[Real Users] My Lumia 1520 Review

Re: Initial thoughts on the 1520

Would be interesting to get some feedback on battery life. How many hours are people getting out of a full charge?
Re: Initial thoughts on the 1520

So far, I'm really like the phone. The size takes some getting used to, but I don't think I could go back now. As I was readying my 925 for sale and shipping, it seemed so small!

My first impressions are similar to everyone else: amazing screen, amazing build quality, surprisingly thin and light for it's size. The speaker is quite loud, though I wish it was on the front, or bottom.

I've had a few small issues:

1. I too am experiencing the touch issues. When I'm wanting to scroll on the homescreen, it often starts up an app instead. I've had many WP7/8 phones, and this is new to me.
2. My screen was suddenly dimming while in use. I didn't have any of the auto brightness settings turned on. I eventually did a hard reset, seems to have fixed it.
3. The controls on my headphones suddenly stopped working. I tried another set and they didn't work. A reboot fixed that.
Re: Initial thoughts on the 1520

Yeah.. I'm trying to look through posts I've made all over the internet to see if I an find a list of what I had. My last phone bricked, so there's no way to get a list from there. It's rather tedious :/.

Phrozty, this may sound a little overly basic, but it almost happened to me. Please do not be offended. Did you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page listing your apps and click on the small red lettering saying "More"? The lettering is pretty small and could be easy (for me, anyway) to miss.

I thought the same as you, wondering where all my other apps went! Turns out I had 5 or 6 pages of apps I have owned; several of which aren't even published anymore.

If this is of no help to you, maybe it can be of help for someone else going through the same thing I went through.

At any rate, I hope you are able to recover all your missing apps. : )
Ok guys i was on my trip to Bangkok and yesterday got a chance to play around with the lumia 1520 in real , and saw all colors my personal fav is the black and white . red looks too much and the glossy finish is a turn off .

the phone is huge but looks thin , classy and sharp . the screen itself is a beauty to watch . blows all the iphone 5s , glaxies and htc , lg phones out of water when it comes to screen quality.

camera too is amazing . and people were coming to see 1020 and 1520 .

if i was not going to buy a tablet i might have gone for it or even if they make the same phone in 5inches form factor i might buy even now , 6 inches is too big for me .

attaching some pics . and best part was saw a surface 1 in nokia store for sale


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Re: Initial thoughts on the 1520

Awesome! That takes away all the fumbling and bumbling around with your hand when wanting to use it.

Interesting you say that.. I find that sometimes the double tap doesn't always work, and then I'm bapping the screen till it does work. IMO, it's a lot easier to hit the power button. This could be linked w/that tapping issues that I and others have been experiencing though.

Would be interesting to get some feedback on battery life. How many hours are people getting out of a full charge?

I'm currently staring at half a bar, and I was playing with it quite a bit yesterday. 22 hours since last charge, 21 hours left. Going to be using a lot of GPS today while looking @ houses for a few hours, so we'll see how things go. I'm surprised that I'm already looking at 2 days of time. I remember my titan started out at about 1.25-1.5 days of battery time, but over time the battery life grew to about 2.5 days on average.

Phrozty, this may sound a little overly basic, but it almost happened to me. Please do not be offended. Did you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page listing your apps and click on the small red lettering saying "More"? The lettering is pretty small and could be easy (for me, anyway) to miss.

Of course.. first thing I tried :). I just get the "Please try to load apps again" message. Though today I can at least see down to all of the apps that were originally listed when my list partially came back... So.. here's what happened:

- Few days ago, 0 purchase history
- Day after, SOME purchase history, but trying to load more apps = "please try to load apps again" msg.
- As I would load more apps on my phone, the "purchase history" of those apps would append to the top of the list, and push the other apps that were recovered in my history off the page, and those apps would be part of the lost list when I tried to load more history.
- Today, when I try to load more history, I get back to the original list of restored apps, but no further.

I'm thinking I'll bug them again on monday if I don't get access to the rest of my list.
Windows Phone 8 first impression.

The past could of years I've been using android and apple products. My very first phone actually was an iPhone 3G. Than apple started slacking, I figured why not move on to android. So I bought the Galaxy Note 2 last year. I loved the phone itself. There's a lot that I like about the OS. Customization is one of them. And there were A LOT that I also didn't like(buggie, slow, glitchy at times, wasn't always smooth... ECT..)

