Rubber strap splitting on Band2

So, I've got good news and bad news ... good news is that after escalating the issue I've now got a replacement Band 2 which is working nicely, but the whole kerfuffle meant I was without it for the best part of a month. This unit is slightly smaller than the old one so it's not at max tightness, hopefully that's also good news.

Bad news is my wife's Band 2 is now starting to show the same issue - a small crack has appeared in the rubber, right in the centre of the strap and just about exactly where mine split :eck: So far it hasn't got any larger, but we're keeping a close eye on it.

I'm waiting for mine to be returned (stock issue at the moment on medium bands I believe) but fingers crossed I get mine back after the escalation.

I had the same with the wife's band 2 cracking ever so slightly on BOTH sides. Following my experience we sent it straight off (same time as I sent mine off) and she got a replacement within days with no issue whereas I'm still waiting for mine :(
Bought mine in December from Best buy, use it everyday, twice a week play tennis with it. Started breaking about a month ago. here it is now:

Same here mine has split in the same place, I use it but it has had no impact whatsoever just split! I returned it to the retailer for a replacement no questions asked! mmmh. There is something afoot with this band and only time will tell.
Exchanged my split band this past weekend at the International Mall MS store in Tampa. I just walked in and asked to have my band replaced under warranty. They looked up the S/N to make sure it was covered (it was) and they grabbed a new one off the wall and made the exchange. The best part is now I have two charging cables. So, I can keep one at work and one at home.

One thing I noticed is the new band is a little smaller than my previous one. Not sure if this will effect the longevity but just something I noticed.
Bought mine immediately it was available in the UK online store. It is split today. The UK online store help couldn't do anything when I just chatted to them. They just instructed me to get in touch with Band support They appear to be closed now. With whom did you all agree the return and the return slips?View attachment 125344

I would suggest just going through here: Log in, select your device (if you have not registered it against your Microsoft account do this), describe the problem as split under normal use due to manufacturing defect / design flaw and select "other" as the category in the support request and send it off via UPS (if you select physical damage I think it doesn't give a way of sending it back for warranty as the form believes it wont be covered so select an option which does allow you to generate a UPS shipping label).

My wife did this and had hers replaced with no issue (we've done the same thing previously for then Band 1 for other problem). I had a problem as mine was too far gone (maybe a little worse than yours) and the service team hadn't been told about the new process for split straps apparently (as even with the extent of damage mine had it should have been covered).

I would give this a try in the first instance. If you get it returned back to you in the same state you can then escalate it via online chat through the same Microsoft service centre and they will override the decision that it isn't covered under warranty.

Either way I wouldn't worry, you will get a replacement as the split is identical to most and clearly due to the same issue we are all having.

My new Band 2 seems to not have as hard a ridge on it as my last one did around where it split, maybe the rubber is new and less worn giving this impression or maybe they have modified them slightly.
Mine is under 4 months old and split today, suddenly and I nearly cut my leg on it when I first noticed it. My running partner has on about the same age and his also split. I called MS and they offered to have me send it for a repair/replacement but I'm running 60 miles a week with a marathon in 5 weeks and being without this for a week is not going to work. I explained that and the support person contacted my "local" Microsoft store which is 2 hours drive away and I got an appointment to have it looked at in a few days. In the meantime, following my running partners advice, I used a little electrical tape on it and that seems to be doing the trick and is not really that noticeable. A good short term fix anyway.
Add myself to the list of victims, received my Band 2 as a Christmas present from my girlfriend. Today I noticed it splitting in the same spot as others. Followed the advice of nicktramontin above and have printed the shipping label. I'll take it to UPS tomorrow. Hopefully shouldn't have any issues. Microsoft Support has always been great here in Canada, at least in dealing with Surface related warranty replacements.WP_20160427_22_51_49_Pro_LI.jpgWP_20160427_22_52_02_Pro_LI.jpg
So I sent my Band2 to Germany with the prepaid UPS slip about a couple of weeks ago. The slow economy UPS took about ten days while to get there - last Friday. The brand new band in an unopened box was shipped on Monday and arrived in Athens two days later on Wednesday. The sizing is noticeably tighter and also the location where the screen metals blend into the pure rubber (and where the split happened) appear to be slightly different in form than the early batch Band2 I got upon the release in autumn.

I was told that it would be possible they ship a refurbished Band2, but either I got lucky or my complaints upon learning of this possibility paid out.
mine has split last weekend after only 2 months of light use (purchased in 1 March). Getting a full refund from argos. Apart from the wrist strap problem, its a great little device, but I am not sure whether to get another or not.

Anyone with a replacement or recently got another had any problems with a "new" version of the band? How would I know if its an old version or a new version because by the sounds of it here, people saying that the strap appears a little different material.
mine has split last weekend after only 2 months of light use (purchased in 1 March). Getting a full refund from argos. Apart from the wrist strap problem, its a great little device, but I am not sure whether to get another or not.

