New member
I really want the pro-cam and improved camera algorithms. Also the other nokia settings like double tap to wake, glance screen, adjust the screen saturation, etc.
I dont understand why you guys are so pumped or eager to get the update...i mean sure its always fun getting updates is FUN and EXCITING...but we know the additions are just decent. whats everyones biggest excitement for the update?
+ Able to use new Nokia Apps
+ Hopefully better battery life
+ SMS/Call blocking
Some of us are hoping it fixes the focusing issues our cameras are having. For me it's also so that I can get the Pro Cam app.
I'm a little concerned that knowing Rogers' update history, they'll be dead last in getting this to us and it won't have half the features in there (if the Ativ S updates are anything to go by)
It's also pretty annoying that there is no mention of WP on their page while Moto X is being touted as the savior. Seriously? You picked this half-baked piece of plastic over a quality product with a 41 MP camera?
it did take a while to get 1308 and 1314, but Portico we got pretty early, we were one of the first
Now just read that Verizon went from "waiting for approval" to "coming soon" and now "available" within not even a 24h period.....
C'MON've been at the "coming soon" stage for the past 5 days now!!!!!
They're adding their bullsh** bookmarks back to IE and that stupid/useless Rogers One app.