Rubber strap splitting on Band2

I think mine split because I wore it loosely and screen downward
as a programmer typing all day and sleeping with it every night caused a bit of flexing (due to being worn loosely)

there is a metal plate 1 cm from the screen that is covered by only 0.5 mm or rubber (on my band)
this flexing caused the metal plate to break through the thin rubber

design issue IMO :?)
amazon refunded my full price and told me I could buy another now ?30 cheeper but ill wait band3 or gear2
I just joined the split club over the weekend although I didn't realize it at the time. Over the weekend my Band2 died in the middle of the day, and later when I got home wouldn't take a charge. Or if it did briefly begin charging I kept getting the message that the battery had died and I had to reset the time and date. Previously I'd noticed for a while that I wasn't getting texts relayed to my band although everything else worked, so I assumed it was a setting I had mis-set. Now I realize it was probably the first sign that there was a weak internal connection or break. But I didn't realize any of this and so took it in to the MS Store and the guy at the tech desk showed me the tear. It was in the same place as everyone else's, but torn in the middle of the band not from either side. He told me that if it had been totally torn all the way they wouldn't have replaced it .He had me put it on again and looked to see if the fit was ok, then took it for a replacement. I guess I'll be without it for a few days.
Just so you know,the same happened to me today.Was yours worse than this ?
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I had it returned from the German service centre today.Not covered by warranty apparently... I've escalated it and am waiting to hear back.

I've been thinking about this picture. What did you expose the band to? It looks as though it has been burned, either with a chemical or heat. I've had my Band since Dec '15 and it doesn't have any places on it that look like that. I'm not surprised the band failed at the point it did, due to the damage.
Disappointing to read all these split band issues. I just a new band 2 user this week, I had heard of the issues before I bought it and was split between the fitbit blaze or the MS Band 2. Of course I went with the band 2 and I am loving it, but perhaps now being over cautious with it due to these reports, which I shouldn't have to, it should be up to withstanding normal use, including sleeping with it on.

Are there still many users with a day one band 2 without the splitting band issue?

My wife and I bought ours just before Christmas in Dec '15. I wear mine 24/7. Sleep in it, run, walk, lift weights, bike. I have no tears or issues. I'm not abusive with it. I clean it daily or every other day, depending on my workout. I clean it with a baby wipe and other than the normal surface scratches, it's holding up great. My wife wears her 24/7 and sleeps in it too. She doesn't workout, but she does work at a computer more than me and she still doesn't have any splitting issues either. We both wear them screen in, left wrist.

Don't be afraid of it. Put it to work. Honestly, I think a lot of the splitting issues are improperly sized Bands and being exposed to abrasive cleaning chemicals. I wore a medium in the Band 1, but had to go down to the small on the Band 2.
And so it begins.....

I noticed this today. I knew it was only a matter of time because I had been watching this indention "grow" for a few weeks now. I sleep, play and work while wearing the Band, and contrary to the picture (messed up screen protector) I have taken VERY good care of it and have followed the recommended care and cleaning instructions.I have a full coverage via Best Buy so I suppose I'll get it replaced there. The nearest MS store is an hour from here and don't want to wait for a snail mail replacement.

Another UK Band 2 owner here.

My strap split for no reason back in March and I sent the Band off for repair but got it sent back to me almost immediately after the warranty centre received it, citing 'physical or intentional damage' which wasn't eligible for warranty service. So I left it in it's packaging in a draw for 2 months.

After reading this thread and a few others, I decided to request a call-back from the support site and spoke with a guy a minute later. I told him about my previous service request and how I recently found out that the UK warranty centre(s) was rejecting these cases because they didn't know that they were indeed included in the warranty, like how customers in the US have theirs replaced immediately.

The guy on the phone said I was right and that there has been a change in protocol with these cases - split straps are covered by the warranty (although I doubt they would be if the strap had completely broken to the point where it's fallen off as a separate piece). He said that escalation services would be passed the details of the case so that they can 1) unvoid my warranty (it got reset to expiry year 1900 after the first servicing claimed it was physical damage), and 2) set up a new order that exchange my current Band for a new one (not sure if brand new or refurb).

I've just been emailed a new shipping label a few minutes later and will be posting off the box with my Band 2 and charger some time tomorrow. The guy said that I would expect to receive the working product about 7 days after I send it off to them via UPS.