I was really getting bored with it all because when you look at the two OS's, they are very familiar to each other. The UI are almost the same except you don't get widgets with IOS(and if IOS had widgets than the OS with basically be the same as android). But anywho... I was getting tired of adnroid and wanted to try something new and exciting. Something different. Like windows phone 8.

I have heard a lot of chatter about windows phone 8 and how bad it is. That its lacking a lot of features that Android and IOS have. But I figured hey why not give it a shot. Can't be that that.

So Friday, I bought my very first windows phone 8 device. The Nokia Lumia 1520(which I'll be doing a full review on later). So its been two days and what do I think about windows phone 8 so far? One word, Magical!!!! (not to mention how everything looks on that 6' 1080p screen.) EVERYTHING is soooo smooth omg. I feel like the OS is from the future it's that awesome. The reason why I think most people don't like windows phone 8 is because it is sooo different than the other operating systems out there. It's. Brilliant. I haven't experienced any lag at all, everything just looks awesome. My favorite are the live tiles. They look so awesome and neat. Everything is organize well.

Windows phone 8 could be the future of OS because of they way it's been built. I see a lot of potential in this operating system and I really hope that Microsoft and the team to get their heads together and make this the best, most awesomeness phone OS ever. I seriously love windows 8 so far and I think.most people that say it sucks is because they've never. Even tried it.

Oh and one thing I hear people complain about are the apps. There are tons of apps, and more to come.

So that's my first impression on windows phone 8.
Re: Windows Phone 8 first impression.

I'm glad that one more person joined Windows Phones!
I'm sure that Windows Phone soon,may in the near future will take over from android and iOS,It's really good just most people don't like it because it's totally different from the other OS and it lacks of some apps which are useless actually...
Re: Windows Phone 8 first impression.

The past could of years I've been using android and apple products. My very first phone actually was an iPhone 3G. Than apple started slacking, I figured why not move on to android. So I bought the Galaxy Note 2 last year. I loved the phone itself. There's a lot that I like about the OS. Customization is one of them. And there were A LOT that I also didn't like(buggie, slow, glitchy at times, wasn't always smooth... ECT..)

I was really getting bored with it all because when you look at the two OS's, they are very familiar to each other. The UI are almost the same except you don't get widgets with IOS(and if IOS had widgets than the OS with basically be the same as android). But anywho... I was getting tired of adnroid and wanted to try something new and exciting. Something different. Like windows phone 8.

I have heard a lot of chatter about windows phone 8 and how bad it is. That its lacking a lot of features that Android and IOS have. But I figured hey why not give it a shot. Can't be that that.

So Friday, I bought my very first windows phone 8 device. The Nokia Lumia 1520(which I'll be doing a full review on later). So its been two days and what do I think about windows phone 8 so far? One word, Magical!!!! (not to mention how everything looks on that 6' 1080p screen.) EVERYTHING is soooo smooth omg. I feel like the OS is from the future it's that awesome. The reason why I think most people don't like windows phone 8 is because it is sooo different than the other operating systems out there. It's. Brilliant. I haven't experienced any lag at all, everything just looks awesome. My favorite are the live tiles. They look so awesome and neat. Everything is organize well.

Windows phone 8 could be the future of OS because of they way it's been built. I see a lot of potential in this operating system and I really hope that Microsoft and the team to get their heads together and make this the best, most awesomeness phone OS ever. I seriously love windows 8 so far and I think.most people that say it sucks is because they've never. Even tried it.

Oh and one thing I hear people complain about are the apps. There are tons of apps, and more to come.

So that's my first impression on windows phone 8.


I made the journey from iPhone to Android to Windows Phone complete in 2012. One thing I've noticed is that after using WP8 for a while, if I go into a store and look at my old favorite (Galaxy Note) or the top of the line IPhone, both other OS's just look ugly and outdated. When I look at my 1520, it looks like I'm holding a phone from the future.
Re: Windows Phone 8 first impression.

