that's not the case! Because of the camera bulge, the phone has a slight upward tilt when placed back-down on a hard surface like a table. Further, the glass protecting the camera is very slight recessed within the camera bulge. This means that the glass is not in contact with the table.

Of course, things would be different if the phone were placed down on a carpet or other soft surface (your pocket, maybe?). I don't know the extent to which one of the hard cases would help you there.

LOL, the slight recess isnt enough to give me confidence in placing a naked 1520 camera side down. Until I figure out something, the sticky plastic is staying on. The Incipio cases look like they cushion the camera fairly well. The Nillkin case looks to provide some cushioning/raising of the camera if placed face down: Nillkin Ultra Slim Hard Skin For lumia 1520 Case

I have placed it in my pant pocket but I have see some folks mention the pressure in a pant leg pocket can cause cracks in the display. So Ive been a bit wary to do so frequently.
Re: Nokia 1520 my first impressions

I have placed it in my pant pocket but I have see some folks mention the pressure in a pant leg pocket can cause cracks in the display. So Ive been a bit wary to do so frequently.
I keep my 1520 in my (front) jeans pocket a lot of the time. I have the phone in a Belkin Folio case, which does add width and weight to the phone. Works fine for me most of the time. :)
Same here. I have the Nokia case , no issues and find I can keep t on my jeans pocket no problem. Once in a while, when driving it becomes uncomfortable, but overall it been fine.

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Re: Nokia 1520 my first impressions

I had the same reaction...it is huge. I walk five miles a day in my development/neighborhood....and I'm not sure if it'll be comfortable in my hand or pocket to listen to music with. I live in FLA, so I wear running shorts and a tank...so for the past month or so (since I started walking five miles) I've had the iPhone 5 as my phone and walking MP3 player. I always held it in my hand, not too big, not too small. I have yet to go for this walk (talking a small break, or rather until I get my case/bumper)...but I think I need to soon to figure out if the 1520 is going to be too cumbersome, or be just fine.

I have gotten fairly used to the size at home, and going to the store and whatnot. I've had the 1520 and WP8 for 8 days and I am blown away at the OS and hardware. The screen is stupid-epic in its size and clarity/color. I surf the net on it more than I do on my laptop...and the YouTube vids, and side loaded movies are beyond brilliant on this screen. The body/feel of this phone is simply wonderful as well. It's uni-body is super sleek.....the buttons are flush so it's not easy to accidentally push a button in your pocket or purse...yet not difficult to find them, and give them the proper push (you'll master this as time goes on). The battery is the best I've ever seen on any phone I've owned since my Hero, EVO, iPhone 4S, Galaxy Nexus, and my iPhone 5.

Sure it may not have all the best apps first, albeit we do have exclusive apps ourselves. However, we currently possess all of the TOP Major apps out there. If there is a new major top app out, one that we don't have...like say, Fitbit (I have the Fitbit "Flex").....you can be sure it's in the news somewhere, or that it'll be coming out very soon. There are only TWO apps that WP doesn't have and I'm kinda "jealous" over. Those two are "BBM" and "Navy Federal Credit Union". BBM I can TOTOALLY live without, and NFCU I can use their website just fine.

Double Tap is just lovely...lol. It's a nice feature that makes the phone feel ever MORE top of the line than it already is. 20 Megapixel "PureView" camera with Image Stabilization, and Pro Camera controls!!!?? YES PLEASE! The photos are ridiculously beautiful. I am a photographer and I use Photoshop CS6 Extended...and with this camera, lens, and flash....I can do, and have done some serious work. There isn't one thing I don't like about this phone. Are there things that could make it better, like a notification center, and a better personal assistant? ...yes, of course. However, this phone is perfect as is...and this phone will get better than it is now...with each update.

I've read somewhere that Phablets are going to outsell Tablets in 2014....we shall see. Big is definitely growing in demand...and one day here shortly, I see myself not even conceiving of going backwards in size, lol.

Well anyways...that was my first impression of my Lumia 1520 (White), and WP8. Now I can't even fathom of going back to iOS....and Android, I'll never use again (way too unsecure). WP8 is just perfect. The smooth-as-hell animations, the speediness, xbox music, full office, live tiles, and so much more. Plus...WP8.1 is going to rock even harder...lol, and that's a few months away.

The one final hurdle is....I just have to get used to is the size while I am out walking. At some point soon, I have to take my five mile walk and see if it's manageable or unmanageable to walk with in my hand.
You know what? After reading your review just made me feel less guilty for swapping a Note 3 for the Lumia 1520 lol. I am looking forward to put my hands on it hopefully, by next Wednesday :) Ta
Well I am a longtime Samsung fan, been on with their phones for years and just jumped from the Galaxy series to finally try Nokia again.

I always looked at Nokia for the camera, it was the one to beat and yet the specs for the phones were always a year or more behind, so after seeing this one with upto date specs, great build and screen...and that talked about camera, I thought great, its all I want.

Build wise its great, bit slippy without a case but thinner than I thought, and yes its big......but it should be (laugh at reviews that say its big....."really ya think so")

Screen is great, nice to view and all looks great while using it.

Battery for me is good to great, I can sit and mess about with it and not feel I must charge it or it will not last the next day.

Layout is different (been with android) in a good way and bad way, its more, well adult, some nice touches but also some "wtf where are my toggles, why do I have to go into the settings for this and that" true you can get some apps to help this but there is much missing that makes life easy that has yet to make its way to a windows phone.

