Let me explain it for the 100th time:
- Microsoft Mobile can use the Nokia name for a period, yes. As long as they have the current Nokia phones with them. What Eflop means with the "period" is that, obviously, all Nokia devices until the 25th April will NOT be rebranded. The Nokia L1020 remains the Nokia L1020. And Microsoft CAN use the Nokia brand to promote the Nokia L1020. Same for all the other devices in the current portfolio.
What Microsoft CAN'T do is use the Nokia brand on any other future Lumia devices. Meanwing, every smartphone that is presented and released AFTER the 25th of April can NOT use the Nokia brand anymore. So basically, the 930 will be the last Lumia to come with the Nokia branding in it. This Goldfinger along with any other Lumia, will be already released without the Nokia branding in them. IF there's ANY Nokia branding in the phone, that branding may be used in connection to PureView Cameras, since the PureView technology remains in the hands of Nokia.
You will not see Goldfinger released under the Nokia brand. It will come under the Lumia brand and any other brand Microsoft decides to eventually use (Surface Lumia, Microsoft Lumia, Xbox Lumia, Lumia Bill, whatever). The camera *could* come with a Nokia logo next to it for PureView phones...but it's unlikely to happen since, if that happens, then Nokia will also be allowed to license the Nokia brand in any future Apple product that may use the PureView tech (which is now available for licensing...and remember Apple snatched a senior member of the ex-Nokia D&S PureView team). And the deal stated that Nokia can't lend its brand to smartphones until 31st December 2015. The terms of the deal are a bit vague but in any case, if they can't lend to anyone, "anyone" includes Microsoft.