[Real Users] My Lumia 1520 Review

Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

It is interesting what different people value. One thing I don't like about Android is the row of symbols at the top of the screen, which I assume can be turned off since Android is the most customizable of the bunch. I don't know why a software volume or software power off button is important. The notifications in Windows Phone work fine for me but obviously many people want them done differently and apparently Microsoft is going to change this.

Apps crashing is something I don't get at all.


I concur my friend. I have nothing against Android or IPhone . Variety / Competition makes us( consumers) the winner. The OS trying to out do each other means pushing the limit ( That why we have a great device like the NL 1520.I 'm often puzzled at the arguments for Android . The Windows OS just feels so right and productive. The rest of the world is catching on and America is so complacent and follow the crowd like cattle. This makes me want Window phone even more!!!
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

One thing I don't like about Android is the row of symbols at the top of the screen...
In the Android world, those persistent status icons let users know what's going on so that they can, when needed, use the toggle switches to turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, etc. Windows Phone doesn't show the icons or provide convenient toggle switches because there's substantially less need for users to be actively engaged in managing or administrating their phones.

However, for folks used to high levels of detail (battery, signal strength, and CPU speed) letting go so that the automagicness of Windows Phone does its thing can be disconcerting. Also, dedicated/engaged Android admins can get more out of their phones than Windows Phone users can -- they just get less out of life because they spend their time flashing ROMs and toggling switches all day. :wink:
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

Oh man. Words With Friends is horrible. You're right. Zynga put out a crappy port and hasn't cared to fix it. I won't ever buy a Zynga game.

I definitely agree with this. WWF was one of the first apps I installed on my Lumia 810 when I got it last year. It would freeze up regularly, causing me to go so far as to pull the battery a few times. Once I got my 920, I refused to install it. I'm good with it on my iPod touch as it is. My friend has WWF on her 521 and recently told me it's a lot smoother and doesn't freeze anymore. Regardless, I'm still not going to bother with it on my 920. I just don't trust that app.
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

Hey, I'd be pissed if I paid over retail price for something as well!
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie


This phone is absolutely wonderful.

I've tried to reproduce each of the flaws that you've called out and simply can't reproduce or validate a single point.

Your review appears to be completely flawed or with great bias.
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

I agree with most of the complaints and are the same reasons I may be returning mine.
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

As a start I would get a different set of headphones there are plenty of headphones available that provide full control on Windows Phone i.e play/pause, skip, back and volume. I personally wouldn’t rely on anything made by Apple to play nicely with anything else other than apple.

I have been using windows phone since it launched as WP7 back in October 2010 and have at one time or another had and used over 8 different handsets from Nokia, HTC and Samsung. I have and use words with friends since it first launched on WP, yes it does crash from time to time, but only around once a month for me. I also haven’t experienced any weird touch behaviour that you have listed.

In regards to no soft power button, no folders on the home screen and no static battery/wireless signal indicator this is how the OS has been designed and I really haven’t heard of anyone complaining about this, not to say that it wouldn’t be a welcomed feature in a future update.

For your complaints about quiet mode, notification centre, quick settings panel and separate volume control these are currently in the list of the most requested features and word has it that they will all be included in the Windows Phone 8.1 (Blue) update which is scheduled for early 2014 :amaze:

And yes the guys that created the setting menu must have been on crack to not have the items listed in alphabetical order, I still cant understand how this hasnt been fixed in one of the many previous updates :angry:

All I can say is if you like the OS and handset that you have purchased, have a little faith that MSFT are working to address the majority of these issues in the next update, however keep in mind
that WP is and never will be iOS or Android and may never get the same features and apps, if you can't accept this then I suggest you jump ship as it will never live up to your expectations

Speaking of updates, how often are updates coming for WP8? And is it seemingly one major update per year like iOS and android? Are we able to get in on the beta versions as well?
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

Speaking of updates, how often are updates coming for WP8? And is it seemingly one major update per year like iOS and android? Are we able to get in on the beta versions as well?

Yes, preview for devs, it is an app that allow you to get the latest version if windows phone 8.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

Ok that's cool. If your not a developer though can you just download it anyway? I know with the iOS i would always get the beta's even though i wasnt a developer. I just had to register my IMEI with a developers account every time.

So i just typed preview in the app store and i found one that says GDR3, That comes with the 1520, but it also says that it's 8.1? I thought 8.1 was the one due in 2014 or whatnot.
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

Ok that's cool. If your not a developer though can you just download it anyway? I know with the iOS i would always get the beta's even though i wasnt a developer. I just had to register my IMEI with a developers account every time.