Apps are lacking in a big way, yes it will grow but they need help, I mean some are 10/10 but very rare, even ones make by microsoft are poor, if they cannot get it right how will other people, they are needing apps to help get around flash files and other things.

Games are way behind, this could be down to money to be made on a smaller platform and the fact that this is the first phone that can really run the big games full on, so maybe this will bring about bigger newer games.

Music is good, though the player that comes with it has no jump to part of track option, also is it just me? but if I change the volume of a song that also changes the volume of the phone itself, this means if I play a song low I will change the ringer to low....and miss a call, with android you can set and lock sound for each thing ringer/music/alerts/alarms/messages.

Ok my two issues with the phone.
1st Screen picks up a swipe as a tap, this I hope is a simple software fix.
2nd, well I missed camera out of review as it was a big hope for me and as it is a big let down, this is because the photos in daylight are good to great, better than my SGS4, and the same in low light if you use the flash, without the flash my SGS4 beats the 1520 no problem (1520 dark and full of noise)
Now comes the worst part, you see in daylight its close between the SGS4, I find the sound is better with the 1520, and its steady, the focus is also faster....but the detail is not as good as the SGS4, and this gets even worse in low light, my SGS4 walks all over the 1520, this is because as soon as the 1520 has to do low light videos the screen fills with noise, the picture is just plain bad (looks like a phone from a few year back) this again I hope is a software issue and can be optimised SOON!!!!

The phone is great, yes I love it, no its not perfect (fix the issues and it will be close, dont fix the issues and I am off back to Samsung lol) it lacks some of the ease of use, and yes you will have to find some apps to work around some limitations, but if you want a powerful phone/amazing screen for media/great battery life/promising camera once fixed/expandable memory, then this is the phone for you.

Mostly agreed with your review.
I upgraded my 920 to 1520 and the night/lowlight photos is a bit disappointment. I too have the S4 and in auto mode the S4 beats the 1520 photos in non-flash low light photos about 75% times.
I love the hardware but the Pureview 20Mpx is something that I was looking forward till i found the low light photos are not that great. Then again, if you play with manual setting, the low light photos can be really good! This prove that software update can solve the lowlight photo quality especially in auto mode.

Some additional review:

- Design/built. This is probably the most beautiful phone I've ever purchased. The Matte Yellow Lumia 1520 stands out in the crowd; with it bright color and outstanding build quality. Yes it's big. But it's thin enough that I can put it in my jeans and working pants.

- Gaming. I'm a casual gamer. The games provided by the Store are enough for me. It could use some popular games tho (eg. Candy Crush). I love playing RPG games and I do think the Lumia 1520 is just perfect for gaming! IMO it has the perfect size to be a portable gaming device. That Snapdragon S800 certainly great in running graphic intense games. I recently played Dungeon Hunter 4 and the Lumia 1520 was miles ahead the 920. I experienced lag and stutter playing it with the 920 while it was super smooth on 1520. Not to mention that beutiful 1080p 6" Display!

Some bugs:
- Swiping up the display (after double tapping) to go to home screen sometimes doesn't work well.
- Weak wifi signal. Sometimes the Lumia 1520 couldn't reach the wifi signal in my house. A reboot will solve the problem. I suspect this one to be software related bug.
Just to say that I am a proud owner of a white L 1520 since yesterday and I couldn't be happier with. After using it for some time, the only thing I really noticed is that the WiFi signal is indeed a bit weak. Other than that and to be honest, did not find any major bugs as yet.

Sent from my RM-937_apac_hong_kong_222 using Tapatalk
- Gaming. I'm a casual gamer. The games provided by the Store are enough for me. It could use some popular games tho (eg. Candy Crush). I love playing RPG games and I do think the Lumia 1520 is just perfect for gaming! IMO it has the perfect size to be a portable gaming device. That Snapdragon S800 certainly great in running graphic intense games. I recently played Dungeon Hunter 4 and the Lumia 1520 was miles ahead the 920. I experienced lag and stutter playing it with the 920 while it was super smooth on 1520. Not to mention that beutiful 1080p 6" Display!

Check out Frozen Free Fall for your Candy Crush fix. I haven't played CC, but when I was showing FFF to someone, they said the mechanics were pretty similar. FFF is also on windows tablets. It's a VERY well done game IMO. One of my favorites.
The worst phone ever purchased in sorry that I gave up Samsung note 3 for this phone.i changed 2 Lumia 1520 for the same problem and still could not fix it.sd card not identified on the phone with all types of SD cards and formats we tried at Nokia care

Sent from my RM-937_im_mea3_932 using Tapatalk
It sounds like you have a bad batch of phones. I had the same issue with my lumia 800. Went through two of them that had the same camera button fault. The third one I got (and by that time I was ready to declare war on Vodafone/Microsoft/Nokia) worked without a hitch and served me well for over two years. I've had my 1520 for 6 weeks now, without, seems to be working fine, alternate
The worst phone ever purchased in sorry that I gave up Samsung note 3 for this phone.i changed 2 Lumia 1520 for the same problem and still could not fix it.sd card not identified on the phone with all types of SD cards and formats we tried at Nokia care

Sent from my RM-937_im_mea3_932 using Tapatalk

mine works perfectly

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