Rumour: Nokia "McLaren" 5.2 Inch Monster

I'm sorry, there's no phone that now can hold 2days or plus battery, 90% of them only holds up to 1 day of use, I don't see why you guys argue so much! damn

Nokia has the best cameras, now when they're putting some even more killing screens with a better processor (people argued about snapdragon 800 on 930, because there's already a 801), and 3d technolgy, I just don't know what you guys want, for christ sake, I'm tired to enter this forum daily and see people arguing about a phone that may never exist, just stop arguing and accept the changes, they're AWESOME, better screen, 3d technology, better camera, better processor, faster graphics, christ sake, what do you want more? a phone that makes your food?!

Well... Yes. ;) I suppose I'll take one that orders food for more though.
I'm sorry, there's no phone that now can hold 2days or plus battery, 90% of them only holds up to 1 day of use ...
Sounds like a great opportunity for MSFT to take the lead in the smartphone world. Two day battery life would be far more meaningful to billions of potential users than a 500 ppi display.

I wish MSFT would take WP8 private now that they own the phone hardware. That way they could optimize the hell out of the OS and hardware.
Sounds like a great opportunity for MSFT to take the lead in the smartphone world. Two day battery life would be far more meaningful to billions of potential users than a 500 ppi display.

I wish MSFT would take WP8 private now that they own the phone hardware. That way they could optimize the hell out of the OS and hardware.

Well...Sony's Z1 Compact and Z2 already have batteries that can run for more than a day, though that's much thanks to Sony's advanced energy management tools. The Z1 Compact lasts almost 2 days of average use.
So there's another reason to pray for Sony to hurry up and board the WP train.

Microsoft could try to do something about the batteries but that requires research that isn't really within Microsoft's scope. Other companies are already researching that, though. And Nokia may also go into that arena through their Technologies division (I'm talking about the real Nokia, the only one that should be referred to as Nokia). There are progresses being made in that area...just not fast enough. It also doesn't help that OEMs keep coming up with gimmicks to kill off batteries.
I for once thing they should all just agree to stop for a while with the gimmicks like 3D gestures, fingerprint lockers etc and focus on just the software side of smartphones until the battery problems are solved. But that'd be way too good to happen.
I'm pretty sure that's well within Microsoft scope, you should probably read into just how big Microsoft r&d dept. Is If it has to do with electronics its in their scope.
Sounds like a great opportunity for MSFT to take the lead in the smartphone world. Two day battery life would be far more meaningful to billions of potential users than a 500 ppi display.

I wish MSFT would take WP8 private now that they own the phone hardware. That way they could optimize the hell out of the OS and hardware.

I'm not sure that billions of people care about a battery that lasts two days. Why, so that they can be lazy? Camping? Most people would be happy with having a solid one-day battery because they charge them at the end of the day. Yeah, it would be nice but I don't think that's at the top of most peoples' list.
While it 'sounds' nice, I am used to the 6" screen of my 1520. Can't really see going back down.

Some people probably feel the same way about 41MP.
I don't care too much about what specs this rumored phone has. The one thing it MUST have is great battery life. Not just better than other Lumia on the market, I mean GREAT battery life. Something reveling the HTC One M8 in terms of battery. It is pointless to pack all that CPU in a dense space, add a hundred plus sensors, camera lens that can shoot through walls and what not, when the phone is dead by lunch time.
If MS had a visionary CEO they'd buy up companies that research battery tech, screen tech, fingerprint sensor technology and so on. But they don't, so we'll be left with better "live tiles" and that's all.
If MS had a visionary CEO they'd buy up companies that research battery tech, screen tech, fingerprint sensor technology and so on. But they don't, so we'll be left with better "live tiles" and that's all.

Satya is definitely not wasting time buying other companies. MS likely have their own tech to test this
Screens are BIG ENOUGH
Pixel density is GOOD ENOUGH

Battery is BAD
Weight is BAD (sometimes)
Camera is BAD (or SLOW, sometimes)

Improve the BAD things, after that -> play around with useless improvements!

That is what you want, most people want specs :wink: although WP does not need that
It's useless having a QHD display if there's not much content with QHD. I mean, youtube still streams 720p to our phones right? And not many wallpapers for your mobile lockscreen with such high res. My point is, although QHD is cool, and it's good to have it, the things around didn't quiet catch up. But hey, give it 2 years and we may have QHD as standard on all phones. The LG G3 has QHD display and I'm curious how it'll catch on.