So i just typed preview in the app store and i found one that says GDR3, That comes with the 1520, but it also says that it's 8.1? I thought 8.1 was the one due in 2014 or whatnot.

I believe access to AppStudio is free (I could be wrong since I haven't checked in a while) and should give you access to the dev update process for phones. :)
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

Glad to hear that MS will be coming out with an update to address some of the shortfalls. How long does AT&T take to push out their updates after they are provided by MS?
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

Only 1 Master Volume - Why can't I have the notification sounds be softer than the ring tone sound? Android has had this forever.

Windows Mobile had it in 2006 (probably much earlier). Your point?
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

A lot of these "points" sound like gripes to me as well.. You want buttons that do basic functionality that saves maybe a tap or two?? I hardly think that's enough to condemn a whole phone/OS.. especially when you look at all the positives; like the fact that you can run WP BETTER on lesser hardware, or the fact that you *don't* need a lot of alerts to let you know that you have to flip switches, because the OS already does this for you (not in all situations, but in some). I really don't see the need for a "notification" panel, simply because the OS runs efficiently enough that you don't have to waste time monitoring a *phone* to see if you need to do maintenance on it (because a lot of the tasks you mention are essentially "maintenance").

The fact that it *bothers* you that you don't have to do extra maintenance on a device that should be making your life easier is a problem I have with this "review."
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

A lot of these "points" sound like gripes to me as well.. You want buttons that do basic functionality that saves maybe a tap or two?? I hardly think that's enough to condemn a whole phone/OS.. especially when you look at all the positives; like the fact that you can run WP BETTER on lesser hardware, or the fact that you *don't* need a lot of alerts to let you know that you have to flip switches, because the OS already does this for you (not in all situations, but in some). I really don't see the need for a "notification" panel, simply because the OS runs efficiently enough that you don't have to waste time monitoring a *phone* to see if you need to do maintenance on it (because a lot of the tasks you mention are essentially "maintenance").

The fact that it *bothers* you that you don't have to do extra maintenance on a device that should be making your life easier is a problem I have with this "review."

Most of the reviews of phones and mobile operating systems don't get into the day to day nuisances of what bugs people, they just gloss over the basic stuff. I'd be willing to bet that some people will find my little issues helpful. Notifications would be a good addition to this O/S. A few minutes ago my iPad popped up a notification from eBay that an item I purchased had been shipped. My 1520 sitting right next to it, with the eBay app installed, provided no notification at all. The same can be said for Paypal notifications when someone sends you a payment, and so-forth. Some may these observations are nit-picking and some may agree that WP needs notification support. In general let's not hammer someone for requesting features in a open forum with the hope that MS cares about making WP better.
Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

If Windows Mobile had it in 2006 why did they rid of that feature?

They got rid of A LOT of features. Features that Android has. I can't speak specifically for the volume thing, but it was an effort to slim down the OS in terms of performance, foot print, stability and ease of use. IMO, they succeeded. I replaced a WM6.5 device with my Titan (still running WP7.5, thank you AT&T). It's been 2 years and I absolutely prefer WP7+ to the hacky, tacky days of WinMo. This 2 year old phone is still on the shipping OS, is still fast, and most impressively, is built on creaky WinCE to top it all off. I absolutely do not regret my decision to avoid Android.
This is worth the watch if you're still thinking or wanting to know more about the 1520. As always, Lisa does a great review.

Nokia Lumia 1520 Review - YouTube

I couldn't help but notice at 8:58 it does the thing where she meant to scroll but it registered as a tap...so there it is for people who haven't seen it. I think it's not a manufacturing defect but a design/firmware thing. In other words, I'm sure they all do it.

EDIT: Happens again at 18:38.
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Re: 1520 Review From a Phone Tech Junkie

If Windows Mobile had it in 2006 why did they rid of that feature?

Good question. MS seems to be taking their sweet time with updating their OS and it's somewhat disheartening; MS has hit the nail on the head when it comes to a great user experience throughout all different types of WP 8 devices but is totally lagging behind the competition with basic functions. I just want an easy way to toggle GPS, Bluetooth and wifi on and off. Sure i have a "live tile" that brings me to the settings screen i need but why the hell can't they have a "toggle tile" function so I don't need to be in the settings area to do this.

Windows Phone 8 still needs a ton of work and I'm doubtful that Microsoft's next "major" release (WP 8.1) will do anything to solve the little gripes people have with the software. It's really unfortunate; I love Nokias devices and WP 8 has a lot of potential. The issue is we haven't seen any of this potential really amount to anything yet. Here's to hoping MS keeps a lot of Nokias software engineers and lets them have at WP8, maybe they can move it forward faster since they are all under one roof.

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