[Real Users] My Lumia 1520 Review

Re: Impressions after honeymoon period is over

"No medical applicaitons! This one just kills it for me and it will for you as well if you are a medical student or resident. Enjoy using Epocrates? Well tough luck because they won't support WP. Same thing for Medscape. Want to do some UWorld questions on the nice 6" screen? Tough because they don't support WP either."

This is the biggest issue in my house OP. My wife is a physician and I convinced her to go with first the Lumia 900 then the 920.( She likes the 920 a lot I should say.) I was able to convince her about the new OS in WP8 would be better and medical devs would then write for it. No such luck. She is not an android fan at all but I suspect once our contract ends with AT&T in a couple months, shes headed to IOS, especially if the next I device has a larger screen. She moves at a different speed than does Microsoft and she isn't willing to wait anymore.

1 useful app
Normal Lab Values | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (भारत)
Re: Just tried out the Lumia 1520. I stopped wanting it after one glance.

My SP2 stylus is still in the box ....collect dust
The only practical real world application I see for a stylus is if you need to capture a signature

I have the Original Surface Pro and the stylus is awesome in Photoshop for masking images. It really feels good to work right on the screen. That said, the Pro is equipped with a true Wacom Digitizer and is much more accurate (and pressure sensitive) than a phone screen.

My wife has a Note 2, and the only thing she ever uses the stylus for is for games. She says it gives her an edge.
I got my 1520 on Thursday evening this week so I'm only 2 1/2 days in on this, but I have to say this phone is everything I'd hoped it would be and more.

  • The screen is fantastic. Big, bright and very clear. As someone who wears glasses now (thank you, age) it's really nice to be able to see every detail clearly again.
  • The size was by biggest worry and, now that I've experienced it untethered from the AT&T wall, I can say it won't be too big of a deal at all. It fits in my jeans or shorts just fine and doesn't seem any more cumbersome than my 920 was. Overall the phone actually "feels" lighter than my 920, though I know it's not, and it feels very slim in the hand.
  • I got mine in white and I will acknowledge that it is very slippery, unlike my white 920. I am not a fan of cases but will have to invest in something to remove that slick feel as I'm sure I'll fling that thing around without it.
  • Fast, fast, fast. This phone flies and when I hold the 920 next to it and load the same page or open an app, it's no contest.
  • The battery is blowing me away. Coming from an iPhone 4 to the 920 was a shock to the system from a battery standpoint. I soon got used to having to have an external battery around in case I had a busier than usual day, and I got good at knowing when to put it on a charger at my desk and again at night. And as I work from home, I'm nowhere near a power user nor am I a heavy gamer. I played "Asphalt 8" for over an hour yesterday and it only dropped 8% (yes, it got a little warm). I never once got a full day out of that fantastic piece of electronics. I love my 920, but so far my 1520 is like being on my iPhone again. I think I can actually take it to Disney for a full day without charging it first or having to carry my external battery. So, I'm very happy with this.
  • Camera is fantastic and looks even better than my 920 did. Did a side by side with a friends iPhone 5 today and the iPhone was no match, especially in low light.
  • Speakers were surprisingly good. I turned on Spotify as my girl and I were listening to some music for a drive and even she noted how amazing they sounded.
  • Using Office on here is a pleasure. I had to open a spreadsheet yesterday for work and it was easy to read and make changes, all without a dozen touches to get it just right. Integration with Sky/OneDrive is fantastic as always. I'm going to enjoy doing work on this.
  • I don't miss wireless charging. It's a novelty, and one I wish they could have kept, but wasn't nearly a deal breaker for me.
  • I choose to use Sky/OneDrive for all of my cloud needs so I don't miss having the extra storage. I keep all of my music on my Surface Pro, sync it to the cloud and can stream it down easily to my 1520 and it worked flawlessly yesterday. All of my photos and videos are in the cloud too so space hasn't been an issue for me.
  • Netflix and Slingbox look spectacular on this screen. I can't imagine going back to something smaller now and it's only been 2 days...I had to grab my 920 this morning to look at something I hadn't synced yet and I was put off at how small the screen was...lol
  • Skype has worked perfectly and the messaging function seems better than on my 920. I'm a big Skype fan and look forward to it continuing to get better (hoping for a true iMessage experience at some point).