It's still cool to have such a high res display. Kudos to technology.
I'm sorry, there's no phone that now can hold 2days or plus battery, 90% of them only holds up to 1 day of use, I don't see why you guys argue so much! damn

Nokia has the best cameras, now when they're putting some even more killing screens with a better processor (people argued about snapdragon 800 on 930, because there's already a 801), and 3d technolgy, I just don't know what you guys want, for christ sake, I'm tired to enter this forum daily and see people arguing about a phone that may never exist, just stop arguing and accept the changes, they're AWESOME, better screen, 3d technology, better camera, better processor, faster graphics, christ sake, what do you want more? a phone that makes your food?!
Agree overall very much. But have to mention the Symbian n8 my friend gets 2 days easy with it using it a lot, vidoes, GPS, Internet. The sad thing is that phone can do more than most new phones. And other things no current phone under ms, apple, or google can. Its like we've gone back or in many ways.
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While I wish this phone was here sooner, November is the longest I am willing to wait for a flagship device on T-Mobile. As the rumors state, T-Mobile is supposed to be in the pipeline for getting this awesome beast. I'm excited! But if this turns out not to be the case I will most certainly be joining the Android family.
You can have all your fingerprint sensors, QHD & 3D touch or whatever new gimmick comes along ...

If it's 8PM and you need to check your updates, take (show) a picture, sync your email, etc. & your phone is damn near dead, what good is it. Battery life (w onboard storage / sdcard a close second) is the elephant in the room - one solid day (w/o compromises) of a high end (not necessarily the highest, say a 4 out of 5) spec'd phone will win the battle. So smartphone makers have some R&D / Development to go ...

A phone (phablet) that gives you 24 hours of normal (18 of heavy) usage is the key here, because most of us shutdown daily to recharge - our bodies & our phones.
Let me explain it for the 100th time:

- Microsoft Mobile can use the Nokia name for a period, yes. As long as they have the current Nokia phones with them. What Eflop means with the "period" is that, obviously, all Nokia devices until the 25th April will NOT be rebranded. The Nokia L1020 remains the Nokia L1020. And Microsoft CAN use the Nokia brand to promote the Nokia L1020. Same for all the other devices in the current portfolio.

What Microsoft CAN'T do is use the Nokia brand on any other future Lumia devices. Meanwing, every smartphone that is presented and released AFTER the 25th of April can NOT use the Nokia brand anymore. So basically, the 930 will be the last Lumia to come with the Nokia branding in it. This Goldfinger along with any other Lumia, will be already released without the Nokia branding in them. IF there's ANY Nokia branding in the phone, that branding may be used in connection to PureView Cameras, since the PureView technology remains in the hands of Nokia.

You will not see Goldfinger released under the Nokia brand. It will come under the Lumia brand and any other brand Microsoft decides to eventually use (Surface Lumia, Microsoft Lumia, Xbox Lumia, Lumia Bill, whatever). The camera *could* come with a Nokia logo next to it for PureView phones...but it's unlikely to happen since, if that happens, then Nokia will also be allowed to license the Nokia brand in any future Apple product that may use the PureView tech (which is now available for licensing...and remember Apple snatched a senior member of the ex-Nokia D&S PureView team). And the deal stated that Nokia can't lend its brand to smartphones until 31st December 2015. The terms of the deal are a bit vague but in any case, if they can't lend to anyone, "anyone" includes Microsoft.
While I believe what you have stated was the terms of the original deal when it was announced that Microsoft was buying Nokia, I think this may have changed. At the time of the announcement it was said that Microsoft could only use the Nokia name on feature phones, however at the time the deal closed and a number of amendments to the original deal were made such as the factory issue in India, they came out and said the Microsoft had licensed the Nokia name for smartphones for a limited period of time also.

I don't think you should be stating things as fact when things are not so clear after more recent evidence and are very likely to have changed from the original announcement. Pretty sure the PureView team moved over to Microsoft too as they bought all the device manufacturing departments and patents.
Infamy you are correct. Besides I really dont get why some try to bring up a phone name in a negative. As if there is something wrong with the nokia name being used. Usually in sales the purchasers always buy the rights for a period of time to help smoothly transfer over, its no biggie I actually like the nokia name.

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