TLDR: If you've got a split strap, make sure it doesn't complete break apart. Keep it safe and send it off for warranty repair as a "Other: design fault, rubber strap split" problem. If, for some reason, they send it back without repair, just go to the support site online, "Contact Us" and start a chat with an agent or enter your phone number to request a call-back to speak with them in person. Explain your situation, citing the design fault that many users have experienced and how the warranty centre didn't know it was an issue that is in-warranty coverable, and they should sort you out with the escalation service to correct that.

I had the band 1 and loved it so got the new band in November. I wear it at work and sleep with it on the inside of my right arm. I noticed the strap starting to split in the same way some posters photo's show. I requested a call back from Microsoft UK and after explaining the issue was told to stop wearing the band and have the label to get it sent away and I would get another sent to me.

The advisor said to stop wearing it as the splitting strap is covered under warranty but if the strap splits completely then it isn't covered so be careful.
Same for me there,

Band is not available in France, so i baught it from Montr?al travel...

What can i do now ?

Wow, this seems like a common flaw! I'm glad I'm not the only one. I got mine from the Sydney Microsoft Store the week it was released and cracks started appearing about a month ago. I'm quite attached to my Band2 especially now it plays nice with Windows 10 Mobile (plus the new hiking feature is cool!) so I don't want to replace it with something else. I doubt this band will hold together until November when I guess Band3 will come out so it looks like my only option is to try and get MS to replace their faulty device.

Crap!! mine split to... :crying:. bought it through since it is not available in Sweden, sure hope to have it replaced, only used it for four months and just for everyday usage (work at office) and walking/hiking sleeping.
Was unable to register my claim becuse it says my band 2 is not "eligible for return" anymore :sweaty: . have contacted them and wating for good news hopfully....

Quick response from Amazon just two hours later, a replacement is on its way. Excellent service Amazon!
it is apparent that Amazon/Microsoft take the mater seriously and that it is a known defect/design flaw.

It is unfortunate that Microsoft didn't discover or anticipate this issue in the first place. It is to me a clear design flaw where a hard inner object with a soft outer "skin" will eventually cut through, given the type of device where it will be bent and flexed etc. I think also that this happens because of ppl are wearing it on the inside of your wrist and in combination with desk work (as i do), that and in combination of the design makes a bad combo since
it applies some pressure at the area of mentioned design issue and eventually cuts through.

whether or not new band material will suffice (as other have indicated with their replacements) remain to be seen, I'm a bit sceptical. It will be interesting to see if there are any noticeable changes on my replacement Band.

One apparent change would be to prolong the inner plastic "lip" with 1-2 centimetres and also have it gradually thinner at the end as a soft transition. That will prevent the harder inner part with an edge (as the one i have, about a 1 centimetre out of the casing) to cut/grind against the sot band. Although it will be a bit stiffer but should do the trick.

A design where the band can be replaced would be the ultimate design but harder to achieve technically, i think it is doable but to a price.
It will be interesting to see how the band 3 will look like... if they dare to continue.
hmm, sorry to hear that most of you have had issues with cracking. I guess I'm a lucky one. Been wearing it steady (running, sleeping, shower, biking, etc.) since getting it (day 1 it was available in Canada) and no issues yet. Picked it up from BestBuy with their 3 year warranty. Learnt my lesson with the Nike watch...replaced 5 in 2 years. But after the first year if it dies they just give you the amount that you paid for the watch. So if it breaks after the first year I'll just get the money from them and grab a Band 3:)

Take care all and hope the best for you.
Just sent my second Band 2 back with the split strap issue (the first one had the "not charging" issue). I love the functionality but the quality and robustness of the hardware sucks!
Mine did this as well, i got a free replacement. My replacement hasn't had any issues. Fingers crossed it stays that way.
Mine just started splitting, eerily in the exact same spot as pictures posted. It looks like right at the bend of a plastic corner on the inside of the rubber, this could be a design flaw, definitely from normal wear. I'm going to the MS store today to see if they honor a replacement, hopefully they stand by their product. Crossing fingers...WP_20160528_12_46_27_Pro (2).jpg
And mine just split too. Thought I would get away with it, but no.
Will contact Microsoft tomorrow.
**Update** Replaced without problems after talking to Microsoft UK (which was a problem)
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I'm in the split band club now! Bought it at the end of December. Will be taking it into the Microsoft store whenever I get around to it.

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