[Real Users] My Lumia 1520 Review

I couldn't help but notice at 8:58 it does the thing where she meant to scroll but it registered as a tap...so there it is for people who haven't seen it. I think it's not a manufacturing defect but a design/firmware thing. In other words, I'm sure they all do it.

EDIT: Happens again at 18:38.

She had the phone set to the ultra sensitive setting...she even says that.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Ok, I've found some apps that crash;
- ATT's address book won't even open for me
- ATT's Navigator crashes every time I hit the settings button.

I've already deleted all the other ATT apps off my phone since they all want subscriptions.. and these are gone now as well. Haven't seen a regular app crash yet.
really impressed with the 1520, this is not my first windows phone; i have had a 920 before and i have had every single flagship android phone and tried the 5s for 10 days. very happy with 1520 so far. screen is top notch and the battery life is impeccable. windows 8 is not a bad OS but the notification shade/settings shade is missed and the browser need to get much better. I do not use a lot of apps and now windows has my main ones (instagram, spottily) and lately a lot of big names are hopping on the windows app store. at first i thought i was only gonna use this as secondary phone (wanted a better camera) in conduction with my nexus 5, but depending how the next few days go i mite sell my nexus 5 and use the 1520 as my daily.
really impressed with the 1520, this is not my first windows phone; i have had a 920 before and i have had every single flagship android phone and tried the 5s for 10 days. very happy with 1520 so far. screen is top notch and the battery life is impeccable. windows 8 is not a bad OS but the notification shade/settings shade is missed and the browser need to get much better. I do not use a lot of apps and now windows has my main ones (instagram, spottily) and lately a lot of big names are hopping on the windows app store. at first i thought i was only gonna use this as secondary phone (wanted a better camera) in conduction with my nexus 5, but depending how the next few days go i mite sell my nexus 5 and use the 1520 as my daily.

same here
Great device but sadly returned mine. My Pandora would crash randomly after reinstalling and resetting device, and had a auto dimmer. All in all I couldn't go without my wireless charging and I missed the 16Gigs (I have like 14 gigs of apps on my 920 my son likes to download a lot of items). I also heard that the 32GB version is going so I will wait, but was a great eye catching device but still loving my 2520!
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

Good question. MS seems to be taking their sweet time with updating their OS and it's somewhat disheartening; MS has hit the nail on the head when it comes to a great user experience throughout all different types of WP 8 devices but is totally lagging behind the competition with basic functions. I just want an easy way to toggle GPS, Bluetooth and wifi on and off. Sure i have a "live tile" that brings me to the settings screen i need but why the hell can't they have a "toggle tile" function so I don't need to be in the settings area to do this.

Windows Phone 8 still needs a ton of work and I'm doubtful that Microsoft's next "major" release (WP 8.1) will do anything to solve the little gripes people have with the software. .

Boss for now there are many short cut apps in the store which get you the toggles you require or use the most straight on the home screen , it is as easy as android and ios7 . See the screen shot attached of the home screen of my phone . I have the Bluetooth , wifi , network toggles right on my home screen .

If anything I need and want is just upload of attachments in browser , rest not for a single time I felt the need of any extra special feature . Using windows phone since the OS version was 7 .


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I picked one up yesterday. I also got the 2520 as a bundle price for $199.

So far I am very happy with this device. I can still type with one thumb but I have to hold it with my other hand.

I haven't had a chance to really test the camera yet.

I honestly have no issue with the font and text sizes. That is a bit nitpicky to me anyway. Now all my devices have touch screen and 1080p resolution. Laptop, tablet and phone.

Battery life is very impressive so far.

I would definitely recommend this device to anyone.

Sent from my RM-940_nam_att_200 using Tapatalk
my sister in law bought me a nokia lumia 625 in dubai, she sent me this phone to her friend dec 3 together with nokia lumia 520 but when i opened the phone there was so many vertical lines and in the four side of the screen there is square and has blurred color each corner...I'd tried to reset,on and off it so many times and nothings change. But the nokia lumia 520 was ok. And the problem is she didn't tried to used the phone in dubai so it means it's a factory deffect?Still the warranty is under Dubai well I'm here in the Philippines, So how will can I fix it?
my sister in law bought me a nokia lumia 625 in dubai, she sent me this phone to her friend dec 3 together with nokia lumia 520 but when i opened the phone there was so many vertical lines and in the four side of the screen there is square and has blurred color each corner...I'd tried to reset,on and off it so many times and nothings change. But the nokia lumia 520 was ok. And the problem is she didn't tried to used the phone in dubai so it means it's a factory deffect?Still the warranty is under Dubai well I'm here in the Philippines, So how will can I fix it?