Anyone with a replacement or recently got another had any problems with a "new" version of the band? How would I know if its an old version or a new version because by the sounds of it here, people saying that the strap appears a little different material.

Had my replacement since around beginning of march and mine has split again -_- I feel like its an amazing product I now cannot live without so I guess I need to buy some liquid rubber or some **** as I cabto send back for a second time
Well, my second one split the other day...

It's hard to put into words, but I knew when it was going to split, because a weird line formed on it. It seems as if they are cracking on the inside, and not even because something is rubbing against it.

I asked the microsoft rep in the chat and they did confirm that the newer ones use a different material, so I'm curious what it'll be like when I get the new one. If there is a change, it'd have to be extremely recent.

In the meantime though, I'd like to find a good online teardown of the device that doesn't damage anything other than the rubber, as I'm seriously thinking about modding the next one if it cracks too, and I'd like to find a good online resource to get an idea of how to attach a different watchband material. I think a soft leather would be nice...
My band is splitting too....just noticed it today.

I returned my B1 and changed to B2 after that strap split and now B2 is falling apart on me.
I love both bands but I can't keep returning them every few months from Germany to Amazon UK.

I don't know if I will stay with Band or go back to Fitbit now.
My band is splitting too....just noticed it today.

I returned my B1 and changed to B2 after that strap split and now B2 is falling apart on me.
I love both bands but I can't keep returning them every few months from Germany to Amazon UK.

I don't know if I will stay with Band or go back to Fitbit now.
View attachment 126124

You can try sending it the the german service center. I did that with the band i bought from microsoft uk.
But i think amazon has the advantage of sending you an replacement band 2 before you return the broken one. Microsoft does not offer this.
My band 2 "xmas present" split overnight to the point where I woke up with a big metal tab poking out of it
Didn't expect this desighn issue to happen on a version 2 product :?(

Lucky it was purchased from amazon that just sent DPD to pick it up and will refund full 180? price on it to me when they get it
I think they have had a lot more of these back than anyone wants to let on :?(

Ok I was a 24/7 user tracking my heart all the time but I didn't expect this kind of failure

not sure if ill buy it again or wait for band 3/android

cya :?)
Adding my Band 2 to the list of split straps.

I got my Band 2 day one--shipped directly from

It's sized correctly according to the sizing guide. I wear mine a little loose--there is roughly 1/8-3/16 inch between back of face and my wrist if I pull on the face. I can't get my pinky finger between the Band and wrist.

I loosen during workouts and slide up on my wrist, above my wrist bone. I find the HR tracking is better there.

I wear my Band face down.

Use a computer 8-10 hours a day, so it is often pressing on the wrist rest throughout the day. Noticed it flexes at the point where the crack is when I rest on the wrist rest.

I do not leave it sitting in car or sunlight, unless it's attached to me and I happen to be sitting in those places.

I use mine for exercise--gym, hiking, and biking. I wear mine all day, including sleeping. I only remove for charging or showering.

Just doesn't seem like unusual uses and definitely not something that would lead to cracking.

I called MS support and they agreed to replace. No argument whatsoever and they didn't require any picture ahead of time. However, they tell me they will only provide a refurb by mail. I told them I wanted a new device given the cost and timeframe that this occurred (<6 mos). They said they can only provide a refurb. That was disappointing. I know I can get a new device if I go to the Microsoft Store (did that with Band 1 for the third replacement), but it's a four hour round trip drive for me.

By the way, I wear a Fitbit Charge (so can compete in challenges with friends and family) on the opposite wrist and it isn't suffering from any strap cracking issue.

This may be my last Band purchase after three exchanges in one year with Band 1 and this issue cropping up with Band 2. I love the Band, but Microsoft just can't get the durability right for such an expensive device. While I'm not crazy about the look of the Fitbit Blaze, it is beginning to look like the better fitness tracker option, assuming similar durability to my Charge.

Add myself to the list of victims, received my Band 2 as a Christmas present from my girlfriend. Today I noticed it splitting in the same spot as others. Followed the advice of nicktramontin above and have printed the shipping label. I'll take it to UPS tomorrow. Hopefully shouldn't have any issues. Microsoft Support has always been great here in Canada, at least in dealing with Surface related warranty replacements.View attachment 125626View attachment 125627

Sent it in, arrived within 2 days, was sent a refurbished one 1 day later which arrived within two days. Seems to have a slightly different design as others have commented. Here's hoping.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Disappointing to read all these split band issues. I just a new band 2 user this week, I had heard of the issues before I bought it and was split between the fitbit blaze or the MS Band 2. Of course I went with the band 2 and I am loving it, but perhaps now being over cautious with it due to these reports, which I shouldn't have to, it should be up to withstanding normal use, including sleeping with it on.

Are there still many users with a day one band 2 without the splitting band issue?

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