Overall, this is a 5 star phone for me and I would highly recommend it to anyone that is not hung up on needing thousands of apps. From a work standpoint it will easily help me be more productive, and not limit me in one bit. From a play standpoint it is a joy to use, gaming is stunning and watching videos is second to none. I look forward to just grabbing it just to browse the web or check the news/sports.
Re: Just tried out the Lumia 1520. I stopped wanting it after one glance.

I have the Original Surface Pro and the stylus is awesome in Photoshop for masking images. It really feels good to work right on the screen. That said, the Pro is equipped with a true Wacom Digitizer and is much more accurate (and pressure sensitive) than a phone screen.

My wife has a Note 2, and the only thing she ever uses the stylus for is for games. She says it gives her an edge.
The stylus is also really awesome for hand written notes in OneNote and for adding comments in PDFs which is my major use for the stylus. Sure it could be useful to also have that capability on the phone but to be honest, if I really intend to use a stylus, I should probably bring my Surface Pro 2 and not be stuck with a smaller phone screen. Screen real estate is king for this purpose. It would also require the addition of a dedicated slot for the stylus which might have caused some compromises with the build quality so I am not complaining yet about this with my new 1520.
Here are my initial thoughts on the Lumia 1520. Holy molly it's big. But, once you get over the size it's just gorgeous. The phone looks striking. The camera is amazing. The screen is sweet. Windows Phone was made for HD. And big screens. Having all my apps on the home screen is a nice feature.

I kind of feel this phone is meant for something more though. Sure, Windows Phone 8 is great. But being a difficult phone to control with one hand, I can't help but think Cortana would be a great addition to this phone.

I'll post a full review later on. But this phone is definitely the best Windows Phone 8 device on the market.
Well...here's my thoughts on this phone..and platform.

I traded in my Note 2 yesterday afternoon for a 16 gig black 1520..and coming from the android phones for the last 4 years...all rooted..all running custom roms.

Yup...a 6" phone is big.It's big compared to my note2 and even bigger than the 1020 I bought my wife yesterday..I've already gotten use to to holding it differently. You will to..a lot quicker than you think. You didn't buy it because it was small...you bought it for the screen.

Camera functions a bit more difficult to understand coming from a tricked out note...but nothing too difficult to understand.

The phone and wi-fi...simply the best reception I have received at my home in the past years.Coming from android..i could always flash a different radio till I found one that worked...but..out of the box..solid max signal and download speed..

The app store...very different feel and look..very easy to navigate...and a very healthy amount of apps to choose from...with out having to go through hundreds of buggy junk that makes your phone crash..

The whole concept folks have about Windows phones are wrong...and the majority of the various on line reviews seem to over exaggerate the shortfalls instead of promoting the strengths..

The hardest thing about switching to Windows is learning how to use the phone..and once that is accomplished..then you can enjoy it.

The keyboard on this phone is awesome..as compared to any other one I have used..I'm a 1 finger typer..and this one fits me well..it's not crowded..the predictive text is very accurate and it's a joy to use. If you want to do everything 1 handed and you have small hands...buy a smaller phone...it's that simple.

Battery life...I don't have mine optimized yet..but am not worried about it yet..in a week or so..we'll see.