Did you get the 1520 or 625 or 520? Most confusing post ever.
Well, just got the Nokia 1520 to replace a iphone 5s and a nexus 5 as i liked both ios and android but was getting tired of the bickering between the both :P so thought id give wp a shot. Now, the phone is not as unwieldling as some had said, i actually find it a nice size and i have medium hands. As for apps, well..... Its not too bad, some decent games. Ok im missing real racing 3 and Simpsons but in sure they will come. The Nokia apps work well.
I find the os easy to manage, needs a little tweaking but nothing that makes me go ugh! Overall........so far so good. If i had to mark it it would be hardware - 90% os - 85% and apps- 75% overall - 83%

Sent from my RM-937_eu_euro1_231 using Tapatalk
She had the phone set to the ultra sensitive setting...she even says that.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

changing that setting doesn't make a difference. Some 1520s (including mine) seem to have faulty digitizers and need to be replaced.

Sent from my RM-937_eu_euro2_936 using Tapatalk
This is a mere mortal old guy who's digitally challenged perspective. Be kind.
For whatever reasons, I have been through a dozen phones, seven models, by four manufacturers and three operating systems in the last eighteen months. Windows wins. Here's why.
If I look at the specs, the features and the apps alone Windows falls a bit short. But when I actually use the device in the everyday world the system as whole shines. Its fluid. Its seamless. It integrates well with apps and other Windows devices (my 2520) The cameras are above average. If I had friends I could use the best media hub in the biz. And its all delightfully easy to use. As simple or as engaged as you want it to be.
My Windows phones (920 & 1520) are simply fun. Out of all the phones and OS I experienced (Android, Apple, Windows) Windows was the one that encouraged me to use it because it was such a joy to use.
With that said..... The 1520 is wonderful. Size does matter and is a personal preference. The 1520 slides into my cargo pants easily. It's predecessor was a Note 3. I personally find the 1520 to be as easy if not easier to handle thaan the Note with medium size paws. For anyone looking for a do it all device this serves that niche well.
In the last two years I have talked to literally hundreds of cell phone users. Its been my experience that most people just want something that is simple to use, is of quality build and just flat works well. Out of all the people I spoke with two thought a SD card and one a removable battery were important. Point here is that a lot of folks apparently are like me. Not exactly power users or gamers. But we do read the forums for advice.
I don't have the answers. I probably don't even know what questions to ask. This is my experience.
Android, Apple and Windows are all very good. Each has it's attributes and it's short comings. Pick something that has what you like with short comings that you can live with.
With the 1520 the size is a POSSIBLE shortcoming (or glorious visual delight). If you are looking for one device that is easy to use, can add to the quality of your life while saving great moments of it with the real estate to boldly pleasingly do both, the 1520 may be just perfect.
When I got hold of this phone, I knew what I was expecting: a big device. When I unboxed it, I was still shocked at how big it is. It's a monster. The first thing I noticed after I came to grips on how big the phone is, was how well it is built. It screams premium on look and feel. Nokia do a superb job with the polycarbonate, and the matte finish on the yellow feels so good. The phone feels like a blown up Lumia 925 sans the aliminium frame.

When I turned on the device the first thing I thought was it looked comical. Windows Phone is for the most part blown up to scale and does look strange. Once I set the phone up and come to my start screen, the phone really shines. The screen looks absolutely stunning: the sharpness is fantastic and the colours are beautiful. The 3rd column of tiles is a superb addition and lets Windows Phone reach the potential of a 'glanceable' OS.

While the Windows Phone team optimised a few aspects of the OS for such a big screen, it isn't enough. There needs to be more, but I'm sure that will come in the future. The keyboard for example is massive, but it's convenient at the same time because it's easier to type on. Overall though, the OS feels like it was designed with seniors and people with bad eyesight in mind.

I don't there's much to say about the specs of the phone: they're high end, and as most people had previously thought, Windows Phone doesn't need the extra power of the Snapdragon 800 because it runs as smooth and maybe only a tinge faster than previous Lumias. However, games and apps will benefit, and it's a good start for Microsoft to support more SoCs.

