Round Robin: iPhone Rene is Baaaaaack! Please Help!

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Rene Ritchie

New member
Jan 12, 2007
Long time no post. Sorry about that. My WinMo device went the way of the dodos and the forums they were sundered.

But now that Dieter has taken my iPhone away and gifted me with the HTC FUZE for a week... well, I need some serious WMExperts to help me out!

First things first, I popped in my Rogers (Canada) SIM, and the FUZE no likey. It keeps complaining it can't connect to 3G. I click the tiny little Settings link it gives me, but I can't see where I can enter the Rogers APN info.

Any ideas?

(Note: This is an official Round Robin thread! Every day you post on the thread gives you another entry into WMExperts contest to win an HTC FUZE and accessories! Visit for all the details!)


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Nov 24, 2008
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Rene you didn't ask yet but considering the Treo Pro thread I'm gonna say these right upfront as they should apply to the Diamond:

Unless the box says otherwise please recognise that this phone may not officially support Apple. I'm not saying you can't get it to work but give it as much time and effort as you would getting an iPhone to work on Linux.

Now for your OTA sync I've since discovered nuevasync. This is available to iPhone as well as WM6 and it needs no software plus it's free. But it is beta and I wouldn't set it loose on your live data without a confirmed backup. for example it might strip out your contact photos. However it will do your calendar and contacts from google.
Otherwise I can recommend GooSync as I've had some good experiences with them. However you would need to upgrade to the paid version for contacts sync (unless you abuse the 30 day money back guarantee) . Or just tell them you need it for a review for one week anyway.


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Nov 17, 2008
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SIM cards are finicky. I had a friend with a Rogers Bold and tried an at&t sim with ease, but couldn't get a t-mobile 3g sim to work.

Rene Ritchie

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Jan 12, 2007
Took the APN off my old iPhone 2G:

Name: Rogers
Username: wapuser1
Password: wap

Now data is working, but even though they have Montreal listed in the weather options, when I choose it, they say there's no data. Looking out my window, I tend to agree!

Gmail seemed to set up fine in the Touch Flow 3D email client, though after finishing it claims I have no email. One battle at a time!

So far, however, this device doesn't seem as snappy as the Treo Pro. Is that the Touch Flo at work? It's plenty fast when I dig down to WinMo. Screen rotation aside (which is s l o w).

I'll try out the sync tips, thanks for those. I realize there's no love for the Mac coming out of Redmond's mobile devices division. But at least I can offer a Mac user's perspective!

George Ponder

Dec 28, 2001
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Two things helped mine get a little more snap was to get rid of the AT&T Bloat and installed the Advanced Configuration Tool.

There's a few performance tweaks in the configuration tool that increases the cache and filter size.

screen rotation is slow, no argument there, but it does rotate.


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Apr 21, 2005
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i had so much expectations with fuze but its nothing more than a typical slide out kb wm phone :( ...all they did is stick the touchflo as a today screen. what excited me was some of the basic features like finger (or flick ?) scroll through out os, large menu, opera, sensors etc...but none of those seem to work how they supposed to be. obviously they tried to emulate iphone but wayyyyy undercooked imho. all in all it became really frustrating using above features.


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Aug 11, 2007
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Good luck with the Fuze. I've tried playing with it at an ATT store and went nuts waiting for TouchFlo to catch up with me. It may not be pretty, but I'd much rather kill the flashy UI and work with the standard WinMo interface. Have you disabled TouchFlo at all, and does it improve performance? ... is screen rotation equally as slow with TouchFlo off, too?

Does the mail client support IMAP IDLE? I have an older WM5 device, so get by forwarding my Gmail to Mail2web (and then get push via Activesync). I wish there was a better, more straightforward way to get push Gmail on a WM device. If the mail client supported IDLE, that SHOULD take care of that problem... but I don't think I've heard anywhere that it does. =( I'm jealous that so far Google seems to have released all of their best syncing apps (Gmail, Cal and Contact Sync) for Blackberry instead... Android excepted, of course...