The screen is beautiful the sound is good..and I am well pleased so far.
I Bought nokia lumia 1520 2 days back and I'm wallowing in regret, in tears for shelling out a hefty bundle of my hard earned money on this under featured slab of a phone:
1) Not being able to edit text before forwarding a mail is such a big limitation that it has crippled me- i forward upto 20 profiles in a day and i MUST choose n select what should go further and what info to withhold, its imperative to my business. I'm being forced to go back to my cheap local android fone that is 1/5th price of this expensive show piece.
2) All my music is scattered over in the music + videos bin, as opposed being neatly bundled in various folders as it was in my android. My karaoke tracks and listening pleasure tracks are all mashed up together and i dont know how to scroll down a 1000 tracks, such a waste of time.
3) I cannot transfer my full folder of books in its entirety. Each book/ document has to be transferred using a PC and now they r all jostling for space together without any appropriate headers.
Really im in agony- only if they were paying attention to features that THEY themselves cannot do without, the buyers would've got a better device.
I Bought nokia lumia 1520 2 days back and I'm wallowing in regret, in tears for shelling out a hefty bundle of my hard earned money on this under featured slab of a phone:
1) Not being able to edit text before forwarding a mail is such a big limitation that it has crippled me- i forward upto 20 profiles in a day and i MUST choose n select what should go further and what info to withhold, its imperative to my business. I'm being forced to go back to my cheap local android fone that is 1/5th price of this expensive show piece.
2) All my music is scattered over in the music + videos bin, as opposed being neatly bundled in various folders as it was in my android. My karaoke tracks and listening pleasure tracks are all mashed up together and i dont know how to scroll down a 1000 tracks, such a waste of time.
3) I cannot transfer my full folder of books in its entirety. Each book/ document has to be transferred using a PC and now they r all jostling for space together without any appropriate headers.
Really im in agony- only if they were paying attention to features that THEY themselves cannot do without, the buyers would've got a better device.

Someone like yourself is probably better off with android or ios.

Did you not do any research before spending your money?
I Bought nokia lumia 1520 2 days back and I'm wallowing in regret, in tears for shelling out a hefty bundle of my hard earned money on this under featured slab of a phone:
1) Not being able to edit text before forwarding a mail is such a big limitation that it has crippled me- i forward upto 20 profiles in a day and i MUST choose n select what should go further and what info to withhold, its imperative to my business. I'm being forced to go back to my cheap local android fone that is 1/5th price of this expensive show piece.
2) All my music is scattered over in the music + videos bin, as opposed being neatly bundled in various folders as it was in my android. My karaoke tracks and listening pleasure tracks are all mashed up together and i dont know how to scroll down a 1000 tracks, such a waste of time.
3) I cannot transfer my full folder of books in its entirety. Each book/ document has to be transferred using a PC and now they r all jostling for space together without any appropriate headers.
Really im in agony- only if they were paying attention to features that THEY themselves cannot do without, the buyers would've got a better device.
Can't you just return it? I know if it's on-contract most carriers let you return phones for a new one within a certain period.
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Charlotte van de Sande

You don't need to post this 12 times in different threads!
I absolutely love it. It took less time to get used to the size than I expected. I mostly use it for browsing online, so having a six inch display is perfect. There really are no negatives for me. Other people are amazed at how nice the screen and camera are. I have 8.1 on it, and despite some of the bugs (especially the battery issue) I'm always using it. When the final updates are out, this thing will be a monster.
Replaced my 920 with 1520 about 15 hours ago and love it. Sure its big, but the screen is mind blowing. Fits in my pants perfectly fine. However because of its size, the screen is weaker and therefore this is one of the phones that demands a case because new screens cost $80. I also wouldn't use it in bed while I'm falling asleep, wouldn't want it to fall on my face. Feels gigantic at first, but you get used to it over the next few hours.
With 8.1, my 1520 is a whole different beast.

Having moved from iPhone since their first phone, there were a few features I missed in iOS.....8.1 takes care of all of them and more. Second update hit today and all the minor bugs I had are gone.

Can't wait to the full version and all the features are released by Nokia!
I know most of you guys have the 1520.3 version. I have the 1520.1 and although I think it is a little beast of a phone, I think it could even make a greater experience were it not for the crappy T-Mobile HSPA and HSPA+ network in my area. When in Wi-Fi it is excellent. Too bad there are areas where HSPA is terrible in Queens. I hope some of the bands where this phone operates in LTE will become active, especially if traffic increases in the future.

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