So Friday, I bought my very first windows phone 8 device. The Nokia Lumia 1520(which I'll be doing a full review on later). So its been two days and what do I think about windows phone 8 so far? One word, Magical!!!! (not to mention how everything looks on that 6' 1080p screen.) EVERYTHING is soooo smooth omg. I feel like the OS is from the future it's that awesome. The reason why I think most people don't like windows phone 8 is because it is sooo different than the other operating systems out there. It's. Brilliant. I haven't experienced any lag at all, everything just looks awesome. My favorite are the live tiles. They look so awesome and neat. Everything is organize well.

The thing is, it's been this was since WP7 3 years ago! lol. Of course it's been updated a lot and there are even better things, but the transitions, basic logic of the layout and what you can do with it, and a lot of other core functions have been there since 7. I had the same realization w/my first windows phone 2 years ago :). I actually made a whole post about it when I did my Titan review on Amazon. One of the biggest things people were comparing were just brass tacks specs. The thing is, the WP OS is so *fundamentally* different that you can't just compare hardware... it already manages things WAY better than the iPhone/Android OSs. My hope is that, with the introduction of a WP that actually has identical hardware to the latest and greatest phones, people won't be able to hide behind those excuses.

Hello, does anyone else notice when your sending videos to someone else via text or via email, the quality is horrible and its on a square outlined with bright green. Its a shame with how beautiful the video that it comes out so bad when sent. Anyone else experiencing this issue? If so, what gives?
Hello, does anyone else notice when your sending videos to someone else via text or via email, the quality is horrible and its on a square outlined with bright green. Its a shame with how beautiful the video that it comes out so bad when sent. Anyone else experiencing this issue? If so, what gives?

It is automaticly compressed when sent through email or text message and theres nothing you can do about it. Obviously quality is crap after that. You need to send video to your skydrive or some other file host and then just send link for that video if you want share better quality videos.
Yeah same here, when i showed my friends my phone they were like "omg it's so big and nice. it feels really good in the hand" than i showed them the camera and they were amazed. i absolutely love this phone.
Re: Windows Phone 8 first impression.

I'm glad that one more person joined Windows Phones!
I'm sure that Windows Phone soon,may in the near future will take over from android and iOS,It's really good just most people don't like it because it's totally different from the other OS and it lacks of some apps which are useless actually...

I know that's what i'm saying like really... how many apps do you need?
Re: Windows Phone 8 first impression.


I made the journey from iPhone to Android to Windows Phone complete in 2012. One thing I've noticed is that after using WP8 for a while, if I go into a store and look at my old favorite (Galaxy Note) or the top of the line IPhone, both other OS's just look ugly and outdated. When I look at my 1520, it looks like I'm holding a phone from the future.

That's exactly what i said. I compared the the 1520 UI with my old Note 2 UI and i seriously was shocked how ugly android UI really is. i was like wtf, why didn't i switch to windows phone 8 all this time.
Re: Windows Phone 8 first impression.

The thing is, it's been this was since WP7 3 years ago! lol. Of course it's been updated a lot and there are even better things, but the transitions, basic logic of the layout and what you can do with it, and a lot of other core functions have been there since 7. I had the same realization w/my first windows phone 2 years ago :). I actually made a whole post about it when I did my Titan review on Amazon. One of the biggest things people were comparing were just brass tacks specs. The thing is, the WP OS is so *fundamentally* different that you can't just compare hardware... it already manages things WAY better than the iPhone/Android OSs. My hope is that, with the introduction of a WP that actually has identical hardware to the latest and greatest phones, people won't be able to hide behind those excuses.


It's crazy how smooth everything is. I'm loving it so far.
Re: Initial thoughts on the 1520

So far, I'm really like the phone. The size takes some getting used to, but I don't think I could go back now. As I was readying my 925 for sale and shipping, it seemed so small!

My first impressions are similar to everyone else: amazing screen, amazing build quality, surprisingly thin and light for it's size. The speaker is quite loud, though I wish it was on the front, or bottom.

I've had a few small issues:

1. I too am experiencing the touch issues. When I'm wanting to scroll on the homescreen, it often starts up an app instead. I've had many WP7/8 phones, and this is new to me.
2. My screen was suddenly dimming while in use. I didn't have any of the auto brightness settings turned on. I eventually did a hard reset, seems to have fixed it.
3. The controls on my headphones suddenly stopped working. I tried another set and they didn't work. A reboot fixed that.
I've had some of the same issue that you been having, the sudden dim of the screen, the touch issue. how do you do a hard reset? sorry i'm a noob to wp8

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