Rumour.. Leaked windows phone 10 photos

4 years to implement a full screen wallpaper? Damn those Microsoft engineers are brilliant.

It takes time to stretch out the photos beyond the confines of the tile limits. Even though they already had this in WP7 way back when...

Perhaps its those tiles that just super overcomplicates things!
win 10 for phones should have 3 screens
1.without any tiles only clock tile
swipe right to left
2. live tiles(favourite apps )
on live tile screen swipe right to left list
the background should have two options
1.static wallpaper
2.animated wallpaper(live wallpaper in case of android)
with customization phones screen will be eye catching which increases popularity

Too many swipes, and feels android
Tom Warren from The Verge hints that this leaked picture from "Windows Phone Italy" could be genuine!

Whereas, "Windows Phone Italy" claims to have seen Windows 10 for phones and created a similar render!
Regardless of if it is real or fake, this "leaked" photo would make a lot of sense - take a look at how custom backgrounds + transparent tiles for the Xbox One are implemented: Xbox One dashboard with transparent tiles spotted on Major Nelson's gaming stream - Neowin . The UI design in the W10 mockup lines up with this, and personally it seems to make sense anyways - the tiles are darkened/frosted so they are readable, yet you also get a full-screen background.
Looks like a jumbled mess. You can't tell the tile icons from the squiggles in the background image. But considering that I did away with the background image on my Surface 2, maybe I'm a bit of a digital neat freak.
those images looks fake because, now all phones come with hiding keys. those images contain the command bar like old phones.
I'm not sure if this is real although I want to say I told you so to some people doubting the relevance of background images to the home screen. It's so gorgeous.

Not really. It's just as visually messy as we thought it would be but like the current transparent tiles option it depends a lot on the taste of the user. Most of the time less is more.
win 10 for phones should have 3 screens
1.without any tiles only clock tile
swipe right to left
2. live tiles(favourite apps )
on live tile screen swipe right to left list
the background should have two options
1.static wallpaper
2.animated wallpaper(live wallpaper in case of android)
with customization phones screen will be eye catching which increases popularity

if u want that features try android.....bcz windows is metro style and is should b like its now
Lol, very good 😊. But don't forget, apple was first :) and Android is/was the copie ;-)

It's FAKE. Daniel already debunked this in twitter. Thank god and thank you Daniel. It looked ugly anyway.
Tom Warren from The Verge hints that this leaked picture from "Windows Phone Italy" could be genuine!

Whereas, "Windows Phone Italy" claims to have seen Windows 10 for phones and created a similar render!

iVerge don't even have a real windows phone writer. They have an apple fan who writes about windows phone! and you believe them??!!

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