Rumour.. Leaked windows phone 10 photos

It's not that hard to find out guys :)just check the www.
apple 2007 and google 2008 :)
You need to understand this might not be the official version of it, I assure you it would still be in development and they might be working on adding that feature. Also, it might not be exactly like the Windows 8.1 metro icons either. Take things into account before you accuse my friend...
praveen9779 said:
win 10 for phones should have 3 screens
1.without any tiles only clock tile
swipe right to left

Number one is nonsensical because we already have the lockscreen.
Please don't copy Android and ios things. Microsoft is doing something and thy do it good. Live tiles, no lag even as you have your screen filled with live tiles. Nice menu that makes that you can find your apps easily.
The menu with not to much in it so it works easy, ad I can go on like this.
Yes there are things that wp misses and I hope that they will ad it with wp 10, but than on there way and not like android or ios.
IOS is just a screen of icons. Apple always complained about windows that it was a screen full of icons and now hey have it them self. ios stands for icons, just remove the c and n and you have a scree of.....!
Android is build like lego but than on a bad way. Here a menu and than here this and there that and o here we have an other style of menu let we ad that to.
Please don't go tat way with all those different screens were you can't find any thing, keep those wonderful tiles.
There way of making a folder structure shows that they can do the same things but than better, so let them do it and just tell them what things you need and let them design it, they are good in it.
Second, an 85% market share is not a proof of quality.

Certainly not, but it does give an indication of value. WP has been around for over 4 years, plenty of time for penetration. It has the same mix of high-end and low-end devices as Android. Yet it has not gone anywhere. I'm sure that at the release of WP if someone would have told Ballmer that after 4 years WP would have a 3% market share, he would have laughed, as he laughed at iPhone and Android. In fact, if Microsoft would have magically had foreknowledge, I bet WP would have never seen the light of day.

Say what you want, but whatever Google is doing with Android is working. Sure, we can point out all the mistakes, but it's working. I don't think it's wise to say "We don't want that because it's Android-esque", which is too prevalent on this forum. Microsoft would do well to do more copying of Android, at least copying whatever is driving sales.

The iPhone doesn't have high sales either compared to Android, but it has something making it worth keeping around: profit. Android has sales but not high profit. WP has neither sales nor profit.
Certainly not, but it does give an indication of value.

I wouldn't go as far as to say it's an indication of value. The fact that MS came in (way too) late in the game cannot be overlooked. First because Android is a well-known name whereas a lot of people don't even know about WP.

Second, because companies already had apps on iPhone and Android and WP's arrival forced them to create apps for a new echosystem and a lot of them didn't bother given that it wasn't that popular. It's the chicken or the egg. The lack of apps make people turn away from WP and the fact that people turn away from WP creates a lack of apps.

And that's what people are after: apps. If the fact that, Instagram for example, isn't available on a platform results in people that don't have the money for an iPhone turn to a cheaper platform that has Instagram, they'll turn to Android.

Put WP and Android on the same level app-wise and Android's market share would be less impressive.

But even then we couldn't talk about value. Because in the end it's all a question of preference.
Certainly not, but it does give an indication of value. WP has been around for over 4 years, plenty of time for penetration. It has the same mix of high-end and low-end devices as Android. Yet it has not gone anywhere. I'm sure that at the release of WP if someone would have told Ballmer that after 4 years WP would have a 3% market share, he would have laughed, as he laughed at iPhone and Android. In fact, if Microsoft would have magically had foreknowledge, I bet WP would have never seen the light of day.

Say what you want, but whatever Google is doing with Android is working. Sure, we can point out all the mistakes, but it's working. I don't think it's wise to say "We don't want that because it's Android-esque", which is too prevalent on this forum. Microsoft would do well to do more copying of Android, at least copying whatever is driving sales.

The iPhone doesn't have high sales either compared to Android, but it has something making it worth keeping around: profit. Android has sales but not high profit. WP has neither sales nor profit.

Android after 4 years was also not big.
Still you compare a platform that is years a head and is supported by more hardware and has much more apps.
That all doesn't say anything about the quality r if it is the right system.
Many people don't buy a wp because they hear things like there are no apps and phone companies don't want to sell you a wp so they talk bad about it.
Most of the time because the person that sells you the phone has an Android or an iphone them self and not a wp. There pinion is colored and they will always tell you that there are no apps for wp. I heard that every time when I was looking around. Also they have only one or 2 wp to show you, the others you must look for on the website.
They are right as they say that it has not as many apps as android and ios. Even with the lower amount of apps, wp has enough apps to make the most users happy. Most people use the basic apps that are there.
No not an official Youtube, Google drive or a good working official Instagram app, but it has very good replacements and in my opinion in some cases better than the official apps.
Youtube on wp is without any commercials and with tubecast you can watch your Youtube video's on a TV without the need of Youtube support or hemi stick from Google. You only need a TV that is connected with your network.
Yes there is Instagram for wp and no it is not so good as on the other platforms but wp has already an Instagram app that s better than the official Instagram app on any other platform and that is 6tag.
Facebook, Twitter, mail and a browser is what most users use and it is all there.
But because they only hear from people that there are no apps and the stores don't show you the phone, makes that people go for an android phone even as the wp has everything they need.
In many cases the wp would be a better option. As you are looking for a phone in the mid and low range phones, than wp is the best phone out there.

Wp doesn't get a fair chance because of the wrong image that people have about the phone's.
It goes only about the amount of apps and not about what platform is best for the user.
Yes great a pone with a finger print reader and an infrared scanner to see your heartbeat. It are only thins that sell because it looks great but people try it when they buy the phone and most people stop using it afterwards.

Yes wp is missing apps but as I read the reactions of wp users and as I look to my self and friends that have a wp, than I can conclude one thing and that is that wp gives a good user experience.
People love the lie tills and how easy the system works. Yes they miss some apps but most stay with wp because the system makes that they accept the few missing things on the platform and hope that it will come in the next update.
And each time the updates gave see things that makes the platform better with more functions without stacking menu's and other things on each other to get as much as possible in the system that makes that every update will make your phone slower.
I'm not sure if this is real although I want to say I told you so to some people doubting the relevance of background images to the home screen.

Don't think that "told you so" would be accepted here 😉
The tiles in this image are semi-transparent, in which case a background image works.
The background-image-faction so far had always argued for more (wasted) space between tiles and a large margin at the top, so enough of the background image would remain visible. That never made sense. This W10M mockup makes a lot more sense.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is accurate.
Say what you want, but whatever Google is doing with Android is working. Sure, we can point out all the mistakes, but it's working.

At this point Android runs on its own, propelled forward by nothing but its own momentum. Google doesn't have to do anything, except avoid screwing up.
Windows is the same. Neither have to be great. They just have to be good enough. At some point, after achieving critical mass, OSes achieve something like self reinforcing perpetual popularity... until something comes along that disrupts the status quo.
Android is, in this and many other ways, the Windows of the mobile world.

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