Darth Pooh#WP

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Aug 10, 2003
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Two things helped mine get a little more snap was to get rid of the AT&T Bloat and installed the Advanced Configuration Tool.

There's a few performance tweaks in the configuration tool that increases the cache and filter size.

screen rotation is slow, no argument there, but it does rotate.

ACT helped me get my friends FUZE quick as all hell. And removing that AT&T bloat made this little piggy squeal. Almost makes me wish I had one at this point... at first I didn't, but the thing just moves if you tweak it right, which I feel you have to do to ANY phone. Nothing comes OUT OF THE BOX perfect... nothing.

Dieter Bohn

Ex Editor in Chief
Feb 1, 2001
If you're having problems with data, you should check to see if the proxy manager is on or not. If it is, it's trying to route your data through AT&T's proxy server. They do this so that it can work with their cheaper MediaNet service, which offers limited web access.

Start / Programs / Proxy Manager (may be in a subfolder, I can't remember)


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Aug 11, 2007
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*sigh* I the only one that wishes you guys chose to use a Sprint Touch Pro for this instead of the Fuze? I can't even get reliable 3G service in a freakin' ATT store... Granted, that would do you no good in Canada, haha, but I'm a selfish, US-centric person, I guess. Lol.


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Oct 25, 2008
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*sigh* I the only one that wishes you guys chose to use a Sprint Touch Pro for this instead of the Fuze? I can't even get reliable 3G service in a freakin' ATT store... Granted, that would do you no good in Canada, haha, but I'm a selfish, US-centric person, I guess. Lol.

I am with you there. A lot of the Fuze information doesn't apply to the Touch Pro. Need to find TP specific information. Checking for other sites/forums.....:(

Rene Ritchie

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Jan 12, 2007

Okay, cool. So I went into Programs > Tools and there are two icons there, disable proxy and restore proxy.

Clicking on disable proxy doesn't seem to do anything settings wise, but rather installs a package. I can't find a program that it installed, however, so does that mean just the install itself disables the proxy...

Let's fire up Opera and see!

Nope :( Cannot connect to proxy server.

But here's the thing: Pocket Internet Explorer works fine, so this is really just an Opera issue. Is it Opera Mini or Opera Mobile that's brute installed on the FUZE?

If Mini, I'd just as soon avoid it anyway for SSL breaking badness, and go find Opera Mobile...
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Mar 18, 2008
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I agree with the need for more TouchPro infomation. I have realized that in the whole RoundRobin contest is oriented around AT&T phones...(G1 excluded, but still uses a SIM card).

Rene Ritchie

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Jan 12, 2007
I can't speak for Dieter, the big brain behind it all, but I think it would be more fair to say that the SPE Round Robin is geared towards GSM phones, since they're really the only choice for swapping phones. That's why the heavy AT&T (and T-Mo Android G1) focus.

Let's face it, popping in and out SIM cards is far easier -- and cheaper -- than having to use someone else's phone number, never mind roaming charges (international data rates something anyone here wants to pay when fully testing a device for a week?)

It's a hardware and OS comparison, so also think pretty much everyone can find value, regardless of carrier.

Rene Ritchie

New member
Jan 12, 2007
Thanks George! I used to love Bejeweled 1 on the Treo, and have been enjoying Trism on the iPhone, so I'll check it out!

Also -- for the honor of Dieter and WMExperts, I will get this thread to multi-pages or talk to myself in the trying!


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May 2, 2004
Unless AT&T short sheeted the phone, the Fuze should have more RAM than you can use. With that you can supercharge the speed of the phone by increasing all the cache settings in the registry to the max. My Touch Pro is lightnening fast because I maxed all of these out and still have over over 100 mb of RAM to spare. The easiest way to do this is with Memaid.

A challenging Gsensor game is Resco Bubbles.

If you can get past level 26, I will personally fly to Canada and shake your hand over lunch on me.
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