Rubber strap splitting on Band2

Arizona desert - band cracked just left of the screen. I pretty much wear it all the time. Not an exerciser (Unless you count walking to the fridge) nor bike rider. Here I was thinking too much heat may be part of the problem Guess not.
Just adding my comment:
I also have had my Band 2 replaced under warranty (Australia). I noticed that the screen was playing up and took it into the Microsoft Store here. They had a look and saw the splits on both sides. The salesguy said he’d seen it before and replaced the Band with no questions. I use my Band extensively for fitness (running and weights) and sleep tracking.
My Band was purchased on day 1 of the MSFT store opening (November last year), and just a couple of weeks after it went on sale in the US.

Definite design flaw.
Ok, so despite the support lady I spoke with saying it should be covered and arranging the sending off of my band the second time it has now come back rejected from the service centre again! I'm not on with MS Support again and this is being escalated as it should be covered unless it is completely split (in two pieces with electronics broken). I should hear back in a few days.
Ok, so despite the support lady I spoke with saying it should be covered and arranging the sending off of my band the second time it has now come back rejected from the service centre again! I'm not on with MS Support again and this is being escalated as it should be covered unless it is completely split (in two pieces with electronics broken). I should hear back in a few days.

That's strange indeed. Exactly as in your place the lady at the customer service told me that they'd recently changed policy and the smaller tears are now covered under warranty. However, in my case it seems that they indeed have sent me a completely new band. So, unless your band tear looks really awful, it's strange that they rejected it.
Just so you know,the same happened to me today.Was yours worse than this ?
60th Annvy_1.JPG
I had it returned from the German service centre today.Not covered by warranty apparently... I've escalated it and am waiting to hear back.
Mine isn't quite as bad as that but very similar. It started as a small split in the centre of the strap but quickly spread to the edges. It has become worse as it continues to spread if you pull it about and it seems to have been squeezed into a box which put more pressure on the strap meaning it has started to split going up the edges a little. It was 100% working when I sent it off so they can't claim the damage caused the electronics to fail or anything like that and it certainly isn't in two pieces like it was stated would mean the warranty was voided as it means the electrics which go through the strap would need to be pulled apart showing abuse.

Just so you know,the same happened to me today.Was yours worse than this ?
View attachment 124217
I had it returned from the German service centre today.Not covered by warranty apparently... I've escalated it and am waiting to hear back.

No, mine just had a very small tear, just as nicktramontin described. Because I saw a lot of pictures here I immediately stopped using the Band and started the guarantee procedure. Looking back, I am glad I did it. Sorry for you, and I hope they will do something with your bands also. It's obviously a design flaw, despite what they say of it...
I have the exact same issue. I wear it with the display inward. A crack just started 1 inch from the right side of the display. I have had it about 4 months.
Then get the replacement process started ASAP. I heard back from Microsoft Global Escalation Services today and they are issuing a replacement as " tears in the strap are covered by warranty" .I'm sure they'll come through for you.
Have had mine for about four months. No problem with it so far. It's a medium and I'm not wearing it too tight a little higher on my arm with the screen inside.
I can confirm that my Band 2 has been replaced by a refurbished Band 2 without any question being asked. So as long as it's only a small tear (see my pictures somewhere in this thread) Microsoft has really changed their policy and replace it without charging anything for it (as they should).
Refurbished? If it's still well within warranty period, I'd be expecting brand new.
Where do they get off thinking they can give us a refurbished 2nd-hand unit?
Luckily I haven't had the issue yet, but if I did there's no way I'd accept a refurb.

And consumer law here in Oz would most likely be on my side...
In fact most Aussies who have had this issue, have so far been given a new unit.
At least at Whirlpool AFAICT, not sure about here at WC...
Refurbished? If it's still well within warranty period, I'd be expecting brand new.
Where do they get off thinking they can give us a refurbished 2nd-hand unit?
Luckily I haven't had the issue yet, but if I did there's no way I'd accept a refurb.
I don't know about Australia but here in Holland (and the rest of the EU) consumer laws state that the seller has to replace a broken device with something comparable. That can be a full refund, a gift card, a replacement with a new unit or a decent refurbishment. It's up to the seller to decide how to do it...

And besides the law I don't have problems with it as long as the device works well and has no other problems. And why would I, I'm getting back a device with a perfect band and no other defects, so what's the problem? It would be different if I had not even worn my band and it was broken right out of the box.
No "biggy", different everywhere, in Oz they're giving us new units. All good.
At least in most situations I've observed, there may well be exceptions.
just had the same problem had band for 3 mouths and strap has split sent it back for warranty to have them say its my fault and not covered not happy only ever warn it correctly spoke to customer sevice and they have told me to send it back again will update i when hear outcome.
Mine just started splitting a couple days ago (3 months old) and now it won't take a charge. I thought maybe some wires were split inside, anyone else have this issue?
Be sure to leave this feedback at their official UserVoice page.

Mine just cracked today after having it only a month. :( They've already said they're going to replace it, so I'll be sending it in tomorrow.

My inner redneck is wondering if I can strengthen the new one by wrapping the band part with some duct tape.
Apparently my Band 2 didn't want to be left out because it just developed the same split. And it's my second B2. I bought the first one the day it was released and had to get it replaced a few months later due to the internal battery disconnect issue. This one is only a few months old and is otherwise in great shape. It's disappointing that I can buy a $10 watch at wally world that I can swim with and not worry about, but Microsoft can't make a simple rubber band that lasts 3 months. I really liked the Band 1 and Band 2, but I was on my third Band 1 after 10 months and it looks like I'll be on my third Band 2 just six months in. I have a Garmin VivoActive HR on order. I'm sure there will be things I'll miss about the Band but lack of durability won't be one of them.

Some folks must be much rougher than others, or something, never had these sort of issues (for any of my wearables for that matter). But you do get a certain class of folks, who seem to have no end of trouble, & get a 2nd 3rd 4th 5th (LOL) unit within 12 months -no matter the wearable!

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