Unfortunately I haven't really had time to play with the camera, audio and video quality, but I look forward to in the coming days.
Well I am a longtime Samsung fan, been on with their phones for years and just jumped from the Galaxy series to finally try Nokia again.

I always looked at Nokia for the camera, it was the one to beat and yet the specs for the phones were always a year or more behind, so after seeing this one with upto date specs, great build and screen...and that talked about camera, I thought great, its all I want.

Build wise its great, bit slippy without a case but thinner than I thought, and yes its big......but it should be (laugh at reviews that say its big....."really ya think so")

Screen is great, nice to view and all looks great while using it.

Battery for me is good to great, I can sit and mess about with it and not feel I must charge it or it will not last the next day.

Layout is different (been with android) in a good way and bad way, its more, well adult, some nice touches but also some "wtf where are my toggles, why do I have to go into the settings for this and that" true you can get some apps to help this but there is much missing that makes life easy that has yet to make its way to a windows phone.

Apps are lacking in a big way, yes it will grow but they need help, I mean some are 10/10 but very rare, even ones make by microsoft are poor, if they cannot get it right how will other people, they are needing apps to help get around flash files and other things.

Games are way behind, this could be down to money to be made on a smaller platform and the fact that this is the first phone that can really run the big games full on, so maybe this will bring about bigger newer games.

Music is good, though the player that comes with it has no jump to part of track option, also is it just me? but if I change the volume of a song that also changes the volume of the phone itself, this means if I play a song low I will change the ringer to low....and miss a call, with android you can set and lock sound for each thing ringer/music/alerts/alarms/messages.

Ok my two issues with the phone.
1st Screen picks up a swipe as a tap, this I hope is a simple software fix.
2nd, well I missed camera out of review as it was a big hope for me and as it is a big let down, this is because the photos in daylight are good to great, better than my SGS4, and the same in low light if you use the flash, without the flash my SGS4 beats the 1520 no problem (1520 dark and full of noise)
Now comes the worst part, you see in daylight its close between the SGS4, I find the sound is better with the 1520, and its steady, the focus is also faster....but the detail is not as good as the SGS4, and this gets even worse in low light, my SGS4 walks all over the 1520, this is because as soon as the 1520 has to do low light videos the screen fills with noise, the picture is just plain bad (looks like a phone from a few year back) this again I hope is a software issue and can be optimised SOON!!!!

The phone is great, yes I love it, no its not perfect (fix the issues and it will be close, dont fix the issues and I am off back to Samsung lol) it lacks some of the ease of use, and yes you will have to find some apps to work around some limitations, but if you want a powerful phone/amazing screen for media/great battery life/promising camera once fixed/expandable memory, then this is the phone for you.
Re: Played extensively with the 1520 at the Microsoft Store Today

I played with a working one at an O2 store today. Impressions are it has the best screen of any mobile device I have yet seen!! Truly stunning. Also it wasn't as big or cumbersome as I thought it would be and being slim helps


Really liking this phone but I may end up taking it back. It's just a bit too large.. I have fairly large hands and I can hold it fine but to try and hit the home button one handed it just feels like it's always about to slip out of my hand. My wifes note 3 in comparison is easy to use one handed for me. I had a 920 and a 900 before and I like where WP is at now as far as features and apps go.. I wish there was a 5-5.5 inch version of this phone... as much as I love it I think 6 inch might just be a bit too much phone for me to use comfortably.
Finally sold my 920 and got the white 1520. Man, this phone is humongous! The 920 feels like a toy in front of this phone. The screen really has to be seen in person. I also think this is the most well built Nokia phone EVER. An absolute beauty!

The phone just flies no matter what you're doing. I've noticed apps load significantly faster (very noticeable in apps like Readit and Whatsapp). Text is super clear and videos look phenomenal. I found some apps such as the iMDB and a few older apps having the black bar at the top. I really hope developers update their apps to support 1080p.

I've not tested the camera in good lighting conditions yet, but in low light I found it to be a tad worse than the 920. That is without flash and in auto mode. Of course you can get far better results by tinkering with the settings in the Nokia Camera app, but I hope Nokia will improve the camera in future updates.

Overall I'm very happy with my purchase and I can honestly say that I can't ever imagine using a smaller phone again!

PS: I bought this in Bangalore (India).
+1 on not being able to use a small phone again.. I'm literally already worried about 2 years into the future to know whether they'll have a "latest and greatest" 6 inch phone lol.
The son 925 with his fether 1520

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